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Person Details: Catherine P. Koshland

Superfund Research Program

Catherine P. Koshland

University of California-Berkeley
School of Public Health
50 University Hall #7360
University of California - Berkeley
Berkeley, California 94720-7360
Phone: 510-642-8769
Fax: 650-323-6689


Research Briefs




  • Crosby JS, James J, Lucas D, Koshland CP. 2014. Determination of total mercury concentration in aqueous samples with gold nanoparticles. Analytical Methods 6:1254-1260. doi:10.1039/c3ay42202j


  • Crosby JS, Lucas D, Koshland CP. 2013. Fiber optic based evanescent wave sensor for the detection of elemental mercury utilizing gold nanorods. Sens Actuators B Chem 181:938-942. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2013.02.037
  • James J, Lucas D, Koshland CP. 2013. Elemental mercury vapor interaction with individual gold nanorods. Analyst 138(8):2323-2328. doi:10.1039/C3AN36841F PMID:23446550


  • Holder A, Carter BJ, Goth-Goldstein R, Lucas D, Koshland CP. 2012. Increased cytotoxicity of oxidized flame soot. Atmos Pollut Res 3(1):25-34. doi:10.5094/APR.2012.001
  • James J, Lucas D, Koshland CP. 2012. Gold nanoparticle films as sensitive and reusable elemental mercury sensors. Environ Sci Technol 46(17):9557-9562. doi:10.1021/es3005656 PMID:22871115 PMCID:PMC3446241


  • Koshland CP. 2010. Engineering and the Liberal Arts. In: Holistic engineering education: beyond technology. Springer, New York, NY.
  • Shaw SD, Blum A, Weber R, Kannan K, Rich D, Lucas D, Koshland CP, Dobraca D, Hanson S, Birnbaum LS. 2010. Halogenated flame retardants: do the fire safety benefits justify the risks?. Rev Environ Health 25(4):261-305. PMID:21268442


  • Tian L, Koshland CP, Yano J, Yachandra VK, Yu IT, Lee SC, Lucas D. 2009. Carbon-centered free radicals in particulate matter emissions from wood and coal combustion. Energy Fuels 23(5):2523-2526. doi:10.1021/ef8010096 PMID:19551161 PMCID:PMC2700017


  • Holder A, Lucas D, Goth-Goldstein R, Koshland CP. 2008. Cellular response to diesel exhaust particles strongly depends on the exposure method. Toxicol Sci 103(1):108-115. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfn014 PMID:18227103
  • James J, Lucas D, Koshland CP. 2008. Nanopartlcle-Based Detection of Metals. In: Annual Meeting, December 7-9. Pacific Grove, CA.
  • Koshland CP, Holder A, Lucas D, Goth-Goldstein R. 2008. Nanoparticle Characteristics and Impacts. In: American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. Philadelphia, PA.


  • Choi JH, Koshland CP, Lucas D. 2007. Laser ablation of nanoscale particles with 193 nm light. J Phys Conf Ser 59:54-59.
  • Holder A, Lucas D, Goth-Goldstein R, Koshland CP. 2007. Inflammatory response of lung cells exposed to whole, filtered, and hydrocarbon denuded diesel exhaust. Chemosphere 70(1):13-19. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.07.036 PMID:17767946
  • Holder A, Lucas D, Goth-Goldstein R, Koshland CP. 2007. Toxicity of Combustion Generated Particles Is Modified by Reaction with Ozone. In: 12th International Conference ofthe Pacific Basin Consortium for Environment and Health Sciences. Beijing, China.
  • Koshland CP, Scallan K, Lucas D. 2007. Optical characterization of the interaction of mercury with nanoparticulate gold suspended in solution. Sensors and Transducerrs Journal 85(11):1687-1698.


  • Choi JH, Stipe CB, Koshland CP, Lucas D. 2006. In situ, real-time detection of soot particles coated with NaCl using 193 nm light. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 87(3):385-388.
  • Holder A, Lucas D, Goth-Goldstein R, Koshland CP, Sawyer RF. 2006. In vitro exposure of lung cells to diesel exhaust at the air-cell interface. In: Proceedings of the 233rd ACS (American Chemical Society) National Meeting - Spring 2006. Atlanta, GA.


