Superfund Research Program
Administrative Core
Project Leader: Bruce D. Hammock
Co-Investigator: Thomas Michael Young
Grant Number: P42ES004699
Funding Period: 1995-2023
Project-Specific Links
Final Progress Reports
The core was the primary unit responsible for organizing and conducting a complete on-site external review of the UC Davis SRP program in the winter of 2009. Over 25 reviewers with the appropriate expertise were identified and invited to participate. They were provided written materials from each project/core including background, significance, progress, outreach and translation, as well as future direction, in order to fully participate in the on-site review discussion. Each project/core leader gave a formal presentation to the committee who then provided a written report to program leadership. This report was shared with investigators and staff and served as an advisory document throughout the preparation of a renewal application submitted April 2009.
The core also provided support for various seminar and programs of interests to investigators and students. These include an Environmental Toxicology Seminar Series, UC Davis Biotechnology Research Program Seminars, and the NIOSH Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety seminar series. The core also organizes and facilitates a monthly investigator meeting program at which a project or core gives an update on their progress. Attendance is mandatory for both investigators and students. Interaction is thus maintained and collaborations develop and strengthen. During the past year the core has also provided support for the submission of supplemental applications (including 3 successful applications for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009), conference proposals and reports.