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Person Details: Dr. Martin Stute

Superfund Research Program

Dr. Martin Stute

Barnard College
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
61 Route 9W - PO Box 1000
Palisades, New York 10964
Phone: 845-365-8704
Fax: 845-365-8155


Research Briefs




  • Mihajlov I, Mozumder R, Bostick BC, Stute M, Mailloux BJ, Knappett PS, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM, Schlosser P, van Geen AF. 2020. Arsenic contamination of Bangladesh aquifers exacerbated by clay layers. Nat Commun 11:2244. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16104-z PMID:32382006


  • Mihajlov I, Stute M, Schlosser P, Mailloux BJ, Zheng Y, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM, van Geen AF. 2016. Recharge of low-arsenic aquifers tapped by community wells in Araihazar, Bangladesh, inferred from environmental isotopes. Water Resour Res 52(5):3324-3349. doi:10.1002/2015WR018224 PMID:28966406 PMCID:PMC5617127
  • Sun J, Chillrud SN, Mailloux BJ, Stute M, Singh R, Dong H, Lepre CJ, Bostick BC. 2016. Enhanced and stabilized arsenic retention in microcosms through the microbial oxidation of ferrous iron by nitrate. Chemosphere 144:1106-1115. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.09.045 PMID:26454120 PMCID:PMC4779597



  • Wovkulich K, Stute M, Mailloux BJ, Keimowitz AR, Ross JM, Bostick BC, Sun J, Chillrud SN. 2014. In situ oxalic acid injection to accelerate arsenic remediation at a superfund site in new jersey. Environ Chem 11(5):525-537. doi:10.1071/EN13222 PMID:25598701 PMCID:PMC4294815


  • Mailloux BJ, Trembath-Reichert E, Cheung J, Watson M, Stute M, Freyer GA, Ferguson AS, Ahmed KM, Alam M, Buchholz BA, Thomas J, Layton AC, Zheng Y, Bostick BC, van Geen AF. 2013. Advection of surface-derived organic carbon fuels microbial reduction in Bangladesh groundwater. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110(14):5331-5335. doi:10.1073/pnas.1213141110 PMID:23487743 PMCID:PMC3619377




  • Datta S, Mailloux BJ, Jung H, Hoque MA, Stute M, Ahmed KM, Zheng Y. 2009. Redox trapping of arsenic during groundwater discharge in sediments from the Meghna riverbank in Bangladesh. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106(40):16930-16935. doi:10.1073/pnas.0908168106 PMID:19805180 PMCID:PMC2761342
  • Friedrich R, Schlosser P, Turrin B, Newton R, Stute M, Plummer LN. 2009. The Lamont-Doherty tritium/he-3 dataset for age dating of groundwater. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 73:A397-A397.
  • Loose B, Stute M, Alexander P, Smethie WM. 2009. Design and deployment of a portable membrane equilibrator for sampling aqueous dissolved gases. Water Resour Res 45:W00D34. doi:10.1029/2008WR006969
  • Radloff KA, Zheng Y, Stute M, Ahmed KM, Schlosser P, van Geen AF. 2009. Effect of groundwater flow on dissolved As in a Bangladesh aquifer. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 73:A1067-A1067.
  • Stute M, Horneman AH, Fried R. 2009. Environmental tracers in hydrogeology: principles, applications, and challenges. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 73:A1287-A1287.


  • Aziz Z, van Geen AF, Stute M, Versteeg RJ, Horneman AH, Zheng Y, Goodbred SL, Steckler MS, Weinman B, Gavrieli I, Hoque MA, Shamsudduha M, Ahmed KM. 2008. Impact of local recharge on arsenic concentrations in shallow aquifers inferred from the electromagnetic conductivity of soils in Araihazar, Bangladesh. Water Resour Res 44(7):doi:10.1029/2007WR006000
  • Dhar RK, Zheng Y, Stute M, van Geen AF, Cheng Z, Shamsudduha M, Hoque MA, Rahman MW, Ahmed KM, Shanewaz M. 2008. Temporal variability of groundwater chemistry in shallow and deep aquifers of Araihazar, Bangladesh. J Contam Hydrol 99(1-4):97-111. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2008.03.007 PMID:18467001 PMCID:PMC2605690
  • Horneman AH, Stute M, Schlosser P, Smethie WM, Santella RM, Ho DT, Mailloux BJ, Gorman E, Zheng Y, van Geen AF. 2008. Degradation rates of CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-113 in anoxic shallow aquifers of Araihazar, Bangladesh. J Contam Hydrol 97(1-2):27-41. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2007.12.001 PMID:18262680
  • Radloff KA, Manning AR, Mailloux BJ, Zheng Y, Rahman MM, Huq MR, Ahmed KM, Stute M, van Geen AF. 2008. Considerations for conducting incubations to study the mechanisms of As release in reducing groundwater aquifers. Appl Geochem 23(11):3224-3235. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2008.07.009 PMID:19884962 PMCID:PMC2614277
  • van Geen AF, Zheng Y, Goodbred SL, Horneman AH, Aziz Z, Cheng Z, Stute M, Mailloux BJ, Weinman B, Hoque MA, Seddique AA, Ahmed A. 2008. Flushing history as a hydrogeological control on the regional distribution of arsenic in shallow groundwater of the Bengal Basin. Environ Sci Technol 42(7):2283-2288. PMID:18504954 PMCID:PMC3050603


