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Project Publications: University of Kentucky: Biomonitoring and Environmental Analytical Chemistry Core

Superfund Research Program

Biomonitoring and Environmental Analytical Chemistry Core

Project Leader: Angela M. Gutierrez
Grant Number: P42ES007380
Funding Period: 2005-2025
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  • Petriello MC, Mottaleb MA, Serio TC, Balyan B, Cave MC, Birnbaum LS, Morris AJ. 2022. Serum concentrations of legacy and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the Anniston Community Health Surveys (ACHS I and ACHS II). Environ Int 158:106907. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2021.106907 PMID:34763231


  • Mottaleb MA, Ding QX, Pennell KG, Haynes E, Morris AJ. 2021. Direct injection analysis of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances in surface and drinking water by sample filtration and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A 1653:5. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2021.462426 PMID:34352431


  • Deng P, Hoffman JB, Petriello MC, Wang C, Li X, Kraemer MP, Morris AJ, Hennig B. 2020. Dietary inulin decreases circulating ceramides by suppressing neutral sphingomyelinase expression and activity in mice. J Lipid Res 61:45-53. doi:10.1194/jlr.RA119000346 PMID:31604806 PMCID:PMC6939596
  • Eke J, Banks L, Mottaleb MA, Morris AJ, Tsyusko OV, Escobar I. 2020. Dual-Functional Phosphorene Nanocomposite Membranes for the Treatment of Perfluorinated Water: An Investigation of Perfluorooctanoic Acid Removal via Filtration Combined with Ultraviolet Irradiation or Oxygenation. Membranes 11:doi:10.3390/membranes11010018 PMID:33375603
  • Guo Y, Ye Q, Deng P, Cao Y, He D, Zhou Z, Wang C, Zahtseva YY, Schwartz CE, Lee EY, Evers BM, Morris AJ, Liu S, She Q. 2020. Spermine synthase and MYC cooperate to maintain colorectal cancer cell survival by repressing Bim expression. Nat Commun 11:doi:10.1038/s41467-020-17067-x PMID:32591507 PMCID:PMC7320137
  • Hoffman JB, Petriello MC, Morris AJ, Mottaleb MA, Sui Y, Zhou C, Deng P, Wang C, Hennig B. 2020. Prebiotic inulin consumption reduces dioxin-like PCB 126-mediated hepatotoxicity and gut dysbiosis in hyperlipidemic Ldlr deficient mice. Environ Pollut 261:114183. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114183 PMID:32105967 PMCID:PMC7220843
  • Mottaleb MA, Petriello MC, Morris AJ. 2020. High-throughput UHPLC-MS/MS measurement of per- and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances in human serum. J Anal Toxicol 44(4):339-347. doi:10.1093/jat/bkz097 PMID:31776573 PMCID:PMC7299301
  • Saad A, Mills R, Wan H, Mottaleb MA, Ormsbee LE, Bhattacharyya D. 2020. Thermoresponsive adsorption-desorption of perfluoroorganics from water using PNIPAm hydrogels and pore functionalized membranes. J Memb Sci 599:doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2020.117821 PMID:32095035 PMCID:PMC7039651


