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Project Publications: University of Arizona: Bioavailability, Soil Heterogeneity, and In-Situ Biodegradation of Organic Contaminants

Superfund Research Program

Bioavailability, Soil Heterogeneity, and In-Situ Biodegradation of Organic Contaminants

Project Leader: Mark L. Brusseau
Grant Number: P42ES004940
Funding Period: 1995 - 2000
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  • Brusseau ML, Nelson NT, Oostrom M, Zhang Z, Johnson GR, Wietsma TW. 2000. Influence of heterogeneity and sampling method on aqueous concentrations associated with NAPL dissolution. Environ Sci Technol 34(17):3657-3664.


  • Brusseau ML, Hu MQ, Wang J, Maier RM. 1999. Biodegradation during contaminant transport in porous media: 2. The influence of physicochemical factors. Environ Sci Technol 33(1):96-103.
  • Brusseau ML, Hu Q, Nelson NT, Cain RB. 1999. A diffusive tracer-test method for investigating the influence of mass transfer processes on field-scale solute transport. In: Innovative Subsurface Remediation: Field Testing of Physical, Chemical, and Characterization Technologies. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. pp.chapter18.
  • Brusseau ML, Piatt JJ, Wang J, Hu MQ. 1999. A biotracer test for characterizing the in situ biodegradation potential associated with subsurface systems. In: Innovative Subsurface Remediation: Field Testing of Physical, Chemical, and Characterization Technologies. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. pp.chapter17.
  • Brusseau ML, Rohrer J, Decker T, Nelson NT, Linderfelt WR. 1999. Contaminant Transport and Fate in a Source Zone of a Chlorinated-Solvent Contaminated Superfund Site: Overview and Initial Results of an Advanced Site Characterization Project. In: Innovative Subsurface Remediation: Field Testing of Physical, Chemical, and Characterization Technologies. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. pp.chapter19.
  • Nelson NT, Brusseau ML, Carlson TD, Costanza MS, Young MH, Johnson GR, Wierenga PJ. 1999. A gas-phase partitioning tracer method for the in situ measurement of soil-water content. Water Resour Res 35(12):3699-3707.
  • Wang J, Brusseau ML. 1999. Cyclopentanol-enhanced solubilization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by cyclodextrins. In: Proceedings of the American Chemical Society National Meetings, Environmental Chemistry Division. Anaheim, CA. pp.47-50.
  • Wang J, Brusseau ML, Maier RM. 1999. Biodegradation of nonionic organic compounds complexed with cyclodextrins. In: Proceedings of the American Chemical Society National Meetings, Environmental Chemistry Division. Anaheim, CA. pp.416-417.
  • Zhang Z, Brusseau ML. 1999. Nonideal transport of reactive solutes in heterogeneous porous media: 5. Simulating regional-scale behavior of a trichloroethene plume during pump-and-treat remediation. Water Resour Res 35(10):2921-2935.


  • Bai G, Brusseau ML, Maier RM. 1998. Influence of cation type, ionic strength and pH on solubilization and mobilization of residual hydrocarbon by a biosurfactant. J Contam Hydrol 30:265-279.
  • Boving TB, Brusseau ML. 1998. Performance of several solubilization-enhancing agents under comparable laboratory conditions. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 1998.
  • Boving TB, Wang X, Brusseau ML. 1998. Use of cyclodextrins for remediation of solvent contaminated porous media. In: Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection, Proceedings of an International Conference of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences. Tubingen, Germany.
  • Brusseau ML. 1998. Contaminant transport and fate in a source zone of a chlorinated-solvent contaminated Superfund site: Results of laboratory and field experiments. In: Proceedings of the NIEHS/EPA (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/Environmental Protection Agency) Superfund Basic Research Program Meeting. Berkeley, CA.
  • Brusseau ML. 1998. Nonideal transport of reactive solutes in heterogenous porous media: 3. Analyzing field data with mathematical models. Ground Water 209(1-4):147-165.
  • Brusseau ML. 1998. The impact of heterogeneity on field-scale reactive solute transport: Lessons learned from the Borden and Cape Cod Natural-Gradient Studies. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 1998.
  • Brusseau ML. 1998. The use of cyclodextrin for subsurface remediation. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 1998.
  • Brusseau ML, Snyder SK. 1998. The influence of couple physical/chemical processes on the transport of biodegradable solutes. Soil Science Society of America Journal
  • Brusseau ML, Wang X, Boving TB. 1998. In Situ remediation of subsurface systems contaminated by mixed wastes. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 1998.
  • Hu MQ, Brusseau ML. 1998. Coupled effects of nonlinear, rate-limited sorption and biodegradation on transport of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in soil. Environ Toxicol Chem 17(9):1673-1680.
  • Ji W, Brusseau ML. 1998. A general mathematical model for chemical-enhanced flushing of soil contaminated by organic compounds. Water Resour Res 34(7):1635-1648.
  • Lamoreaux RD, Boving TB, Brusseau ML. 1998. Chemically enhanced mass removal of aged and immiscible-liquid phase TCE from aquifer material. In: Proceedings of the NIEHS/EPA (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/Environmental Protection Agency) Superfund Basic Research Program Meeting. Berkeley, CA.
  • Lamoreaux RD, Brusseau ML. 1998. Chemically enhanced mass removal of aged TCE from aquifer material. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 1998.
  • Nelson NT, Brusseau ML, Young MH, Carlson TD, Wierenga PJ. 1998. Demonstration of a gas-phase partitioning tracer test for the in situ measurement of soil water content. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 1998.
  • Piatt JJ, Brusseau ML. 1998. Biotracer tests for characterizing biodegradation potential in the subsurface. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 1998.
  • Snyder SK, Brusseau ML, Jordan FL, Maier RM. 1998. The impact of bacterial cell growth and metabolic lag on the transport and biodegradation of organic compounds. In: Proceedings of the NIEHS/EPA (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/Environmental Protection Agency) Superfund Basic Research Program Meeting. Berkeley, CA.
  • Snyder SK, Brusseau ML, Jordan FL, Maier RM. 1998. The impact of bacterial cell growth and metabolic lag on the transport and biodegradation of organic compounds. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 1998.
  • Wang X, Brusseau ML. 1998. Pyrophosphate-enhanced dechlorination of tetrachloroethene by the Fenton Reaction. Environ Toxicol Chem 17(9):1689-1694.
  • Zhang Z, Brusseau ML. 1998. Modeling regional-scale transport of trichloroethene in a contaminated aquifer undergoing pump and treat remediation. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 1998.


