Superfund Research Program
Administrative Core
Project Leader: Ana Navas-Acien
Co-Investigators: Joseph H. Graziano, Alexander F. van Geen
Grant Number: P42ES010349
Funding Period: 2000-2021
Project-Specific Links
Final Progress Reports
Joseph Graziano, Ph.D., and Alexander van Geen, Ph.D. work with other SRP investigators to provide mentorship to many Ph.D. students involved in Columbia University SRP research projects, and guide their preparation of abstracts and presentations for the annual SRP meeting. Collectively, the Ph.D. students have presented posters and presentations at numerous national meetings, including: the annual SRP/FEST meeting, the Society of Toxicology meeting, the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, the FASEB summer research conference on folate and one carbon metabolism, the Geological Society of American, the American Geophysical Meeting (AGU), the Soil Science Society of American Meeting, the Goldschmidt Conference.
A meeting of the External Advisory Committee (EAC) was held on March 9-10. The committee provided valuable input regarding the Center’s specific aims for the most recent competitive renewal application.
The entire scientific team assembles monthly for a joint two hour meeting which rotates between the Health Sciences Campus and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Campus. These monthly meetings often include two hours of seminars, typically one hour for biomedical and one for non-biomedical presentations. The seminars are also offered as webinars which attract many outside participants from organizations such as the EPA, NIH, DEP and other academia. The seminar series, which includes a mix of internal and external speakers, has evolved into a high profile event.