Superfund Research Program
Research Support Core B: Environmental Molecular Analysis Core
Project Leader: James M. Tiedje
Grant Number: P42ES004911
Funding Period: 2006-2021
Project-Specific Links
Final Progress Reports
Year: 2020 2012
The Core has worked with the Molecular Insight into Dioxin Degradation by Microbes and Microbial Communities Project team and the Geochemical Controls on the Sorption, Bioavailability, Formation, and Long-term Environmental Fate of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins (PCDDs) Project team to analyze changes in RW-1, a pure-culture dioxin degrader, when challenged by either free TCDD or biochar-bound TCDD. The team found that the biochar-bound TCDD is less toxic to RW-1. The team is analyzing RW-1 transcriptomes collected under these conditions. The team continues to support the Molecular Insight into Dioxin Degradation by Microbes and Microbial Communities Project in development of a qPCR array targeting dechlorinases, a very diverse category of genes involved in removal of chlorines from TCDD and other chlorinated pollutants. This provides the project with a genetic test to track these important genes in the environment.