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Program Publications: Cornell University: Cornell Superfund Basic Research and Education Program

Superfund Research Program

Cornell Superfund Basic Research and Education Program

Center Director: James W. Gillett
Grant Number: P42ES005950
Funding Period: 1992-2000
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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  • Lee PH, VerBerkmoes NC, Andersen GL, Zinder SH, Alvarez-Cohen L. 2009. "Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of Dehalococcoides ethenogenes Strain 195 under nitrogen limitation". In: 109th general meeting of American Society for Microbiology. Philadelphia, PA.
  • Men Y, Harding KC, Feil H, Andersen GL, Zinder SH, Alvarez-Cohen L. 2009. Application of molecular and analytical tools to track enrichment of reductive dechlorination cultures from a TCE-contaminated groundwater site. In: ASM 109th General Meeting. Philadelphia,


  • Feil H, Men Y, Zinder SH, Andersen GL, Alvarez-Cohen L. 2008. Differential expression by Dehalococcoides ethenogenes 195 growing syntrophically with Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough or In tri-culture with Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough and Methanobacterium congolense. In: Annual Meeting, December 7-9. Pacific Grove, CA.
  • Johnson DR, Brodie EL, Hubbard AE, Andersen GL, Zinder SH, Alvarez-Cohen L. 2008. Temporal transcriptomic microarray analysis of "Dehalococcoides ethenogenes" strain 195 during the transition into stationary phase. Appl Environ Microbiol 74(9):2864-2872. doi:10.1128/AEM.02208-07 PMID:18310438 PMCID:PMC2394897


  • Quimby FW, Casey AC, Arquette MF. 2005. From dogs to frogs: how pets, laboratory animals, and wildlife aided in elucidating harmful effects arising from a hazardous dumpsite. ILAR J 46(4):364-369. PMID:16179745


  • Chen S, Golemboski KA, Piepenbrink M, Dietert RR. 2004. Developmental immunotoxicity of lead in the rat: influence of maternal diet. J Toxicol Environ Health A 67(6):495-511. PMID:14742095
  • Driscoll LL, Carroll JC, Moon J, Crnic LS, Levitsky DA, Strupp BJ. 2004. Imparied sustained attention and error-induced stereotypy in the aged Ts65Dn mouse: a mouse model of Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease. Behav Neurosci 118(6):1196-1205. PMID:15598129
  • Stangle DE, Strawderman MS, Smith D, Kuypers M, Strupp BJ. 2004. Reductions in blood lead overestimate reductions in brain lead following repeated succimer regimens in a rodent model of chilhood lead exposure. Environ Health Perspect 112(3):302-308.


  • Lee J, Dietert RR. 2003. Developmental immunotoxicity of lead: impact on thymic function. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 67(10):861-867. doi:10.1002/bdra.10092 PMID:14745939


  • Alexander RR, Tang J, Alexander M. 2002. Genotoxicity is unrelated to total concentration of priority carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils undergoing biological treatment. J Environ Qual 31(1):150-154. PMID:11837418
  • Lee J, Naqi SA, Kao E, Dietert RR. 2002. Embryonic exposure to lead: comparison of immune and cellular responses in unchallenged and virally stressed chickens. Arch Toxicol 75(11-12):717-724. PMID:11876505
  • Liste H, Alexander M. 2002. Butanol extraction to predict bioavailability of PAHs in soil. Chemosphere 46(7):1011-1017. PMID:11999764
  • Savage WK, Quimby FW, DeCaprio AP. 2002. Lethal and sublethal effects of polychlorinated biphenyls on rana sylvatica tadpoles. Environ Toxicol Chem 21(1):168-174. PMID:11804051
  • Tang J, Liste H, Alexander M. 2002. Chemical assays of availability to earthworms of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil. Chemosphere 48(1):35-42. PMID:12137055