  • Choi JC, Damm CJ, O'Donovan NJ, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP, Lucas D. 2005. Detection of lead in soil with excimer laser fragmentation fluorescence spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy 59(2):258-261. PMID:15720768
  • Choi JH, Koshland CP, Sawyer RF, Lucas D. 2005. Measurement of polystyrene nanospheres using excimer laser fragmentation fluorescence spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy 59(10):1203-1208. PMID:16274531
  • Choi JH, Stipe CB, Koshland CP, Sawyer RF, Lucas D. 2005. NaCl particle interaction with 193-nm light: ultraviolet photofragmentation and nanoparticle production. Journal of Applied Physics 97(12):124315.
  • Choi K, Lucas D, Koshland CP, Sawyer RF. 2005. Photochemical interaction of polystyrene nanospheres with 193 nm pulsed laser light. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109(50):23905-23910. PMID:16375376
  • Fischer S, Koshland CP, Young JA. 2005. Social, economic, and environmental impacts assessment of a village-scale modern biomass energy project in Jilin province, China: local outcomes and lessons learned. Energy for Sustainable Development IX(4):50-59.
  • Stipe CB, Higgins BS, Lucas D, Koshland CP, Sawyer RF. 2005. Inverted co-flow diffusion flame for producing soot. Review of Scientific Instruments 76(2):Art.No.023908.
  • Stipe CB, Lucas D, Koshland CP, Sawyer RF. 2005. Soot particle disintegration and detection by two-laser excimer laser fragmentation fluorescence spectroscopy. Appl Opt 44(31):6537-6544. PMID:16270542


  • Clack HL, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 2004. Development of an air-blast atomizer for independent control of droplet size and spray density. Atomization and Sprays 14(3):265-287.
  • Stipe CB, Choi JH, Lucas D, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP. 2004. Nanoparticle production by UV irradiation of combustion generated soot particles. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 6(5):467-477.


  • Thomas V, Theis T, Lifset R, Grasso D, Kim B, Koshland CP, Pfahl R. 2003. Industrial ecology: Policy potential and research needs. Environ Eng Sci 20(1):1-9.


  • Avakian MD, Dellinger B, Fiedler H, Gullet B, Koshland CP, Marklund S, Oberdorster G, Safe SH, Sarofim A, Smith KR, Schwartz DA, Suk WA. 2002. The origin, fate, and health effects of combustion by-products: A research framework. Environ Health Perspect 110(11):1155-1162. PMID:12417488
  • Buckley SG, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP, Lucas D. 2002. Measurements of lead vapor and particulate in flames and post-flame gases. Combustion and Flame 128(4):435-446.
  • Clack HL, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 2002. Development of an airblast atomizer for independent control of droplet size and spray density. Atomization and Sprays 3:24.
  • Damm CJ, Lucas D, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP. 2002. Characterization Of Diesel Particulate Matter With Excimer Laser Fragmentation Fluorescence Spectroscopy. In: Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Combustion. Sapporo, Japan.
  • Koshland CP, Fisher SL. 2002. Diagnostic Requirements for Toxic Emission Control. Chapter 24 in: Applied Combustion Diagnostics. Taylor and Frances, NY. pp.606-626.
  • Stipe CB, Higgins D, Lucas D, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP. 2002. Detection Using Excimer Laser Fragmentation Fluorescence Spectroscopy. In: Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Combustion. Sapporo, Japan.


