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Person Details: Robert G. Arnold

Superfund Research Program

Robert G. Arnold

University of Arizona
Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering
Civil Engineering 306A
P.O. Box 210011
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0072
Phone: 520-621-2410
Fax: 520-621-6048


Research Briefs

Hazardous Waste Sites

Broadway-Pantano Landfill

  • University of Arizona: New Technologies for the Destructive Remediation of Halogenated Organics

El Camino del Cerro Landfill WQARF Site

  • University of Arizona: New Technologies for the Destructive Remediation of Halogenated Organics

Page Ranch Landfill

  • University of Arizona: New Technologies for the Destructive Remediation of Halogenated Organics

Park- Euclid, WQARF site

  • University of Arizona: New Technologies for the Destructive Remediation of Halogenated Organics


  • Chief K, Arnold RG, Curley A, Hoover J, Kacira M, Karanikola V, Simmons-Potter K, Tellman E. Addressing food-energy-water insecurities of the Navajo Nation through university- community collaboration. In: Water Resources Impact January 2021. pp.31-33.


  • Ela WP, Sedlak DL, Barlaz MA, Henry HF, Muir DG, Swackhamer DL, Weber EJ, Arnold RG, Ferguson PL, Field JA, Furlong ET, Giesy JP, Halden RU, Henry T, Hites RA, Hornbuckle KC, Howard PH, Luthy RG, Meyer AK, Saez AE, vom Saal FS, Vulpe CD, Wiesner MR. 2011. Toward identifying the next generation of superfund and hazardous waste site contaminants. Environ Health Perspect 119(1):6-10. doi:10.1289/ehp.1002497 PMID:21205582 PMCID:PMC3018501
  • Gavidia T, Brune-Drisse MN, McCarty KM, Pronczuk J, Etzel R, Neira M, Carpenter DO, Suk WA, Arnold RG, Ha E, Sly PD. 2011. Children's environmental health--from knowledge to action. Lancet 377(9772):1134-1136. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60929-4 PMID:20667587



  • Arnold RG, Quanrud DM, Ela WP, Saez AE, Teske S, Tomanek M, Engstrom J, Leung C, Zhang J, Banihani Q. 2008. Fate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers during wastewater treatment/polishing and sludge stabilization/disposal. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1140:394-411. doi:10.1196/annals.1454.012 PMID:18991940
  • Gao S, Rupp E, Bell S, Willinger M, Foley T, Barbaris B, Saez AE, Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 2008. Mixed redox catalytic destruction of chlorinated solvents in soils and groundwater. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1140:435-445. doi:10.1196/annals.1454.044 PMID:18991945 PMCID:PMC2867620
  • Orbay O, Gao S, Barbaris B, Rupp E, Saez AE, Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 2008. Catalytic dechlorination of gas-phase perchloroethylene under mixed redox conditions. Appl Catal B 79(1):43-52. doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2007.09.034 PMID:19234593 PMCID:PMC2390786


  • Arnold RG, Carpenter DO, Kirkpatrick DS, Cebrian ME, Makalinao I, Peralta GL, Woodward A. 2007. Meeting report: threats to human health and environmental sustainability in the pacific basin. Environ Health Perspect 115(12):1770-1775. doi:10.1289/ehp.9620 PMID:18087598 PMCID:PMC2137106


  • Ju XM, Hecht M, Galhotra RA, Ela WP, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Saez AE. 2006. Destruction of gas-phase trichloroethylene in a modified fuel cell. Environ Sci Technol 40(2):612-617. PMID:16468410


  • Li H, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Ela WP, Barbaris B, Grachane C. 2005. Convenient new chemical actinometer based on aqueous acetone, 2-propanol, and carbon tetrachloride. Environ Sci Technol 39(7):2262-2266. PMID:15871262


