Superfund Research Program
Research Translation Core
Project Leader: Eric M. Suuberg
Grant Number: P42ES013660
Funding Period: 2005-2021
Project-Specific Links
Final Progress Reports
The Research Translation Core (RTC) continued to foster two-way communication on environmental health topics. The Brown SRP continued its work with the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) on screening potential pollution sites in Rhode Island. In 2020, this could no longer involve statewide sampling with Brown SRP personnel (trainees) as the sample collectors due to the pandemic. However, collaboration continued between the Brown SRP Community Engagement Core and the Rhode Island Departments of Health and Environmental Management on development and use of a risk-based geospatial tool to assist in identifying sites of potential contamination concern, including in potential flood conditions.
The Brown RTC had continued its work with the Northeast Waste Management Officials Association (NEWMOA) on planning a 2020 conference on PFAS environmental health impacts. Jennifer Guelfo, Ph.D., formerly the State Agencies Liaison for the Brown Superfund Program and now at Texas Tech, was a member of the organizing committee. Unfortunately, the pandemic forced cancellation of that event.
Brown SRP modeling work on vapor intrusion continues to be the subject of collaboration with the environmental consulting community. Eric Suuberg, Ph.D., has been invited to discuss how the modeling tool that has been developed at Brown can be used in design of subslab depressurization systems for vapor intrusion mitigation.