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Person Details: Christopher D. Vulpe

Superfund Research Program

Christopher D. Vulpe

University of California-Berkeley
Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology
119 Morgan Hall #3104
Berkeley, California 94720-3104
Phone: 510-642-1834
Fax: 510-642-0535





  • Sobh A, Loguinov AV, Stornetta A, Balbo S, Tagmount A, Zhang L, Vulpe CD. 2019. Genome-wide CRISPR screening identifies the tumor suppressor candidate OVCA2 as a determinant of tolerance to acetaldehyde. Toxicol Sci 169:235-245. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfz037 PMID:31059574 PMCID:PMC6484886
  • Sobh A, Loguinov AV, Yazici GN, Zeidan RS, Tagmount A, Hejazi NS, Hubbard AE, Zhang L, Vulpe CD. 2019. Functional profiling identifies determinants of arsenic trioxide cellular toxicity. Toxicol Sci 169:108-121. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfz024 PMID:30815697 PMCID:PMC6484884


  • De La Rosa VY, Asfaha J, Fasullo M, Loguinov AV, Li P, Moore LE, Rothman N, Nakamura J, Swenberg JA, Scelo G, Zhang L, Smith MT, Vulpe CD. 2017. Editor's highlight: High-throughput functional genomics identifies modulators of TCE metabolite genotoxicity and candidate susceptibility genes. Toxicol Sci 160:111-120. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfx159 PMID:28973557 PMCID:PMC5837773




  • Fromowitz M, Shuga J, Wlassowsky AY, Ji Z, North M, Vulpe CD, Smith MT, Zhang L. 2012. Bone marrow genotoxicity of 2,5-dimethylfuran, a green biofuel candidate. Environ Mol Mutagen 53:488-491. doi:10.1002/em.21707 PMID:22730236
  • North M, Steffen J, Loguinov AV, Zimmerman GR, Vulpe CD, Eide DJ. 2012. Genome-wide functional profiling identifies genes and processes important for zinc-limited growth of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. PLoS Genet 8(6):e1002699. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002699 PMID:22685415 PMCID:PMC3369956
  • O'Connor SF, Lan J, North M, Loguinov AV, Zhang L, Smith MT, Gu AZ, Vulpe CD. 2012. Genome-wide functional and stress response profiling reveals toxic mechanism and genes required for tolerence to benzo[a]pyrene in S. cerevisiae. Front Genet 3:316. doi:10.3389/fgene.2012.00316 PMID:23403841 PMCID:PMC3567348


  • Ela WP, Sedlak DL, Barlaz MA, Henry HF, Muir DG, Swackhamer DL, Weber EJ, Arnold RG, Ferguson PL, Field JA, Furlong ET, Giesy JP, Halden RU, Henry T, Hites RA, Hornbuckle KC, Howard PH, Luthy RG, Meyer AK, Saez AE, vom Saal FS, Vulpe CD, Wiesner MR. 2011. Toward identifying the next generation of superfund and hazardous waste site contaminants. Environ Health Perspect 119(1):6-10. doi:10.1289/ehp.1002497 PMID:21205582 PMCID:PMC3018501
  • North M, Tandon VJ, Thomas R, Loguinov AV, Gerlovina I, Hubbard AE, Zhang L, Smith MT, Vulpe CD. 2011. Genome-wide functional profiling reveals genes required for tolerance to benzene metabolites in yeast. PLoS One 6(8):e24205. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024205 PMID:21912624 PMCID:PMC3166172
  • Ren X, Aleshin M, Jo WJ, Kalman DA, Vulpe CD, Smith MT, Zhang L. 2011. Involvement of N-6 adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase 1 (N6AMT1) in arsenic biomethylation and its role in arsenic-induced toxicity. Environ Health Perspect 119:771-777. doi:10.1289/ehp.1002733 PMID:21193388 PMCID:PMC3114810



  • Jo WJ, Kim JH, Oh E, Jaramillo D, Holman P, Loguinov AV, Arkin AP, Nislow C, Giaever G, Vulpe CD. 2009. Novel insights into iron metabolism by integrating deletome and transcriptome analysis in an iron deficiency model of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genomics 10:130. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-130 PMID:19321002 PMCID:PMC2669097
  • Jo WJ, Loguinov AV, Wintz H, Chang M, Smith AH, Vulpe CD, Kalman DA, Zhang L, Smith MT. 2009. Comparative functional genomic analysis identifies distinct and overlapping sets of genes required for resistance to monomethylarsonous acid (MMAIII) and arsenite (AsIII) in yeast. Toxicol Sci 111(2):424-436. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfp162 PMID:19635755 PMCID:PMC2742584
  • Jo WJ, Ren X, Chu F, Aleshin M, Wintz H, Burlingame AL, Smith MT, Vulpe CD, Zhang L. 2009. Acetylated H4K16 by MYST1 protects UROtsa cells from arsenic toxicity and is decreased following chronic arsenic exposure. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 241(3):294-302. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2009.08.027 PMID:19732783 PMCID:PMC2784148
  • Lan Q, Zhang L, Shen M, Jo WJ, Vermeulen R, Li G, Vulpe CD, Lim S, Ren X, Rappaport SM, Berndt SI, Yeager M, Yuenger J, Hayes RB, Linet MS, Yin S, Chanock SJ, Smith MT, Rothman N. 2009. Large-scale evaluation of candidate genes identifies associations between DNA repair and genomic maintenance and development of benzene hematotoxicity. Carcinogenesis 30(1):50-58. doi:10.1093/carcin/bgn249 PMID:18978339 PMCID:PMC2639030
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025