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University of Kentucky

Superfund Research Program

Research Support Core

Project Leader: Michal Toborek (University of Miami)
Co-Investigator: Haining Zhu
Grant Number: P42ES007380
Funding Period: 2005-2025

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Project Summary (2005-2008)

The Research Support Core of the Superfund Basic Research Program at the University of Kentucky SBRP supports the research activities of multiple investigators involved. The main objective is to provide a central facility that enhances and develops research capabilities, particularly in the areas of proteomics, bioinformatics, and PCB analysis. Statistical consultations, an integral part of all projects, also reside within the Core. Establishment of the Research Support Core maximizes both the research and cost effectiveness of the SBRP investigators. Major components of this Core include:

  1. Proteomics Component - coordinated by Dr. Zhu
  2. Bioinformatics Component - coordinated by Dr. Lodder
  3. PCB Analysis Component - coordinated by Dr. Gavalas
  4. Biostatistical Component - coordinated by Dr. Mahfound

The Research Support Core is managed by Dr. Toborek in close collaboration with the coordinators of individual Components, Dr. Hennig (the Director of the UK SBRP), the Administrative Core, and the Project Leaders of all individual projects. The Research Support Core provides laboratory and statistical services, equipment, technical support, facilitates access to new technology (particularly in the areas of proteomics and bioinformatics), and provides quality control for multiple SBRP investigators. Specifically, Core investigators are:

  1. Establishing and implementing a variety of state-of-the-art proteomics, bioinformatics, and PCB analysis procedures that are required by all investigators to address the PCB-mediated regulatory mechanisms in the context of the effects of nutrition on PCB toxicity and diverse disease processes.
  2. Providing biostatistical consultations to develop proteomics and bioinformatics procedures as required by investigators of the University of Kentucky SBRP.
  3. Providing rigorous quality control of all aspects of the research.
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025