Superfund Research Program
Effects-Related Biomarkers of Environmental Neurotoxic Exposures
Center Director: Evan P. Gallagher
Grant Number: P42ES004696
Funding Period: 1987-2023
Program Links
Title: Unidentified eubacterium clone EH-3 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence
Accession Number: U43632
Link to Dataset:
Repository: GenBank
Data Type(s): Nucleotide Sequence
Experiment Type(s): Genomic DNA
Organism(s): Proteobacteria
Summary: Unidentified eubacterium clone EH-3 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence
Publication(s) associated with this dataset:- Gray JP, Herwig RP. 1996. Phylogenetic analysis of the bacterial communities in marine sediments. Appl Environ Microbiol 62(11):4049-4059. PMID:8899989 PMCID:PMC168226