  • Ahmad I, Weng J, Stromberg AJ, Hilt JZ, Dziubla TD. 2019. Fluorescence based detection of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in water using hydrophobic interactions. Analyst 144(2):677-684. doi:10.1039/c8an00867a PMID:30511719 PMCID:PMC6331228
  • Deng P, Barney J, Petriello MC, Morris AJ, Wahlang B, Hennig B. 2019. Hepatic metabolomics reveals that liver injury increases PCB 126-induced oxidative stress and metabolic dysfunction. Chemosphere 217:140-149. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.10.196 PMID:30415113 PMCID:PMC6626632
  • Deng P, Li X, Petriello MC, Wang C, Morris AJ, Hennig B. 2019. Application of metabolomics to characterize environmental pollutant toxicity and disease risks. Rev Environ Health 34(3):251-259. doi:10.1515/reveh-2019-0030 PMID:31408434 PMCID:PMC6915040
  • Gutierrez AM, Bhandari R, Weng J, Stromberg AJ, Dziubla TD, Hilt JZ. 2019. Novel magnetic core-shell nanoparticles for the removal of polychlorinated biphenyls from contaminated water sources. Mater Chem Phys 223:68-74. doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2018.10.045 PMID:31452560 PMCID:PMC6710019
  • Hardesty JE, Wahlang B, Falkner KC, Shi H, Jin J, Zhou Y, Wilkey D, Merchant ML, Watson C, Feng W, Morris AJ, Hennig B, Prough RA, Cave MC. 2019. Proteomic analysis reveals novel mechanisms by which polychlorinated biphenyls compromise the liver promoting diet-induced steatohepatitis. J Proteome Res 18(4):1582-1594. doi:10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00886 PMID:30807179 PMCID:PMC7059562
  • Jackson E, Thatcher SE, Larian N, English V, Soman S, Morris AJ, Weng J, Stromberg AJ, Swanson HI, Pearson KJ, Cassis LA. 2019. Effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor deficiency on PCB-77-induced impairment of glucose homeostasis during weight loss in male and female obese mice. Environ Health Perspect 127(7):doi:10.1289/EHP4133 PMID:31306034 PMCID:PMC6794491
  • Larian N, Ensor M, Thatcher SE, English V, Morris AJ, Stromberg AJ, Cassis LA. 2019. Pseudomonas aeruginosa-derived pyocyanin reduces adipocyte differentiation, body weight, and fat mass as mechanisms contributing to septic cachexia. Food Chem Toxicol 130:219-230. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2019.05.012 PMID:31078726 PMCID:PMC6557674


  • Petriello MC, Brandon JA, Hoffman JB, Wang C, Tripathi H, Abdel-Latif A, Ye X, Li X, Yang L, Lee EY, Soman S, Barney J, Wahlang B, Hennig B, Morris AJ. 2018. Dioxin-like PCB 126 increases systemic inflammation and accelerates atherosclerosis in lean LDL receptor-deficient mice. Toxicol Sci 162(2):548-558. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfx275 PMID:29216392 PMCID:PMC5888982
  • Petriello MC, Charnigo RJ, Sunkara M, Soman S, Pavuk M, Birnbaum LS, Morris AJ, Hennig B. 2018. Relationship between serum trimethylamine N-oxide and exposure to dioxin-like pollutants. Environ Res 162:211-218. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2018.01.007 PMID:29353125 PMCID:PMC5811317
  • Petriello MC, Hoffman JB, Vsevolozhskaya O, Morris AJ, Hennig B. 2018. Dioxin-like PCB 126 increases intestinal inflammation and disrupts gut microbiota and metabolic homeostasis. Environ Pollut 242(A):1022-1032. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2018.07.039 PMID:30373033 PMCID:PMC6211811



  • Keune W, Hausmann J, Bolier R, Tolenaars D, Kremer A, Heidebrecht T, Joosten RP, Sunkara M, Morris AJ, Matas-Rico E, Moolenaar WH, Oude Elferink R, Perrakis A. 2016. Steroid binding to Autotaxin links bile salts and lysophosphatidic acid signalling. Nat Commun 7:11248. doi:10.1038/ncomms11248 PMID:27075612 PMCID:PMC4834639
  • Murphy MO, Petriello MC, Han S, Sunkara M, Morris AJ, Esser K, Hennig B. 2016. Exercise protects against PCB-induced inflammation and associated cardiovascular risk factors. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 23(3):2201-2211. doi:10.1007/s11356-014-4062-6 PMID:25586614 PMCID:PMC4503535
  • Petriello MC, Hoffman JB, Sunkara M, Wahlang B, Perkins JT, Morris AJ, Hennig B. 2016. Dioxin-like pollutants increase hepatic flavin containing monooxygenase (FMO3) expression to promote synthesis of the pro-atherogenic nutrient biomarker trimethylamine N-oxide from dietary precursors. J Nutr Biochem 33:145-153. doi:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2016.03.016 PMID:27155921 PMCID:PMC4893916


