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Final Progress Reports: Columbia University: Integrated Science Support Core

Superfund Research Program

Integrated Science Support Core

Project Leader: Joseph H. Graziano
Co-Investigator: Richard Buchsbaum
Grant Number: P42ES010349
Funding Period: 2017-2021

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Final Progress Reports

Year:   2020 

The Data Management Unit of the Integrated Sciences Support Core (ISSC) continues to collect data and distribute datasets to SRP investigators. In 2020, the Trace Metal Core Laboratory of the ISSC conducted thousands of analyses in blood and urine samples from human study populations exposed to a variety of elements including arsenic, lead, manganese, and selenium. The lab completed the analyses of all the urine arsenic data for the study. The output of this laboratory supported 15 peer reviewed publications, by 12 different lead authors, with many papers submitted, under review, and in preparation. In December 2020, the retirement of Joseph Graziano, Ph.D., was celebrated. A search was conducted during the summer and fall of 2020 and the team has now identified Kathrin Schilling, Ph.D., an expert in metal biomarkers, as a new faculty member who will join as the new director of the Trace Metals Lab in July 2021. During the period of transition, Ana Navas-Acien, Ph.D., is serving as the acting director.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025