  • He J, Arnold RG, Saez AE, Betterton EA, Ela WP. 2004. Removal of aqueous phase trichloroethylene using membrane air stripping contactors. J Environ Eng (New York) 130(11):1232-1241.
  • He J, Ela WP, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Saez AE. 2004. Reductive dehalogenation of aqueous-phase chlorinated hydrocarbons in an electrochemical reactor. Ind Eng Chem Res 43(25):7965-7974.
  • Ju XM, Saez AE, Ela WP, Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Wallen M, Candillo K, Barbaris B, Orbay O. 2004. Reductive and oxidative destruction of chlorinated hydrocarbons in gas-phase catalytic reactors: Packed-beds and modified fuel cells. Abstr Pap Am Chem Soc 228:U612.
  • Li H, Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Ela WP, Barbaris B. 2004. Comment on "the mechanisms of rate enhancing and quenching of trichloroethene photodecay in the presence of sensitizer and hydrogen sources". Water Res 38(11):2791-2792. PMID:15207610


  • Chen G, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Ela WP. 2003. Electrolytic reduction of trichloroethylene and chloroform at a Pt- or Pd-coated ceramic cathode. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 33(2):161-169.
  • Quanrud DM, Arnold RG, Lansey KE, Begay CK, Ela WP, Gandolfi A. 2003. Fate of effluent organic matter during soil aquifer treatment: biodegradability, chlorine reactivity and genotoxicity. J Water Health 1(1):33-44. PMID:15384271


  • Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Ela WP, Grachane D, Samorano D, Orbay O, Ju XM, Berry L. 2002. Two new technologies for the treatment of groundwater polluted with halogenated organic solvents. In: Proceedings of the Canadian Chemical Society, 85th Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver. Vancouver, Canada.


  • Barbaris B, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Ela WP, Berry L, Ju XM, Kerry KE, Samorano D. 2001. Photo-treatment of perchloroethylene in soil vapor at the Harrison landfill, Tucson, AZ. In: Proceedings of the 2000 Conference on Hazardous Waste Research. Denver, CO. pp.55-68.
  • Liu Z, Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Smotkin E. 2001. Reductive dehalogenation of gas-phase chlorinated solvents using a modified fuel cell. Environ Sci Technol 35(21):4320-4326. PMID:11718349


  • Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 2000. Innovative technologies for the destruction of chlorinated solvents. In: Treatment of perchloroethene in soil vapor at the Harrison Road Landfill, (Interim Report). Tucson, AZ.
  • Betterton EA, Hollan N, Arnold RG, Gogosha S, McKim K, Liu Z. 2000. Acetone-photosensitized reduction of carbon tetrachloride by 2-propanol in aqueous solution. Environ Sci Technol 34(7):1229-1233.
  • Huling SG, Arnold RG, Jones PK, Sierka RA. 2000. Predicting Fenton-driven degradation using a contaminant analog. J Environ Eng (New York) 126:348-353.
  • Liu Z, Betterton EA, Arnold RG. 2000. Electrolytic reduction of low molecular weight chlorinated aliphatic compounds: structural and thermodynamic effects on process kinetics. Environ Sci Technol 34(5):804-811.
  • Varady RG, Arnold RG, Carter DE, Guzman R, Pena C. 2000. Hazardous waste and the U.S.-Mexico border region. Toward a binational, university-based institution. Environmental Practice 2(1):38-45.


  • Chen G, Betterton EA, Arnold RG. 1999. Electrolytic oxidation of trichloroethylene using a ceramic anode. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 29:961-970.
  • Jewett DG, Logan BE, Arnold RG, Bales R. 1999. Transport of Pseudomonas fluroescens strain P17 through porous media as a function of water content. J Contam Hydrol 36(1,2):73-89.
  • Liu Z, Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Festa KD. 1999. Electrolytic reduction of CCl4-Effects of cathode material and potential on kinetics, selectivity, and product stoichiometry. Environ Eng Sci 16:1-13.