  • Damm CJ, Lucas D, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP. 2001. Excimer laser fragmentation fluoresence spectroscopy as a method for monitoring ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate particles. Chemosphere 42(5-7):655-661. PMID:11219691
  • Damm CJ, Lucas D, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP. 2001. Real-time measurement of combustion generated particles with photofragmentation-fluorescence. Applied Spectroscopy 55(11):1478-1482.
  • Franklin PM, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 2001. Evaluation of combustion by-products of MTBE as a component of reformulated gasoline. Chemosphere 42(5-7):861-872. PMID:11219713
  • Higgins BS, Thomson MJ, Lucas D, Koshland CP, Sawyer RF. 2001. An experimental and numerical study of the thermal oxidation of chlorobenzene. Chemosphere 42(5-7):703-717. PMID:11219697


  • Damm CJ, Lucas D, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP. 2000. Measurement of combustion generated particles with excimer laser fragmentation fluorescence spectroscopy. In: Proceedings of the Western States Section Combustion Institute Spring Meeting. Golden, CO. pp.Paper00S-6.
  • Sgro LA, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 2000. Post-flame reaction chemistry of dichloromethane: variations in equivalence ratio and temperature. Combustion and Flame V120(N4):492-503.


  • Clack HL, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1999. Post-flame byproduct formation from size and density controlled 1,1, 1-trichloroethane sprays. Environ Eng Sci 16(3):177-185.
  • Franklin PM, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1999. Evaluation of combustion products of MTBE as a component of reformulated gasoline. In: Proceedings of the First Joint Meeting of the United States Sections of the Combustion Institute. Washington, DC.
  • Koshland CP, Franklin PM. 1999. Policy options affecting energy, health and the environment: MTBE. Report to the University of California Energy Institute
  • Lee SC, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1999. Effect of postflame injection of fuel on the destruction of chlorinated hydrocarbons and the oxidation of NO. Combustion and Flame 119(1-2):154-160.
  • Minc K, Lucas D, Koshland CP, Sawyer RF. 1999. Prototype iInvestigation for in situ FTIR measurements in a combustion flow reactor. In: Proceedings of the Western States Section Combustion Institute Fall Meeting. Irvine, CA. pp.PaperWSS/CI99F-47.


  • Buckley SG, Damm CJ, Vitovec WM, Sgro LA, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP, Lucas D. 1998. Ammonia Detection and Monitoring using Photofragmentation-Fluorescence. In: Proceedings of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute Spring Meeting, WSS/CI 98S-18. Berkeley, CA.
  • Buckley SG, Damm CJ, Vitovec WM, Sgro LA, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP, Lucas D. 1998. Ammonia detection and monitoring with photofragmentation fluorescence. Appl Opt 37(36):8382-8391. PMID:18301663
  • Clack HL, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1998. Observations of spray density effects on multicomponent chlorinated hydrocarbon vaporization and thermal destruction. In: Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Combustion. The Combustion Institute.
  • Minc K, Lucas D, Koshland CP, Sawyer RF. 1998. Investigation of the Geometry for in Situ FTIR Measurements in a Combustion Flow Reactor. In: Proceedings of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute Spring Meeting, WSS/CI 98S-18. Berkeley, CA.


  • Clack HL, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1997. A Two-step Air Blast Atomizer for Post-Combustion Flame Studies. In: Proceedings of the Western States Section/Combustion Institute Spring Meeting, Paper WSS/CI 97S-016. Livermore, CA.
  • Clack HL, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1997. Post-flame Thermal Destruction of BiComponent Size and Density-controlled 1, 1, I -Trichloroethane Sprays. In: Proceedings of the Western States Section/Combustion Institute Fall Meeting, Paper WS S/CI 97F- 129. Diamond Bar, CA.
  • Sgro LA, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1997. Influence of Equivalence Ratio and Temperature on Chemical Destruction Pathways of Dichloromethane (CH2C'2) in a Combustion Driven Flow Reactor. In: Proceedings of the Western States Section/Combustion Institute Fall Meeting, Paper WSS/Cl 97F-153. Diamond Bar, CA.
  • Thomson MJ, Lucas D, Koshland CP. 1997. A health based decision making tool for waste destruction. Environ Eng Sci 14(3):163-174.
  • Wilson A, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Buckley SG. 1997. Detection of Metal Aerosol Particles Using ELFFS. In: Proceedings of the Western States Section/Combustion Institute Spring Meeting, Paper WSS/CI 97S-016. Livermore, CA.


