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Final Progress Reports: University of Albany - SUNY: PCBs and the Well-being of Mohawk Children and Youth, Growth, Development and Cognitive Behavioral Functioning

Superfund Research Program

PCBs and the Well-being of Mohawk Children and Youth, Growth, Development and Cognitive Behavioral Functioning

Project Leader: Lawrence M. Schell
Grant Number: P42ES004913
Funding Period: 1995 - 2000
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Final Progress Reports

Year:   1999 

There are two general objectives of this research: 1) to identify the effects of PCB body burden on the physical growth, maturation and cognitive development of children and youth; and 2) to identify the role of body composition, specifically fat stores, in determining the level of PCBs in circulation and as a modifier of their effects.

Data Collection
As of March 31, 2000 the staff at Akwesasne had interviewed a total of 279 mother/child participants for Project 1. As of June 1, 2000, the staff at the University at Albany have entered data collected from 278 participants= interviews and anthropometric measurements (maternal fish consumption, adolescents= diets, socio-demographic data, height, weight and body composition measures, sexual maturation scale, alcohol and cigarette use). Cognitive and behavioral assessment data have been entered on a smaller number (n=275).

Laboratory Analyses
As of June 1, 2000 the staff at SUNY Albany has received 239 PCB results on 106 different congeners (this includes HCB, mirex and DDE), 133 clinical chemistry results (Free T4, T4, T3, TSH, testosterone, estradiol, cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, gamma glutamyultransferease, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, cholinesterase, and ferritin). Blood lead and mercury levels are known for 170 participants.

Statistical Analyses
Currently, researchers have both clinical chemistry results and PCB results for 120 participants. Analysis of ages at attainment of Tanner Stages of sexual maturation is underway as is an analysis of the relationship between PCB levels and the levels of testosterone and estradiol. When data entry and checking of all school records and assessments of cognition and behavior are complete, researchers will analyze the relationships among PCBs, thyroid hormones, cognitive/behavioral performance, physical growth and maturation, and other toxicants.

Community Outreach
Community outreach has consisted of 1) dissemination to participants of results from anthropometric examinations, psychological assessments, and laboratory analyses of clinical chemistries, metals and PCBs, and 2) several presentations of preliminary results (updates) at meetings of the Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment, the body responsible for study of environmental quality and connections between the environment and the health of the community.

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