  • Chen G, Betterton EA, Arnold RG. 1998. Electrolytic oxidation of solvent-contaminated water. In: Proceedings of the Superfund Basic Research Program: A Decade of Improving Health through Multi-Disciplinary Research. Chapel Hill, NC.
  • Hollan N, Betterton EA, Liu Z, Arnold RG. 1998. Photolytic reduction of short-chain chlorinated aliphatics in acetone/isopropanol mixtures. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds: Designing and Applying Treatment Technologies. Monterey, CA.
  • Huling SG, Arnold RG, Sierka RA, Miller MR. 1998. Measurement of hydroxyl radical activity in a soil slurry using a spin trap, α-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butyl-nitrone. Environ Sci Technol 32(21):3436-3441. doi:10.1021/es970876e
  • Liu Z, Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 1998. Electrolytic reduction of chlorinated solvents - kinetics, electrode selectivity, and electrode materials. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds: Designing and Applying Treatment Technologies. Monterey, CA.
  • Liu Z, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Hollan N, Diaz I, Finstad C. 1998. Reductive dehalogenation of chlorinated solvents using a pilot-scale electrolytic reactor. In: Proceedings of the Superfund Basic Research Program: A Decade of Improving Health through Multi-Disciplinary Research. Chapel Hill, NC.
  • Tellez CM, Aguilar AA, Arnold RG, Guzman R. 1998. Fundamentals and Modeling Aspects of Bioventing. In: Bioremediation: Principles and Practice. Technomic Publishing, pp.135-183.
  • Tellez CM, Arnold RG, Guzman R. 1998. Isolation of copper biochelates from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b and MMOc mutants. In: Proceedings of the Superfund Basic Research Program: A Decade of Improving Health through Multi-Disciplinary Research. Chapel Hill, NC.
  • Tellez CM, Gaus KP, Graham DW, Arnold RG, Guzman R. 1998. Isolation of copper biochelates from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b and soluble methane monooxygenase mutants. Appl Environ Microbiol 64(3):1115-1122. PMID:9501450


  • Arnold RG. 1997. Destruction of TCE in an electrolytic reactor. In: Proceedings of the (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) NIEHS/Motorola TCE (Trichloroethylene) Symposium. The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
  • Chen G, Betterton EA, Arnold RG. 1997. Mechanism of anodic oxidation of trichloroethylene to carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide on ceramic electrodes. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Arizona Environmental Studies Conference. Flagstaff, AZ.
  • Logan BE, Jewett DG, Arnold RG, Bouwer EJ, O'Melia CR. 1997. Reply to comment by S. Qi on "Clarification of clean-bed filtration models". J Environ Eng (New York) 123(7):730-731.
  • Tellez CM, Arnold RG, Guzman R. 1997. Development of an improved colorimetric quantitative assay for sMMO. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Arizona Environmental Studies Conference. Flagstaff, AZ.
  • Tellez CM, Arnold RG, Guzman R. 1997. Isolation of specific copper biochelates from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b and MMOc mutants. In: Proceedings of the 4th International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium. New Orleans, LA.


  • Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Festa KD, Kuhler RJ, Santo GA. 1996. Abiotic analogs to biochemical systems for catalytic reductive dehalogenation of carbon tetrachloride. In: Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of Chemical Engineering.
  • Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Festa KD, Liu Z, Gogosha S, Hollan N, Morse JL. 1996. Abiotic systems for the catalytic treatment of solvent-contaminated water. In: 1996 Pacific Basin Conference on Hazardous Waste. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Gogosha S, Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 1996. Photocatalytic reductive dehalogenation of trichloroethylene and carbon tetrachloride using optical fibers coated with TiO2-CoTSP. In: Proceedings of the Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC) / Waste-Management Education & Research Consortium Joint Conference on the Environment.
  • Hollan N, Finstad C, Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 1996. Photocatalytic dehalogenation of chlorinated compounds with 2-propanol and acetone solvents. In: Proceedings of the Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC) / Waste-Management Education & Research Consortium Joint Conference on the Environment.
  • Jewett DG, Logan BE, Arnold RG, Bales R. 1996. Bacterial transport through unsaturated quartz sand and the effects of ionic strength and surfactant addition. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 77(46):F210.
  • Liu Z, Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 1996. Electrochemical reduction of chlorinated methanes. In: Proceedings of the 4th Arizona Student Conference on Environmental Engineering. Tempe, AZ.
  • Liu Z, Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 1996. Reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride using zero-valent metallic electrodes. In: Proceedings of the Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC) / Waste-Management Education & Research Consortium Joint Conference on the Environment.
  • Martin MJ, Logan BE, Johnson WP, Jewett DG, Arnold RG. 1996. Scaling bacterial filtration rates in different sized porous media. J Environ Eng (New York) 122(5):407-415. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(1996)122:5(407)
  • Tellez CM, Arnold RG, Guzman R. 1996. Isolation of copper biochelates from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b and MMOc mutants. In: Proceedings of the Annual Arizona Environmental Studies Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
  • Tellez CM, Graham DW, Arnold RG, Guzman R. 1996. Isolation of copper biochelates from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b and MMOc mutants. In: Proceedings of the Annual Microbiology National Meeting. New Orleans, LA.


  • Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Festa KD, Kuhler RJ, Santo GA. 1995. Abiotic analogs to biochemical systems for catalytic reductive dehalogenation of carbon tetrachloride. In: Proceedings of the 1995 AICHE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers ) Meeting. Miami Beach, FL.
  • Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Kuhler RJ, Santo GA. 1995. Reductive dehalogenation of bromoform in aqueous solution. Environ Health Perspect 103(S5):89-91. PMID:8565919
  • Gross MJ, Albinger O, Jewett DG, Logan BE, Bales R, Arnold RG. 1995. Measurement of bacterial collision efficiencies in porous media. Water Res 29(4):1151-1158.
  • Jewett DG, Hilbert TA, Logan BE, Arnold RG, Bales R. 1995. Bacterial transport in columns and filters: Influence of ionic strength and pH on collision efficiency. Water Res 29(7):1673-1680.
  • Jewett DG, Logan BE, Arnold RG, Bales R. 1995. Bacterial transport through variably saturated quartz sand columns. In: Proceedings of the Geological Society of America, 108th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. pp.A103.
  • Johnson WP, Blue KA, Logan BE, Arnold RG. 1995. Modeling bacterial detachment during transport through porous media as a resident-time-dependent process. Water Resour Res 31(11):2649-2658.
  • Logan BE, Jewett DG, Arnold RG, Bouwer EJ, O'Melia CR. 1995. Clarification of clean-bed filtration models. J Environ Eng (New York) 121(12):869-873.
  • Martin TA, Sun Y, Albinger O, Logan BE, Ogden KL, Baygents JC, Arnold RG. 1995. Factors affecting bacterial transport through aquifer material for the bioremediation of hazardous wastes. In: Proceedings of the Pacific Basin Conference on Hazardous Waste. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
  • Picardal F, Arnold RG, Huey BB. 1995. Effects of electron donor and accepter condition on the reductive dehalogenation of teracholoromethane by Shewanella putrefaciens 200. Appl Environ Microbiol 61:8-12. PMID:7887629
  • Tellez CM, Aguilar AA, Arnold RG, Guzman R. 1995. Enhanced column bioventing with gas-phase nutrient amendments for destruction of halogenated aliphatic compounds. In: Proceedings of the 1995 AICHE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers ) Meeting. Miami Beach, FL.
  • Warren KD, Arnold RG, Bishop TL, Lindholm LC, Betterton EA. 1995. Kinetics and mechanism of reductive dehalogenation of carbon tetrachloride using zero-valence metals. J Hazard Mater 41(2-3):217-227. doi:10.1016/0304-3894(94)00117-Y


  • Neilson JW, Josephson KL, Pepper IL, Arnold RG, DiGiovanni GD, Sinclair NA. 1994. Frequency of horizontal gene transfer of a large catabolic plasmid (pJP4) in soil. Appl Environ Microbiol 60:4053-4058. PMID:7993092
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025