  • Bunn TL. 2001. The influence of age and gender on the developmental immunotoxicity of lead. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
  • Bunn TL, Ladics GS, Holsapple MP, Dietert RR. 2001. Developmental immunotoxicology assessment in the rat: age, gender and strain comparisons after exposure to lead. Toxicology Methods 11:1-18.
  • Bunn TL, Parsons PJ, Kao E, Dietert RR. 2001. Exposure to lead during critical windows of embryonic development: differential immunotoxic outcome based on stage of exposure and gender. Toxicol Sci 64:57-66. PMID:11606801
  • Kottler BD, Alexander M. 2001. Relationship of properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to sequestration in soil. Environ Pollut 113(3):293-298. PMID:11428137
  • Kottler BD, White JC, Kelsey JW. 2001. Influence of soil moisture on the sequestration of organic compounds in soil. Chemosphere 42(8):893-898. PMID:11272911
  • Lee J, Chen S, Golemboski KA, Parsons PJ, Dietert RR. 2001. Developmental windows of differential lead-induced immunotoxicity in chickens. Toxicology 156(2-3):161-170. PMID:11164618
  • Liu A, Ahn I, Mansfield C, Lion LW, Shuler ML, Ghiorse WC. 2001. Phenanthrene desorption from soil in the presence of bacterial extracellular polymer: Observations and model predictions of dynamic behavior. Water Res 35(3):835-843. PMID:11228983
  • Morgan RE, Garavan H, Smith EG, Driscoll LL, Levitsky DA, Strupp BJ. 2001. Early lead exposure produces lasting changes in sustained attention, response initiation, and reactivity to errors. Neurotoxicol Teratol 23(6):519-531. PMID:11792522
  • Nam K, Alexander M. 2001. Relationship between biodegradation rate and percentage of a compound that becomes sequestered in soil. Soil Biol Biochem 33:787-792.


  • Bayer LE, Brown AP, Mactutus CF, Booze RM, Strupp BJ. 2000. Prenatal cocaine exposure increases sensitivity to the attentional effects of the dopamine D1 agonist SKF81297. J Neurosci 20(23):8902-8908. PMID:11102500
  • Beaudin S, White TL, Hermer-Vasquez L, Strangle D, Strupp BJ. 2000. Enduring attentional dysfunction following a short period of early postnatal lead exposure: Evidence for an inverted U-shaped dose-response curve. Neurotoxicol Teratol 22:459.
  • Bunn TL, Ladics GS, Holsapple MP, Dietert RR. 2000. Developmental immunotoxicology assessment in the rat: age, gender, and strain comparisons. Toxicol Sci 54:10.
  • Bunn TL, Marsh JA, Dietert RR. 2000. Gender differences in developmental immunotoxicicty to lead in the chicken: analysis following a single early low-level exposure in ovo. J Toxicol Environ Health A 61(8):677-693. PMID:11132697
  • Bushnell PJ, Marrocco RT, Strupp BJ, Sarter MF, Levin ED, Warburton DH. 2000. Attention as a target of intoxication; Insights and methods from studies of drug abuse. Neurotoxicol Teratol 22(4):487-502. PMID:10974587
  • Chen S, Golemboski KA, Dietert RR. 2000. Embryonic exposure to lead modulates Th1/Th2 associated immune functions and is influenced by developmental status. Toxicol Sci 49(1-S):5.
  • Clark HA. 2000. Evaluating Citizen Participation In A Military Base Cleanup Context: A Study of the Seneca Army Depot RAB. M.S. Thesis, Graduate Field of Natural Resources, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
