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Final Progress Reports: Texas A&M University: Administrative Core

Superfund Research Program

Administrative Core

Project Leader: Stephen H. Safe
Grant Number: P42ES004917
Funding Period: 2000-2008

Project-Specific Links

Final Progress Reports

Year:   2007  2004 

The Administrative Core continues to coordinate the fiscal and scientific management of the program project. Activities of the staff and investigators related to fiscal management of grant activities are also supported by this Core.  Dr. Ben Morpurgo currently serves to monitor fiscal issues; while Ms. Nancy White coordinates internal and external meetings, as well as other activities.  SBRP investigators provided the Annual Report to the members of the External Advisory Board (EAB).  In addition, a renewal application was reviewed by the EAB prior to submission to NIEHS.  Several faculty and students traveled to Dallas to meet with the Science Advisory Board of Region 6 EPA for a review of the renewal application.  Their comments following the presentations and a review of the proposal were considered in the final application submitted to NIEHS.

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