Superfund Research Program
Training Core
Project Leader: Michael D. McClean
Co-Investigator: Jean van Seventer (Boston University School of Public Health)
Grant Number: P42ES007381
Funding Period: 2017-2021
Project-Specific Links
Final Progress Reports
Year: 2016 2004
The Training Core is a common reference point for all graduate students and post-doctoral fellows who work within the BUSRP program. The Core supports BUSRP trainees in their individual research projects, while facilitating cross-disciplinary scientific exploration, and providing opportunities for research translation, community engagement, and professional development. Currently, the Training Core directly supports two Ph.D. candidates, Kathryn Crawford and Stephanie Kim. Ph.D. candidate Lariah Edwards was supported by the Core until July 2016, when she transitioned to a STAR Fellowship awarded to her by the EPA. This year, three trainees successfully defended their dissertations (Lu Bai, Olga Novikov and James Watt), and four trainees earned their MPH. Trainees co-authored 17 BUSRP publications and presented 20 posters and talks. Trainee Stephanie Kim won second place for her biomedical poster at the SRP Annual Meeting. In April, the Training Core helped organize and host the two day, Northeast Superfund Program Training Workshop. The Core also ran an Environmental Health Lab Day for 15 high school students in the BU Upward Bound Math Science program, a federally-funded program that prepares low-income and first-generation college bound students for STEM success. Trainees gave presentations and led field exercises introducing students to the field of environmental health and work of BUSRP. Trainees participated in numerous Research Translation and Community Engagement activities, especially through the collaborative air monitoring of PCB concentrations in the New Bedford Harbor area. Three trainees wrote articles for the BUSRP Trainee Blog, under the mentorship of deputy director David Ozonoff.