  • Dees PM, Ghiorse WC. 2000. Sequence analysis of rRNA genes from hot compost reveals a predominance of Gram-positive bacteria. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.
  • Dees PM, Ghiorse WC. 2000. The value of DGGE for analysis of community diversity in hot compost. In: Proceedings of the American Society for Microbiology Conference on Microbial Biodiversity. Chicago, IL.
  • Garavan H, Morgan RE, Levitsky DA, Hermer-Vasquez L, Strupp BJ. 2000. Enduring effects of early lead exposure: Evidence for a specific deficit in associative ability. Neurotoxicol Teratol 22(2):151-164. PMID:10758344
  • Garavan H, Morgan RE, Mactutus CF, Levitsky DA, Booze RM, Strupp BJ. 2000. Prenatal cocaine exposure impairs selective attention: evidence from serial reversal and extradimensional shift tasks. Behav Neurosci 114(4):725-738. PMID:10959532
  • Hohnstock AM, Stuart-Keil KG, Kull EE, Madsen EL. 2000. Naphthalene and donor cell density influence field conjugation of naphthalene catabolism plasmids. Appl Environ Microbiol 66(7):3088-3092. PMID:10877811
  • Kim JY, Cohen C, Shuler ML, Lion LW. 2000. The use of amphiphilic particles for in situ extraction of sorbed phenanthrene from a contaminated aquifer material. Environ Sci Technol 34(19):4133-4139.
  • Korytko PJ, Quimby FW, Scott JG. 2000. Metabolism of phenanthrene by house fly CYP6D1 and dog liver cytochrome P450. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 14(1):20-25. PMID:10561078
  • Lee J, Naqui SA, Dietert RR. 2000. Embryonic windows of increased vulnerability to Pb-induced immunotoxicity during avian development. Toxicol Sci 54(1):9.
  • Lion LW, Liu A, Ahn I, Shuler ML. 2000. Bacterial Modification of Contaminant Fate and Transport in Soils. In: Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Environmental Microbiology. Javeriana University, Bogota, Colombia. pp.93-100.
  • Madsen EL. 2000. Nucleic-acid characterization of the identity and activity of subsurface microorganisms. Hydrogeology Journal 8(1):112-125. doi:10.1007/s100400050012
  • Madsen EL, Yager R, Plummer SM. 2000. Petroleum hydrocarbons native to a fractured aquifer may serve as electron donors for in situ reductive dechlorination of trichloroethenes contamination. In: Proceedings of the American Society of Microbiology Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA. pp.569.
  • Morgan RE, Levitsky DA, Strupp BJ. 2000. Effects of chronic lead exposure on learning and reaction time in a visual discrimination task. Neurotoxicol Teratol 22(3):337-345. PMID:10840177
  • Morrison DE, Robertson BK, Alexander M. 2000. Bioavailability to earthworms of aged DDT, DDE, DDD, and dieldrin in soil. Environ Sci Technol 34(4):709-713. doi:10.1021/es9909879
  • Strangle D, Beaudin S, White TL, Hermer-Vasquez L, Strupp BJ. 2000. The effects of early postnatal lead exposure on selective attention. Neurotoxicol Teratol 22:456.
  • Strupp BJ, Driscoll LL, Beaudin S, Hermer-Vasquez L, Garavan H, Levitsky DA. 2000. Early lead (Pb) exposure: the emerging cognitive profile. Neurotoxicol Teratol 21(3):332-333.
  • White TL, Hermer-Vasquez L, Beaudin S, Strangle D, Strupp BJ. 2000. Long-term effects of early postnatal lead exposure on extradimensional shift performance. Neurotoxicol Teratol A22:456.