  • Brusseau ML. 1997. The impact of coupled physical, chemical and biological factors on biodegradation: Implications for in situ bioremediation. In: Proceedings of an International Conference on Biotechnology for Soil Remediation. Milan, Italy.
  • Brusseau ML. 1997. Using cyclodextrin for in situ remediation of petroleum contamination. In: Proceedings of the American Chemical Society National Meetings, Environmental Chemistry Division. San Francisco, CA.
  • Brusseau ML, Piatt JJ, Hu MQ, Wang J. 1997. The use of biotracers for measuring biodegradation potential in the subsurface. In: Proceedings of the American Chemical Society National Meetings, Environmental Chemistry Division. San Francisco, CA. pp.250-251.
  • Brusseau ML, Srivastava R. 1997. Nonideal transport of reactive solutes in heterogenous porous media: 2. Quantitative analysis of the Borden Natural-gradient Field Experiment. J Contam Hydrol 28(1-2):115-155.
  • Brusseau ML, Wang X, Wang W. 1997. Simultaneous elution of heavy metals and organic compounds from soil by cyclodextrin. Environ Sci Technol 31(4):1087-1092.
  • Gupta K, Hu MQ, Brusseau ML. 1997. Advanced characterization of a Superfund site: Effect of core-scale heterogeneity on trichloroethene transport. In: Proceedings of the American Chemical Society National Meetings, Environmental Chemistry Division. San Francisco, CA. pp.257-258.
  • Ji W, Brusseau ML, McCray JE. 1997. Modeling of cyclodextrin-enhanced remediation of a NAPL-contaminated aquifer. In: Proceedings of the American Chemical Society National Meetings, Environmental Chemistry Division. San Francisco, CA. pp.251-253.
  • Piatt JJ, Wang J, Brusseau ML. 1997. The effect of scale on the transport of a biodegradable solute. In: Proceedings of the American Chemical Society National Meetings, Environmental Chemistry Division. San Francisco, CA. pp.254-255.
  • Putz DK, Brusseau ML. 1997. Advanced characteristics of a Superfund site: Effect of contact time on transport and removal of trichloroethene. In: Proceedings of the American Chemical Society National Meetings, Environmental Chemistry Division. San Francisco, CA. pp.258-259.


  • Brusseau ML. 1996. Analysis of reactive transport for the Borden Natural-Gradient Experiment. In: Proceedings of the Geological Society of America National Meeting. Denver, CO.
  • Srivastava R, Brusseau ML. 1996. Nonideal transport of reactive solutes in heterogeneous porous media: 1. Numerical model development and moments analysis. J Contam Hydrol 24(2):117-143.
  • Xu L, Brusseau ML. 1996. Semi-analytical solution for solute transport in porous media with multiple spatially variable reaction processes. Water Resour Res 32(7):1985-1991.


  • Brusseau ML. 1995. The effect of nonlinear sorption on transformation of contaminants during transport in porous media. J Contam Hydrol 17:277-291.
  • Srivastava R, Brusseau ML. 1995. Darcy velocity computations in the finite element method for multidimensional randomly heterogenous porous media. Adv Water Resour 18(4):191-201.
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Last Reviewed: October 17, 2024