  • Baker NA, Shoemaker R, English V, Larian N, Sunkara M, Morris AJ, Walker M, Yiannikouris F, Cassis LA. 2015. Effects of adipocyte aryl hydrocarbon receptor deficiency on PCB-induced disruption of glucose homeostasis in lean and obese mice. Environ Health Perspect 123(10):944-950. doi:10.1289/ehp.1408594 PMID:25734695 PMCID:PMC4590748
  • Carman A, McGladrey MJ, Hoover AG, Crosby RA. 2015. Organizational variation in implementation of an evidence-based human papillomavirus intervention. Am J Prev Med 49(2):301-308. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2015.03.011 PMID:26190804
  • Deng J, Coy D, Zhang W, Sunkara M, Morris AJ, Wang C, Chaiswing L, St Clair D, Vore M, Jungsuwadee P. 2015. Elevated glutathione is not sufficient to protect against doxorubicin-induced nuclear damage in heart in multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (Mrp1/Abcc1) null mice. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 355(2):272-279. doi:10.1124/jpet.115.225490 PMID:26354996 PMCID:PMC4613962
  • Zhang W, Deng J, Sunkara M, Morris AJ, Wang C, St Clair D, Vore M. 2015. Loss of multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 potentiates chronic doxorubicin-induced cardiac dysfunction in mice. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 355(2):280-287. doi:10.1124/jpet.115.225581 PMID:26354995 PMCID:PMC4613956


  • Hofe C, Feng L, Zephyr D, Stromberg AJ, Hennig B, Gaetke LM. 2014. Fruit and vegetable intake, as reflected by serum carotenoid concentrations, predicts reduced probability of polychlorinated biphenyl-associated risk for type 2 diabetes: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003-2004. Nutr Res 34(4):285-293. doi:10.1016/j.nutres.2014.02.001 PMID:24774064 PMCID:PMC4008967
  • Newsome B, Petriello MC, Han S, Murphy MO, Eske KE, Sunkara M, Morris AJ, Hennig B. 2014. Green tea diet decreases PCB 126-induced oxidative stress in mice by up-regulating antioxidant enzymes. J Nutr Biochem 25(2):126-135. doi:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2013.10.003 PMID:24378064 PMCID:PMC3946959
  • Sui Y, Park S, Helsley RN, Sunkara M, Gonzalez FJ, Morris AJ, Zhou C. 2014. Bisphenol A increases atherosclerosis in pregnane X receptor-humanized ApoE deficient mice. J Am Heart Assoc 3(2):e000492. doi:10.1161/JAHA.113.000492 PMID:24755147 PMCID:PMC4187496




  • Choi Y, Arzuaga X, Kluemper CT, Caraballo A, Toborek M, Hennig B. 2010. Quercetin blocks caveolae-dependent pro-inflammatory responses induced by co-planar PCBs. Environ Int 36(8):931-934. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2009.06.009 PMID:19608276 PMCID:PMC2889233
  • Choi Y, Seelbach MJ, Pu H, Eum SY, Chen L, Zhang B, Hennig B, Toborek M. 2010. Polychlorinated biphenyls disrupt intestinal integrity via NADPH oxidase-induced alterations of tight junction protein expression. Environ Health Perspect 118(7):976-981. doi:10.1289/ehp.0901751 PMID:20299304 PMCID:PMC2920918
  • Eum SY, Andras IE, Choi Y, Hennig B, Toborek M. 2010. Caveolae/lipid raft modulates TNF-alpha-induced upregulation of cell adhesion molecules in human brain endothelial cells. FASEB J 24:604.1.
  • Eum SY, Choi Y, Andras IE, Hennig B, Toborek M. 2010. Lipid raft-dependent NADPH oxidase regulates polychlorinated biphenyls-induced expression of cell adhesion molecules in human brain endothelial cells. FASEB J 24:750.9.
  • Fu WJ, Stromberg AJ, Carroll RJ, Viele K, Wu G. 2010. Statistics and bioinformatics in nutritional sciences: Analysis of complex data in the era of systems biology. J Nutr Biochem 21(7):561-572. doi:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2009.11.007 PMID:20233650 PMCID:PMC2885517
  • Han S, Eum SY, Toborek M, Smart EJ, Hennig B. 2010. Polychlorinated biphenyl-induced VCAM-1 expression is attenuated in aortic endothelial cells isolated from caveolin-1 deficient mice. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 246(1-2):74-82. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2010.04.009 PMID:20406653 PMCID:PMC2895770
  • Majkova Z, Toborek M, Hennig B. 2010. The role of caveolae in endothelial cell dysfunction with a focus on nutrition and environmental toxicants. J Cell Mol Med 14(10):2359-2370. doi:10.1111/j.1582-4934.2010.01064.x PMID:20406324 PMCID:PMC2965309
  • Seelbach MJ, Chen L, Powell A, Choi Y, Zhang B, Hennig B, Toborek M. 2010. Polychlorinated biphenyls disrupt blood-brain barrier integrity and promote brain metastasis formation. Environ Health Perspect 118(4):479-484. doi:10.1289/ehp.0901334 PMID:20064788 PMCID:PMC2854723
  • Zhang B, Chen L, Swartz KR, Bruemmer D, Eum SY, Huang W, Seelbach MJ, Choi Y, Hennig B, Toborek M. 2010. Deficiency of telomerase activity aggravates the blood-brain barrier disruption and neuroinflammatory responses in a model of experimental stroke. J Neurosci Res 88(13):2859-2868. doi:10.1002/jnr.22450 PMID:20564349 PMCID:PMC2919635
  • Zheng Y, Layne J, Toborek M, Hennig B. 2010. The roles of caveolin-1 and heme oxygenase-1 in EGCG-mediated protection against TNF-alpha-induced endothelial inflammation. FASEB J 24:541.10.
  • Zheng Y, Toborek M, Hennig B. 2010. Epigallocatechin gallate mediated protection against tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 expression is heme oxygenase-1 dependent. Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental 59(10):1528-1535. doi:10.1016/j.metabol.2010.01.018 PMID:20580034