  • Ahn I, Ghiorse WC, Lion LW, Shuler ML. 1999. Independent prediction of naphthalene desorption and transport in porous media with a hybrid. Environ Sci Technol 33(18):3241-3248.
  • Ahn I, Lion LW, Shuler ML. 1999. Validation of a hybrid "two-site"/"gamma" model for naphthalene desorption kinetics. Environ Sci Technol 33(18):3241-3248.
  • Alexander RR, Alexander M. 1999. Genotoxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon declines as they age in soil. Environ Toxicol Chem 18:1140-1143.
  • Alexander RR, Chung N, Alexander M. 1999. Solid-phase genotoxicity assay for organic compounds in soil. Environ Toxicol Chem 18:420-425.
  • Bunn TL, Marsh JA, Golemboski KA, Dietert RR. 1999. Gender-based differential humoral responses to a foreign versus self antigen after in ovo lead exposure. Toxicol Sci 48(1-S):5.
  • Casey AC, Berger D, Lombardo JP, Hunt A, Quimby FW. 1999. Aroclor 1242 inhalation and ingestion by Sprague-Dawley rats. J Toxicol Environ Health A 56(5):311-342. PMID:10094245
  • Chen S. 1999. The Developmental Immunotoxicity of Lead and the Influence of Other Factors. Ph.D. Dissertation, Graduate Field of Immunology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
  • Chen S, Golemboski KA, Sanders FS, Dietert RR. 1999. Persistent effects of in utero meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) on immune function and lead-induced immunotoxicity. Toxicology 132(1):67-79. doi:10.1016/S0300-483X(98)00139-5 PMID:10199582
  • Chung N, Alexander M. 1999. Effect of concentration on sequestration and bioavailability of two polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Environ Sci Technol 33:3605-3608.
  • Chung N, Alexander M. 1999. Relationship between nanoporosity and other properties in soil. Soil Science 164:726-730.
  • Driscoll LL, Gardiner SA, Beaudin S, Strupp BJ. 1999. Enduring effects of early lead exposure in a vigilence test: Contribution of cholinergic alterations. Neurotoxicol Teratol 21(3):331.
  • Driscoll LL, Strupp BJ. 1999. Lead exposure produces subsensitivity to the motor but not the mnemonic effects of MK-801. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25(1):634.
  • Driscoll LL, Wu JJ, Zurich KJ, Strupp BJ. 1999. Chronic lead exposure alters explicit memory function. Toxicol Sci 48(1-S):360.
  • Eaglesharm B, Nelson YM, Lion LW, Shuler ML, Ghiorse WC. 1999. Development of light and electron microscope methods for study of the microscale distribution of heavy metal adsorption sites in Cayuga Lake biofilms. In: Proceedings of the International Symposia for Environmental Biogeochemistry: Interfacial Processes from the Molecular to the Global Scale. Huntsville, Ontario, Canada.
  • Korytko PJ, Casey AC, Bush B, Quimby FW. 1999. Induction of hepatic cytochrome P450 in dogs exposed to a chronic low dose of polychlorinated biphenyls. Toxicol Sci 47(1):52-61. PMID:10048153
  • Loeb W, Quimby FW. 1999. The Clinical Chemistry of Laboratory Animals, Second Edition. In: Taylor and Francis. Philadelphia, PA. Taylor and Francis, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Miller DN, Bryant JE, Madsen EL, Ghiorse WC. 1999. Evaluation and optimization of DNA extraction and purification procedures for soil and sediment samples. Appl Environ Microbiol 65(11):4715-4724. PMID:10543776
  • Miller DN, Ghiorse WC, Yavitt JB. 1999. Seasonal patterns and controls on methane and carbon dioxide fluxes in forested swamp pools. Geomicrobiol J 16:325-331.
  • Miller DN, Ghiorse WC, Zinder SH. 1999. High purity 14CH4 generation using the thermophilic acetotrophic methanogen Methanothrix sp. strain CALS-1. J Microbiol Methods 35(2):151-156. PMID:10192047
  • Nelson YM, Lion LW, Ghiorse WC, Shuler ML. 1999. Production of biogenic Mn oxides by Leptothrix discophora SS-1 in a chemically defined growth medium and evaluation of their Pb absorption characteristics. Appl Environ Microbiol 65:175-180. PMID:9872777
  • Nelson YM, Lion LW, Shuler ML, Ghiorse WC. 1999. Lead binding to metal oxide and organic phases of natural aquatic biofilms. Limnology and Oceanography 44(7):1715-1729.
  • Roch F, Vedy J. 1999. Modulation of metabolic activity prevents degradation of sorbed toluene. Chemosphere 38(8):1797-1810. PMID:10101849
  • Savage WK, Quimby FW. 1999. Effects of PCB Contaminated Sediment on Larval Amphibian Growth and Development. In: Proceedings of the Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Meeting. St. Louis, MO.
  • Strupp BJ, Morgan RE, Garavan H. 1999. Enduring effects of early lead exposure: Assessment of sustained attention, inhibitory control, and information processing speed. Toxicol Sci 48(1-S):360.
  • Tang J, Alexander M. 1999. Mild extractability and bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil. Environ Toxicol Chem 18:2711-2714.
  • Tang J, Robertson BK, Alexander M. 1999. Chemical-extraction methods to estimate bioavailability of DDT, DDE, and DDD in soil. Environ Sci Technol 33:4346-4351.
  • Thurmond TS, Silverstone AW, Baggs RB, Quimby FW, Staples JE, Gasiewcz TA. 1999. A chimeric Ah receptor knockout mouse model indicates that hematopoietic cells contribute to the hepatic lesions induced by 2,3, 7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 158:33-40. PMID:10387930
  • Twersky T, Reimers T, Quimby FW. 1999. Changes in pituitary lactotrope numbers and prolactin secretion in dogs exposed to PCBs. Superfund Notes 5(1):1-5.
  • White JC, Alexander M, Pignatello JJ. 1999. Enhancing the bioavailability of organic compounds sequestered in soil and aquifer solids. Environ Toxicol Chem 18:182-187.
  • White JC, Hunter M, Pignatello JJ, Alexander M. 1999. Increase in the bioavailability of aged phenanthrene in soils by competitive displacement with pyrene. Environ Toxicol Chem 18:728-732.
  • Wilson MS, Bakermans C, Madsen EL. 1999. In situ, real-time catabolic gene expression: extraction and characterization of naphthalene dioxygenaase mRNA transcripts from groundwater. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 65:80-87. PMID:9872763