  • Buckley SG, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1996. A Real-Time Monitor for Toxic Metal Emissions from Combustion Systems. In: Proceedings of the Western States Meeting/ The Combustion Institute, Paper No. 96S-032S. Tempe, AZ.
  • Buckley SG, Lucas D, Koshland CP, Sawyer RF. 1996. A Real-Time Monitor for Toxic Metal Emissions in Combustion. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Combustion. The Combustion Institute. pp.2455.
  • Buckley SG, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP, Lucas D. 1996. In situ monitoring of toxic metal emissions using excimer lawer fragmentation fluoresence spectroscopy. Combustion Science and Technology 118:169-188.
  • Koshland CP. 1996. Impacts and Control of Air Toxics. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Combustion. The Combustion Institute. pp.2049-2065.
  • Sgro LA, Choi YC, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1996. The Variation of Chemical Destruction Pathways of Dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) in a Combustion Driven Flow Reactor. In: Proceedings of the Western States Section/ The Combustion Institute, Fall Meeting, paper no. 96F-072. Los Angeles, CA.
  • Thomson MJ, Lucas D, Koshland CP, Sawyer RF. 1996. Reducing hazardous waste incinerator emissions through blending: a study of 1,1,1-trichloroethane injection. Hazardous Wastes and Hazardous Materials 13:387-398.
  • Vitovec WM, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1996. The destruction of methylene chloride in lean post-flame conditions. Combustion Science and Technology 116-117:153-166.


  • Buckley SG, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP, Lucas D. 1995. Excimer laser fragmentation-fluorescence spectroscopy for monitoring airborne toxics. In: Proceedings of The Fourth International Congress on Toxic Combustion Byproducts. Berkeley, CA.
  • Buckley SG, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP, Lucas D. 1995. In situ monitoring of toxic metal emissions using excimer laser fragmentation fluorescence spectroscopy for metal emissions. In: Proceedings of the Air and Waste Specialty Conference. San Francisco, CA.
  • Buckley SG, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP, Lucas D. 1995. Laser methods for lead monitoring in flames and post-flame gases. In: Proceedings of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute Fall Meeting, Paper 95F-197. Stanford, CA.
  • Higgins BS, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Du Bois J, Sawyer RF. 1995. High temperature oxidation of benzene and chlorobenzene. In: Proceedings of The Fourth International Congress on Toxic Combustion Byproducts. Berkeley, CA.
  • Higgins BS, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1995. Thermal oxidation of benzene and chlorobenzene. In: Proceedings of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute Fall Meeting, Paper 95F-208. Stanford, CA.
  • Higgins BS, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1995. Thermal oxidation of chlorobenzene. In: Proceedings of The Fourth International Congress on Toxic Combustion Byproducts. Berkeley, CA.
  • Martin R, Wilson A, Vitovec WM, Koshland CP, Lucas D. 1995. On-line detection of chlorinated organics in a packed bed oxidizer. In: Proceedings of The Fourth International Congress on Toxic Combustion Byproducts. Berkeley, CA.
  • Millet C, Sgro LA, Higgins BS, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1995. Oxidation of methylene chloride (CH2Cl2) in the Post-flame region of a vertical flow reactor. In: Proceedings of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute Fall Meeting, Paper 95F-209. Stanford, CA.
  • Sgro LA, Higgins BS, Eibeck PA, Sawyer RF, Koshland CP, Lucas D. 1995. Numerical characterization of a vertical combustion flow reactor. In: Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Central and Western States (USA) Sections and Mexican National Section of the International Combustion Institute and the American Flame Research committee: Combustion Fundamentals and Applications. San Antonio, TX.
  • Vitovec WM, Higgins BS, Lucas D, Koshland CP, Sawyer RF. 1995. The formation of toxic byproducts during high temperature, post-flame oxidation of chlorinated hydrocarbons in a laboratory scale reactor. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Pacific International Symposium on combustion and Energy Utilization. Hong Kong, Japan.
  • Vitovec WM, Koshland CP, Lucas D, Sawyer RF. 1995. The destruction of methylene chloride and chloroform in lean post-flame conditions. In: Proceedings of The Fourth International Congress on Toxic Combustion Byproducts. Berkeley, CA.
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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024