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Columbia University

Superfund Research Program

Integrated Science Support Core

Project Leader: Joseph H. Graziano
Co-Investigator: Richard Buchsbaum
Grant Number: P42ES010349
Funding Period: 2017-2021

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Project Summary (2017-2021)

The Integrated Science Support Core of the Columbia University Superfund Research Program (CU SRP) Center is composed of the Data Management unit and the Trace Metals Laboratory unit.

The Data Management unit provides data management resources to SRP researchers. The aim of this unit is to bring together and maximize the skill sets of researchers, statisticians, and data management experts in the design and implementation of research projects. The professional staff of the Data Management unit provides all components of data management to researchers.

The Trace Metals unit has been the major laboratory engine for the analysis of biological samples derived from numerous past CU SRP Center projects. In the current proposal, this unit provides critical support for other projects within the CU SRP Center. Data derived from the Trace Metal unit is provided directly to the Data Management unit, which enters the data into appropriate databases. The Trace Metal unit provides consultation to investigators during the planning phases of studies. The unit also provides them with supplies for the collection of urine, blood, and rice samples, and is available to receive samples on a 24-hour basis, if needed, as they are shipped from various locations. The lab enables CU SRP scientists to precisely measure a broad range of metals in urine, blood, and rice samples, including As, Pb, Se, Mn, Fe, and many others.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025