  • Ahn I. 1998. Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Verification of Naphthalene Transport and Biodegradation in Soil. Ph.D. Dissertation, Graduate Field of Chemical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
  • Ahn I, Ghiorse WC, Lion LW, Shuler ML. 1998. Growth kinetics of Pseudomonas putida G7 on naphthalene and occurrence of naphthalene toxicity during nutrient deprivation. Biotechnol Bioeng 59(5):587-594. PMID:10099376
  • Bunn TL, Golemboski KA, Dietert RR. 1998. In utero exposure to lead modulates Th1/Th2 associated functions and is influenced by gender. Toxicol Sci 42(1-S):206.
  • Carroquino MJ, Alexander M. 1998. Factors affecting the biodegradation of phenanthrene initially dissolved in different nonaqueous-phase liquids. Environ Toxicol Chem 17:265-270.
  • Chung N, Alexander M. 1998. Differences in sequestration and bioavailability of organic compounds aged in dissimilar soils. Environ Sci Technol 32:855-860.
  • Cremin JD, Olsen HE, Seaton C, Woolard D, Littles S, Strupp BJ, Smith DR. 1998. Effects of neo-natal Pb exposure on protein kinase C (PKC) in rat brain regions. Toxicol Sci 42:27.
  • Cremin JD, Olsen HE, Strupp BJ, Smith DR. 1998. Pb Effects on brain region protein kinase C (PKC) in a neo-natal rat model. Neurotoxicol Teratol 20:362-363.
  • Dietert RR, Hedge A. 1998. Chemical sensitivity and the immune system: a paradigm to approach potential immune involvement. Neurotoxicol Teratol 19:253-258. PMID:9553962
  • Driscoll LL, Gilbert ME, Strupp BJ. 1998. Cholinergic and noradrenergic modulation of long-term explicit memory are altered by chronic low-level lead exposure. Neurotoxicol Teratol 20:362-363.
  • Higley M, Hermer-Vasquez L, Strupp BJ. 1998. Recovery of function following early lesions of the amygdala. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24(2):
  • Johnson WP, Cabral K, Lion LW, Corapcioglu YM. 1998. Reconciliation of expressions for the modified retardation factor and incorporation of non-linear effects. J Contam Hydrol 32:247-266.
  • Kottler BD. 1998. Properties of Compounds That Correlate with Time-Dependent Reductions of Availability in Soil. Ph.D. Dissertation, Graduate Field of Environmental Toxicology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
  • Kyoungphile N. 1998. Effect of Organic Matter and Nanopores in the Bioavailability and Sequestration of Phenantherene in Soil and Soil Models. Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
  • Lorden SW, Chen W, Lion LW. 1998. Experiments and modeling of the transport of trichloroethene vapor in unsaturated aquifer material. Environ Sci Technol 32(13):2009-2017.
  • Madsen EL. 1998. Epistemology of environmental microbiology. Environ Sci Technol 32:429-439.
  • Madsen EL. 1998. Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Bioremediation: The Influence of microbiological processes on organic compounds in field sites. In: Techniques in Microbial Ecology. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. pp.354-407.
  • Miller TE, Golemboski KA, Ha R, Bunn TL, Sanders FS, Dietert RR. 1998. Developmental exposure to lead causes persistent immunotoxicity in Fischer 344 rats. Toxicol Sci 42(2):129-135. PMID:9579025
  • Mufti NA, Shuler ML. 1998. Different In vitro systems affect CYPIA1 activity in response to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Toxicol In Vitro 12:259-272. PMID:20654408
  • Nam K, Alexander M. 1998. Role of nanoporosity and hydrophobicity in sequestration and bioavailability: tests with model solids. Environ Sci Technol 32:71-74.
  • Nam K, Chung N, Alexander M. 1998. Relationship between organic matter content of soil and the sequestration of phenanthrene. Environ Sci Technol 32:3785-3788.
  • Olsen J, Quimby FW. 1998. In vitro Model for PCB-induced Immunosuppression. In: Proceedings of the NIEHS/EPA (National Institute Environmental Health Sciences/Environmental Protection Agency) Superfund Basic Research Program Conference, 1998. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA.
  • Patton L, Smith DR, Strupp BJ. 1998. Evaluation of succimer chelation in removing lead (Pb) from brain, bone, kidney and blood: Effects of treatment duration and body lead burden. Neurotoxicol Teratol 20:363.
  • Robertson BK, Alexander M. 1998. Sequestration of DDT and dieldrin in soil: Disappearance of acute toxicity but not the compounds. Environ Toxicol Chem 17:1034-1038.
  • Smith DR, Bayer LE, Strupp BJ. 1998. Efficacy of succimer chelation for reducing brain Pb levels in a rodent model. Environ Res 78:168-176. PMID:9719621
  • Strupp BJ, Patton L, Smith DR. 1998. Evaluation of succimer chelation for reducing brain-Pb levels in a rodent model. Toxicol Sci 42:27.
  • Stuart-Keil KG, Hohnstock AM, Dees PM, Herrick JB, Madsen EL. 1998. Plasmids responsible for horizontal transfer of naphthalene catabolic genes between bacteria at a coal tar-contaminated site are homologous to pOTG1 from Pseudomonas putida. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA. Atlanta, GA. pp.9816-4.
  • Tang J, Carroquino MJ, Robertson BK, Alexander M. 1998. Combined effect of sequestration and bioremediation in reducing the bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil. Environ Sci Technol 32:3586-3590.
  • Tang W-, White JC, Alexander M. 1998. Utilization of sorbed compounds by microorganisms specifically isolated for that purpose. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 49:117-121. PMID:9487714
  • White JC, Quinones-Rivera A, Alexander M. 1998. Effect of wetting and drying on the bioavailability of organic compounds sequestered in soil. Environ Toxicol Chem 17:2378-2382.


