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Final Progress Reports: University of California-San Diego: Training Core: Environmental Science Training and Career Development Core

Superfund Research Program

Training Core: Environmental Science Training and Career Development Core

Project Leader: Pamela L. Mellon
Grant Number: P42ES010337
Funding Period: 2000-2023

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Final Progress Reports

Year:   2016  2009  2004 

Over the last year, the UCSD Superfund Program held 9 program meetings with scientific presentations from the different research projects and cores on a rotational basis. In additional to the project or core leaders, all students and postdoctoral fellows associated with the SBRP laboratories attend these seminars.

For this year’s 2009 SBRP Annual Meeting at Columbia University, along with our Director, Dr. Robert Tukey; Program Manager, Michelle Feiock; Project Assistant, Autumn Bonner; Dr. Keith Pezzoli, Dr. Ilya Zaslavsky, and Hiram Sarabia-Ramirez (of our COC and/or RTC); Dr. Guy Perkins (Core C - Imaging Core), the core sent three graduate students (Ryan Holzer, Camille Konopnicki, and Tim Jobe), two postdoctoral fellows (Ryoichi Fujiwara-Project 4, and David Mendoza-Cozatl – Project 7) to present their most current work as research posters. The training core also assisted the students and fellows in submitting and preparing posters displayed at the meeting.

The undergraduate/graduate level course titled "Problems in the Environment: Mechanisms for Dealing with Environmental Pollutants" established in 2006, continues to be taught by the faculty of the UCSD Superfund Program every other year during winter quarter. The course was designed to discuss the impact of hazardous waste sites on human health, with an emphasis on the toxicological, cellular and molecular mechanisms that lead to a toxic response. The course attracts students coming from the undergraduate campus and many from different graduate programs. New graduate students and postdoctoral fellows working in SBRP laboratories are encouraged to take the course.

One student is a recent graduate of the UCSD SBRP Program, Dr. Erin Brace-Sinnokrak (2009).

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025