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Oregon State University

Superfund Research Program

Chemistry Core

Project Leader: Kim A. Anderson
Grant Number: P42ES016465
Funding Period: 2009-2025
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (2013-2020)

The research and regulatory communities acknowledge the need to develop analytical methods for PAHs and substitute PAHs (x-PAHs). The recent US EPA IRIS 2010 document Development of a Relative Potency Factory (RFP) Approach for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Mixtures says, "While whole mixture assessment is preferred . . . chemical analysis of the components of mixtures is limited . . . The RPF approach is limited by the small number of PAHs for which there are analytical chemistry." It is challenging to analyze PAHs and x-PAHs in environmental and biological matrices because the samples are complex, the numerous isomers of alkylated and high-molecular-mass compounds are often difficult to differentiate, and there is often a lack of standards and suitable reference materials.

The Core provides rapid chemical screening and quantitative analysis of mixtures from applicable matrices. They provide Superfund Center Investigators with critical specialized analytical expertise and are developing advanced techniques and methods for PAHs and mixtures. The need for new analytical methods continues to top the list of data gaps cited by agency workgroups.

The Core is further developing their 1,201 analyte screening method to "know thy environment.” They are continuing to develop a synthesis unit to make chemical standards that are not commercially available. They also enable the work of the OSU SRP biomedical projects by synthesizing PAH metabolites and are expanding their synthesis component to include PAHs and substituted PAHs that are not currently commercially available. The lack of commercial standards constitutes a critical barrier to analytical method development and subsequent biomedical testing.

The Core continues to develop a centralized repository for exposure-based mixture reference materials, standards, and passive sampling devices. They are also developing new Superfund reference materials, including bioavailable Superfund based materials, and pre-and post-remediation extracts. They are making these well-characterized mixtures available to SRP investigators. They are also preparing and distributing passive sampling devices to SRP investigators and US EPA project managers for pilot investigations and evaluation.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025