  • Ahn I, Ghiorse WC, Lion LW, Shuler ML. 1997. Independent prediction of naphthalene transport and biodegradation in soil with a mathematical model. Biotechnol Bioeng 24:PMID:10440672
  • Alexander M, Hatzinger PB, Kelsey JW, Kottler BD, Nam K. 1997. Sequestration and realistic risk from toxic chemicals remaining after bioremediation. Ann N Y Acad Sci 829:1-5. PMID:9472310
  • Bakermans C, Madsen EL. 1997. Progress towards direct cloning of soil DNA. In: Proceedings of the American Society for Microbiology 1997 Annual Meeting. Miami, FL.
  • Chen S, Miller TE, Golemboski KA, Dietert RR. 1997. Suppression of macrophage metabolite production by lead acetate in vitro is reversed by meso-2,3-dimercapto succinic acid (DMSA). Environ Health Perspect 36(1Part2):199.
  • Chen S, Miller TE, Golemboski KA, Dietert RR. 1997. Suppression of macrophage metabolite production by lead glutamate in vitro is reversed by meso-2,3-dimercapto succinic acid (DMSA). In Vitro Toxicol 10(3):351-358.
  • Cohen JE, Morin D, Cornell K, Ruane E, Quimby FW. 1997. Pathophysiology of PCB-induced humoral immunosuppression in dogs. In: Proceedings of A Decade of Improved Health Through Multidisciplinary Research, NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences). Durham, NC.
  • Czajka DR, Lion LW, Shuler ML, Ghiorse WC. 1997. Evaluation of the utility of bacterial extracellular polymers for treatment of metal contaminated soils: Polymer persistence, mobility and the influence of lead. Water Resour Res 31:2827-2839.
  • Driscoll LL, Gilbert ME, Strupp BJ. 1997. Lead-exposed rats are more sensitive to the effects of scopolamine on long-term explicit memory. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 23:215.
  • Edick R. 1997. Public Health and Ecological Considerations in NYS Records of Decision. Report submitted to Cornell University in partial fulfillment of the Master of Professional Studies (MPS).
  • Fadden M, Gardhi S, Reimeis T, Quimby FW. 1997. Changes in thyroxine metabolism associated with PCBs in dogs. In: Proceedings of A Decade of Improved Health Through Multidisciplinary Research, NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences). Durham, NC.
  • Ha R. 1997. The Effects of Dietary Protein on Immune Senescence and Anti-Tumor Function in a Fischer 344 Rat Model. M.S. Thesis, Graduate Field of Immunology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
  • Hatzinger PB, Alexander M. 1997. Biodegradation of organic compounds sequestered in organic solids or in nanopores within silica particles. Environ Toxicol Chem 15:2215-2221.
  • Higley M, Garavan H, Morgan RE, Finlay BL, Strupp BJ. 1997. A preliminary test of the hypothesis that impaired stimulus-response-reward learning in lead-exposed rats reflects amygdala dysfunction. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 23:2210.
  • Hilson J, Strupp BJ. 1997. Analyses of response patterns clarify lead effects in olfactory reversal and extra-dimensional shift tasks: Assessment of inhibitory control, associative ability, and memory. Behav Neurosci 111(3):532-542.
  • Kachlany SC. 1997. Identification, partial purification, and characterization of metal-binding capsular exopolysaccharide from the biofilm bacterium Pseudomonas putida G7. B.S. Thesis (Honors). Section of Microbiology, Division of Biological Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
  • Kachlany SC, Ghiorse WC. 1997. Structure and component carbohydrate analysis of an exopolysaccharide capsule of biofilm-forming Pseudomonas putida G7. In: Proceedings of the American Society for Microbiology 1997 Annual Meeting. Miami, FL. pp.62.