  • Keimowitz AR, Mailloux BJ, Colery P, Stute M, Simpson HJ, Chillrud SN. 2007. Laboratory investigations of enhanced sulfate reduction as a groundwater arsenic remediation strategy. Environ Sci Technol 41(19):6718-6724. PMID:17969686 PMCID:PMC3155844
  • Stute M, Zheng Y, Schlosser P, Horneman AH, Dhar RK, Datta S, Hoque MA, Seddique V, Shamsudduha M, Ahmed A, van Geen AF. 2007. Hydrological control of arsenic concentrations in Bangladesh aquifers. Water Resour Res 43:1029.
  • Wovkulich K, Simpson HJ, Stute M, Mailloux BJ, Keimowitz AR, Cheng Z, Chillrud SN. 2007. Improving arsenic remediation through chemistry: laboratory and modeling data for a Superfund site highly contaminated with arsenic (Vineland, NJ). Superfund Basic Research Symposium
  • Wovkulich K, Stute M, Simpson HJ, Mailloux BJ, Lacko A, Keimowitz AR, Cheng Z, Chillrud SN. 2007. Mobilization of arsenic from contaminated sediments for improved remediation. Superfund Basic Research Symposium


  • Ahmed MF, Ahuja S, Alauddin M, Hug SJ, Lloyd JR, Pfaff A, Pichler T, Saltikov CW, Stute M, van Geen AF. 2006. Epidemiology ensuring safe drinking water in Bangladesh. Science 314(5806):1687-1688. doi:10.1126/science.1133146 PMID:17170279
  • van Geen AF, Zheng Y, Cheng Z, Aziz Z, Horneman AH, Dhar RK, Mailloux BJ, Stute M, Weinman B, Goodbred SL, Seddique AA, Hoque MA, Ahmed KM. 2006. A transect of groundwater and sediment properties in Araihazar, Bangladesh: Further evidence of decoupling between As and Fe mobilization. Chemical Geology 228(1-3):85-96.


  • Zheng Y, Stute M, van Geen AF, Gavrieli I, Dhar RK, Simpson HJ, Ahmed KM. 2004. Redox control of arsenic mobilization in Bangladesh groundwater. Appl Geochem 19(2):201-204.


  • Keimowitz AR, Datta S, Stute M, Simpson HJ, Chillrud SN, Tsang M, Ross JM. 2003. Arsenic mobilization under reducing conditions beneath a landfill in Maine. In: Proceedings of the 226th ACS (American Chemical Society) National Meeting - Fall 2003. New York, NY.
  • Santella RM, Ho DT, Schlosser P, Stute M. 2003. The distribution of atmospheric SF6 near a large urban area as recorded in the vadose zone. Environ Sci Technol 37(6):1069-1074. PMID:12680656
  • van Geen AF, Zheng Y, Stute M, Ahmed KM. 2003. Comment on 'Arsenic mobility and groundwater extraction in Bangladesh' (II). Science 300:584. PMID:12714725
  • van Geen AF, Zheng Y, Versteeg RJ, Stute M, Horneman AH, Dhar RK, Steckler MS, Gelman AE, Small C, Ahsan H, Graziano JH, Hussain A, Ahmed KM. 2003. Spatial variability of arsenic in 6000 tube wells in a 25 km2 area of Bangladesh. Water Resources Management 39(5):1140-1151.


