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Final Progress Reports: Oregon State University: Chemical Mixtures Core

Superfund Research Program

Chemical Mixtures Core

Project Leader: Kim A. Anderson
Grant Number: P42ES016465
Funding Period: 2009-2025
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Final Progress Reports

Year:   2019  2012 

Studies and Results

Analytical and technical support was provided to all OSU SRP projects in 2012. Samples analyzed in support of the projects and cores included passive sample devices, urine, personal samples, fish and other project specific matrices. Several analytical methods were developed for SRP investigators. The core successfully developed a reduced solvent, fast method for PAHs in smoked, high-fat content salmon in support of the Community Engagement Core. A method for PAH metabolites in urine and substituted PAH including nitro, quinone and ketones were also developed in support of several projects and cores. Two oxygenated PAH (OPAH) methods were developed complimentary for either LC- or GC- MS. The method has 24 target OPAHs more than any existing method and is suitable for multiple matrices was developed generated by the projects and cores. Each developed method's attributes are posted on the web page, including target analytes, applicable matrices, and detection limits. Further development of each method continues as additional target analytes are added, as well as, additional matrices. The core is currently developing a hydroxy-PAH method that does not require the laborious and expensive derivatization used in for hydroxy-PAH methods.


The foundation for a QA process is well established; as part of the OSU SRP training goal the core has increased SRP investigators' chemistry technical capacity. The core provided quality assured data for setting protective standards for human and environmental health. The core developed methods that are used by other SRP investigators and reduced solvent use and hazardous waste, while decreasing cost. The methods allow SRP investigators to ask important questions not otherwise possible without these methods/approaches/tools. The core provided standards, analysis of samples, and expertise to SRP investigators.

Studies and Results

Technology capabilities, standards and the contents of the certified reference material repository are available on the web site. Currently the core has 16 SRP active users of the standards store; they prepared and dispensed to the center teams over 100 standards (or standard aliquots) in 2012. The development and additional acquisitions for the bank of certified reference materials is on-going; to date over 190 PAHs, alkylated PAHs, ketone and quinone substituted PAHs, nitro substituted PAHs and PAH metabolites are available for use by SRP investigators. PAH metabolites that are needed for the SRP are being synthesized by co-Leader Amin's research group. The entire ordering process is on-line. The web site allows search of current inventories, search by chemical abstract number, or synonym, in addition to other information such as solubility and other chemical physical data. The core made over 5,000 passive sampling devices in 2012, in support of activities in projects and cores as well as pilot studies in support of center goals. The core has successfully and further implemented a LIMS (laboratory information management system) for the laboratory. The LIMS efforts included customization of and implementation these efforts were in collaboration with the Statistics and Bioinformatics Research Support Core.


Synthesized PAH metabolites, and real world Superfund extracts were provided to the projects. The Chemistry Core and Bioinformatics Core developed a system that integrates environmental monitoring data with analytical chemistry data and downstream bioinformatics and statistics to enable complete 'source to outcome' data modeling and information management.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025