  • Kachlany SC, Shah R, Ghiorse WC. 1997. Isolation, purification, and characterization of metal-binding exopolymers from Pseudomonas putida G7 and Burkholderia cepacia17616. In: Proceedings of A Decade of Improved Health Through Multidisciplinary Research, NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences). Durham, NC.
  • Kelsey JW, Alexander M. 1997. Declining bioavailability and inappropriate estimation of risk of persistent compounds. Environ Toxicol Chem 15:582-585.
  • Kelsey JW, Kottler BD, Alexander M. 1997. Selective chemical extractants to predict bioavailability of soil-aged organic chemicals. Environ Sci Technol 31:214-217.
  • Korytko PJ, Casey AC, Bush B, Quimby FW. 1997. Induction of Hepatic Cytochrome P450 in Dogs Exposed to a Chronic Low Dose of PCBs. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. San Francisco, CA.
  • Madsen EL. 1997. Methods for determining biodegradability. In: Manual of Environmental Microbiology. American Society of Microbiology, Washington, DC. pp.709-720.
  • Madsen EL, Mann CL, Bilotta S, Yager R. 1997. In situ attenuation of chlorinated ethenes by naturally-occurring microorganisms in a fractional dolomite aquifer near Niagara Falls, NY. In: Proceedings of the American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting ,1997. Miami, FL.
  • Miller TE, Golemboski KA, Ha R, Dietert RR. 1997. Exposure to lead in utero produces persistent immune system alterations in Fischer 344 rats. Environ Health Perspect 36(1part2):199.
  • Sawyer RL. 1997. The Effects of Early Lead Exposure on Reversal and Extradimensional Shift Learning in Rodents: an In-depth Analysis of Response Patterns Implicates Deficient Associative Processes. M.S. Thesis, Graduate Field of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
  • Siering PL, Ghiorse WC. 1997. Development and application of 16S ribosomal RNA-targeted probes for detection of iron- and manganese-oxidizing sheathed bacteria in environmental samples. Appl Environ Microbiol 63:644-651. PMID:9023942
  • Siering PL, Ghiorse WC. 1997. PCR detection of a putative manganese oxidation gene (mofA) in environmental samples and assessment of mofA homology among diverse manganese oxidizing bacteria. Geomicrobiol J 14:109-125.
  • Strupp BJ, Diamond A. 1997. Assessing cognitive function in animal models of mental retardation. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev 2:216-226.
  • Tang W-. 1997. Differences in Availability of Sorbed Phenanthrene to Bacteria. Ph.D. Dissertation, Graduate Field of Environmental Toxicology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
  • White JC, Kelsey JW, Hatzinger PB, Alexander M. 1997. Factors affecting sequestration and bioavailability of phenanthrene in soils. Environ Toxicol Chem 16:2040-2045.
  • Wilson MS. 1997. Transient molecular markers of in situ naphthalene biodegradation at a coal tar-contaminated field site. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Microbiology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.


  • Ahn I, Lion LW, Shuler ML. 1996. Microscale-based modeling of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon transport and biodegradation in soil. Biotechnol Bioeng 51:1-14. PMID:18627082
  • Al-Roumi Y. 1996. Synthesis, characterization, and applications of core polymerized inverted nano-micelles, and core polymerized double-layered nanospheres. Ph.D. Dissertation, Graduate Field of Chemical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
  • Alber SA, Strupp BJ. 1996. An in-depth analysis of lead effects in a delayed spatial alternation task: assessment of mnemonic effects, side bias and proactive interference. Neurotoxicol Teratol 18(1):3-15. PMID:8700040
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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024