  • Arzuaga X, Ren N, Stromberg AJ, Black EP, Arsenescu V, Cassis LA, Majkova Z, Toborek M, Hennig B. 2009. Induction of gene pattern changes associated with dysfunctional lipid metabolism induced by dietary fat and exposure to a persistent organic pollutant. Toxicol Lett 189(2):96-101. doi:10.1016/j.toxlet.2009.05.008 PMID:19467301 PMCID:PMC2729430
  • Chen L, Swartz KR, Toborek M. 2009. Vessel microport technique for applications in cerebrovascular research. J Neurosci Res 87(7):1718-1727. doi:10.1002/jnr.21973 PMID:19115415 PMCID:PMC2713928
  • Choi Y, Eum SY, Hennig B, Toborek M. 2009. NADPH oxidase is involved in polychlorinated biphenylmediated alterations of tight junction proteins in cells ofthe gastrointestinal tract. FASEB J 23:570.7.
  • Eum SY, Andras IE, Hennig B, Toborek M. 2009. NADPH oxidase and lipid raft-associated redox signaling are required for PCB153-induced upregulation of cell adhesion molecules in human brain endothelial cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 240(2):299-305. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2009.07.022 PMID:19632255 PMCID:PMC2760772
  • Eum SY, Choi Y, Radakovic M, Andras IE, Hennig B, Toborek M. 2009. Polychlorinated biphenyls induce adhesion of breast cancer cells to human brain endothelium through lipid raft-dependent upregulation of cell adhesion molecules. FASEB J 23:739.22.
  • Eum SY, Choi Y, Radakovic M, Andras IE, Toborek M. 2009. Lipid raft-associated signaling pathways are involved in polychlorinated biphenyl-induced disruption of tight junction in human brain endothelium. FASEB J 23:637.6.
  • Majkova Z, Smart EJ, Hennig B. 2009. Up-regulation of endothelial monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 by coplanar PCB77 is caveolin-1-dependent. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 237(1):1-7. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2009.02.016 PMID:19265715 PMCID:PMC2680936
  • Zheng Y, Lim EJ, Wang L, Smart EJ, Toborek M, Hennig B. 2009. Role of caveolin-1 in EGCG-mediated protection against linoleic-acid-induced endothelial cell activation. J Nutr Biochem 20:202-209. doi:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2008.02.004 PMID:18656337 PMCID:PMC2655117
  • Zheng Y, Oesterling EG, Toborek M, Hennig B. 2009. Flavonoids protect against endothelial dysfunction by induction of hemeoxygenase-1. FASEB J 23:717.11.



  • Arzuaga X, Reiterer G, Majkova Z, Kilgore MW, Toborek M, Hennig B. 2007. PPARalpha ligands reduce PCB-induced endothelial activation: possible interactions in inflammation and atherosclerosis. Cardiovasc Toxicol 7(4):264-272. doi:10.1007/s12012-007-9005-8 PMID:17955387
  • Hennig B, Oesterling EG, Toborek M. 2007. Environmental toxicity, nutrition, and gene interactions in the development of atherosclerosis. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases 17(2):162-9. PMID:17306736
  • Lim EJ, Smart EJ, Toborek M, Hennig B. 2007. The role of caveolin-1 in PCB77-induced eNOS phosphorylation in human-derived endothelial cells. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 293:doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00921.2007 PMID:17933968
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025