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Program Publications: Colorado School of Mines: Remediation Effectiveness for Mining Sites: Hysteresis and Metal Mixtures Effect

Superfund Research Program

Remediation Effectiveness for Mining Sites: Hysteresis and Metal Mixtures Effect

Project Leader: James F. Ranville
Grant Number: R01ES020917
Funding Period: 2011-2015
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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  • Cadmus P, Guasch H, Herdrich AT, Bonet B, Urrea G, Clements WH. 2018. Structural and functional responses of periphyton and macroinvertebrate communities to ferric Fe, Cu, and Zn in stream mesocosms. Environ Toxicol Chem 37(5):1320-1329. doi:10.1002/etc.4070 PMID:29278661
  • Dabney B, Clements WH, Williamson JL, Ranville JF. 2018. Influence of metal contamination and sediment deposition on benthic invertebrate colonization at the North Fork Clear Creek Superfund Site, Colorado, USA. Environ Sci Technol 52:7072-7080. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b06556 PMID:29812923 PMCID:PMC6008246
  • Rohr JR, Bernhardt ES, Cadotte MW, Clements WH. 2018. The ecology and economics of restoration: when, what, where, and how to restore ecosystems. Ecology and Society 23(2):15. doi:10.5751/ES-09876-230215


  • Traudt EM, Ranville JF, Smith S, Meyer JS. 2016. A test of the additivity of acute toxicity of binary-metal mixtures of ni with Cd, Cu, and Zn to Daphnia magna, using the inflection point of the concentration-response curves. Environ Toxicol Chem 35:1843-1851. doi:10.1002/etc.3342 PMID:26681657
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