  • Datta S, Keimowitz AR, Simpson HJ, Stute M, Chillrud SN, Tsang M, Zheng Y, van Geen AF, Dobbs GM. 2002. Redox controls on arsenic mobility beneath Winthrop landfill, Maine. In: Proceedings of Arsenic in New England. New Hampshire Consortium on Arsenic, May 29-31.
  • Tsang M, Chillrud SN, Stute M, Simpson HJ, Ross JM, Keimowitz AR, Zheng Y, Wallace S, Cheng Z, van Geen AF. 2002. Arsenic mobilization from fine particles under reducing conditions: implications for groundwater remediation. In: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Geological Society of America.
  • van Geen AF, Ahsan H, Horneman AH, Dhar RK, Zheng Y, Hussain A, Ahmed KM, Gelman AE, Stute M, Simpson HJ, Wallace S, Small C, Parvez F, Slavkovich VN, Lolacono NJ, Becker M, Cheng Z, Momotaj H, Shahnewaz M, Seddique AA. 2002. Promotion of well-switching to mitigate the current arsenic crisis in Bangladesh. Bull World Health Organ 80(9):732-737. PMID:12378292


  • Dhar RK, Zheng Y, Stute M, van Geen AF, Gavrieli I, Versteeg RJ, Steckler MS, Goodbred SL, Horneman AH, Simpson HJ, Ahmed KM. 2001. Spatial variability of arsenic concentrations in two villages in Araihazar Upazila, Narayanganj district of Bangladesh. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 82(20):S204.
  • He Y, Zheng Y, Locke DC, Simpson HJ, Stute M. 2001. Dissolved sulfide in groundwater with elevated arsenic concentrations at Winthrop, Maine. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 82(47):H32C-0316.
  • Santella RM, Schlosser P, Ho DT, Stute M. 2001. The vadose zone as an archive of atmospheric SF6 near a large urban area. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 82(47):H52D-12.
  • Schlosser P, Stute M, Ho DT, Smethie WM. 2001. Role of environmental tracers for hydrologic investigations. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 82(47):H42A-0341.
  • Stute M. 2001. Tritium (3H) in precipitationin Bangladesh, in "Groundwater contamination in the Bengal delta plain of Bangladesh".
  • Stute M, Simpson HJ, Chillrud SN, Law-wai E, Santella RM, Ross JM, Ho DT, Schlosser P, Zheng Y, Dobbs GM. 2001. Application of SF6, bromide and 3H/3He for tracing groundwater transport beneath a landfill. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 82(47):H22C-0371.
  • Stute M, Simpson HJ, Chillrud SN, Law-wai E, Santella RM, Ross JM, Ho DT, Schlosser P, Zheng Y, van Geen AF, Dobbs GM, Butler BK. 2001. Arsenic mobilization in reducing groundwaters at a Superfund site in Maine: remediation through aquifer redox manipulation?. In: Proceedings of the Arsenic in Drinking Water International Conference. Columbia University, Nov. 26-27.
  • Zheng Y, Dhar RK, Stute M, van Geen AF, Horneman AH, Gavrieli I, Versteeg RJ, Steckler MS, Goodbred SL, Simpson HJ, Cheng Z, Ahmed KM, Shamsudduha M, Shahnewaz M. 2001. Variability of Arsenic concentrations in tube wells from two villages in Araihazar Upzila, Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of the Arsenic in Drinking Water International Conference. Columbia University, Nov. 26-27.


  • Ahsan H, Perrin M, Rahman A, Parvez F, Stute M, Zheng Y, Milton AH, Brandt-Rauf PW, van Geen AF, Graziano JH. 2000. Associations between drinking water and urinary arsenic levels and skin lesions in Bangladesh. J Occup Environ Med 42:1195-1201. PMID:11125683
  • Gavrieli I, Zheng Y, van Geen AF, Stute M, Simpson HJ, Dhar RK, Ahmed KM, Goldstein SL. 2000. Hydrogeochemical study of the mobilization of arsenic in Bangladesh groundwater- the role of redox condition. In: Proceedings of the Goldschmidt Conference, Sept. 4-9th, European Union for the Geochemistry and the Geochemical Society. Oxford, England.
  • Stute M, Zheng Y, van Geen AF, Simpson HJ, Dhar RK, Gavrieli I, Schlosser P, Ahmed KM. 2000. Groundwater flow dynamics and As geochemistry in the central Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta of Bangladesh. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 48:H21D-02.
  • Zheng Y, Stute M, van Geen AF, Gavrieli I, Simpson HJ, Dhar RK, Ahmed KM. 2000. Arsenic mobilization in Bangladesh groundwaters: a case study of geochemistry and hydrology in Narayaganj and Laxmipur districts. In: Proceedings of the 31st International Geological Congress 2000: 'Geology and Sustainable Development-Challenges of the Third Millennium' Pre-Congress Workshop 'Arsenic in Groundwater of Sedimentary Aquifer', Aug. 3-5. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


  • Zheng Y, Stute M, van Geen AF, Simpson HJ, Graziano JH, Ahsan H, Brandt-Rauf PW. 1999. An integrated study of sources, transport and health effects of AS in Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Arsenic in Bangladesh Ground Water. February 27-29. Wagner College, New York City, NY.
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025