Superfund Research Program
A Reactive Mat to Remediate Contaminated Sediments and Reduce Health Risks
Project Leader: Thomas C. Sheahan
Grant Number: R01ES016205
Funding Period: 2008-2012
Program Links
- Meric D, Hellweger F, Alshawabkeh AN, Sheahan TC. 2017. Nonlinear nonequilibrium one-dimensional large-strain consolidation-coupled contaminant transport model of capped sediments. J of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 143(8):doi:10.1061/(asce)gt.1943-5606.0001655
- Meric D, Barbuto S, Sheahan TC, Shine JP, Alshawabkeh AN. 2014. Benchscale assessment of the efficacy of a reactive core mat to isolate PAH-spiked aquatic sediments. Soil Sediment Contam 23(1):doi:10.1080/15320383.2013.772093 PMID:24367237 PMCID:PMC3869623
- Meric D, Alshawabkeh AN, Shine JP, Sheahan TC. 2013. Bioavailability of hydrophobic organic compounds in thin-layered capped sediments. Chemosphere 103:281-289. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.12.017 PMID:24374187 PMCID:PMC3960330
- Meric D, Hellweger F, Barbuto S, Rahbar N, Alshawabkeh AN, Sheahan TC. 2013. Model prediction of long-term reactive core mat efficacy for capping contaminated aquatic sediments. J Environ Eng (New York) 139:564-575. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000635
- Meric D, Barbuto S, Alshawabkeh AN, Shine JP, Sheahan TC. 2012. Effect of reactive core mat application on bioavailability of hydrophobic organic compounds. Sci Total Environ 423:168-175. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.01.042 PMID:22386995 PMCID:PMC3987807
- Barbuto S, Alshawabkeh AN, Meric D, Sheahan TC, Shen Y, Shine JP. 2011. Use of Biouptake Test Data to Demonstrate Efficacy of a Reactive Core Mat on PCB Contaminated Sediments. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments.
- Meric D, Barbuto S, Sheahan TC, Alshawabkeh AN, Shine JP. 2011. Biouptake Study on a PCB-Contaminated Sediment Capped with a Reactive Core Mat. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments.
- Meric D, Rad M, Barbuto S, Sheahan TC, Alshawabkeh AN, Shine JP. 2011. Testing the efficiency of a reactive core mat to remediate subaqueous, contaminated sediments. Geo-Frontiers 895-904. doi:10.1061/41165(397)92
- Meric D, Sheahan TC, Alshawabkeh AN. 2011. A consolidation and contaminant transport device for assessing reactive mat effectiveness for subaqueous sediment remediation. Geotechnical Testing Journal 33:423-433. doi:10.1520/GTJ102872
- Yu D, Meric D, Sheahan TC, Alshwabkeh AN, Shine JP. 2009. A New Sediment Testing Column to Assess Reactive Mat Effectiveness for Isolation and Remediation. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments. Battelle, Jacksonville, FL.