Superfund Research Program
Interdisciplinary Training Core
Project Leader: Nipavan Chiamvimonvat
Co-Investigator: Frank J. Loge
Grant Number: P42ES004699
Funding Period: 1995-2023
Project-Specific Links
Final Progress Reports
The overall goal of the Training Core is to produce doctoral-level scientists and engineers with the breadth of expertise necessary to address the complex research problems posed by hazardous waste sites. Activities in the Training Core are organized through the Training Committee, consisting of five Superfund faculty and investigators (Alan Buckpitt, Ph.D.; Shirley Gee, Ph.D.; Pam Lein, Ph.D.; Bob Rice, Ph.D.; and Kate Scow, Ph.D.;) who have considerable experience in graduate and postdoctoral education and whose expertise spans the disciplinary scope of the Superfund program. All are also closely connected with other toxicology programs on campus. The UC Davis Superfund Training committee selected seven highly qualified pre-doctoral and five postdoctoral trainees to receive research assistantships, non-resident tuition waivers and enrichment funds to support during the current budget year. Criteria for selection included documented credentials (grade transcripts, recommendation letters) and relevance of interests and/or proposed research to the mission of the UC Davis Superfund Research Program. The awards were spread throughout the disciplines represented in the program. Thirteen additional graduate students and eleven post-doctoral scholars are supported directly from projects and cores. The training committee monitors progress for Superfund trainees and keeps files on each student, trainee recruitment and selection, program monitoring and oversight, and enrichment activity information that are maintained in the Superfund administrative office.
Trainees are encouraged to attend and participate in the program monthly meetings, which include the project leaders, senior investigators and research teams. In addition, trainees participated in community outreach events including Russell Ranch Field Day, Explore-IT Final Summer Blast, Oregon State University's Science Day, and UC Davis Picnic Day. Two trainees (Sean Kodani and Candace Bever) were selected for the Discovery Museum's Science Communication Fellowship. Trainees gave presentations to CalEPA and Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE) with Boston University.
UC Davis trainees were invited to participate in the Superfund Research Program's 27th Annual Meeting held in San Jose, California. 7 trainees presented a total of 7 posters. Of the poster presentations, graduate student trainee Sarah Carratt was awarded a best poster presentation award for her contribution. Additionally, Kin Sing Stephen Lee, Ph.D., won a coveted National Institute of Health K99 Award entitled "Identifying the Receptors of Environmentally Sensitive Epoxy-Eicosanoids with AMS", and Jin Hee Han's research on biosensor technology is the basis for food-technology startup SonanuTech, Inc., with the goals of enabling rapid and ultrasensitive pathogen detection for cheese manufacturers.