Superfund Research Program
Research Translation Core
Project Leader: Eric M. Suuberg
Grant Number: P42ES013660
Funding Period: 2005-2021
Project-Specific Links
- Xie S, Suuberg EM. 2021. The effects of temperature and relative humidity on trichloroethylene sorption capacities of building materials under conditions relevant to vapor intrusion. J Hazard Mater 401:123807. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123807 PMID:33113740
- Xie S, Suuberg EM. 2020. Very low concentration adsorption isotherms of trichloroethylene on common building materials. Build Environ 179:11. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.106954
- Yao Y, Xiao Y, Luo J, Wang G, Strom J, Suuberg EM. 2020. High-frequency fluctuations of indoor pressure: A potential driving force for vapor intrusion in urban areas. Sci Total Environ 710:doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136309 PMID:31926413 PMCID:PMC7532941
- Yao Y, Zuo J, Luo J, Cheng Q(, Strom J, Suuberg EM. 2020. An examination of the building pressure cycling technique as a tool in vapor intrusion investigations with analytical simulations. J Hazard Mater doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.121915 PMID:31882341 PMCID:PMC7082193 (accepted for publication)
- Zhang M, Yamada K, Bourguet S, Guelfo J, Suuberg EM. 2020. Vapor pressure of nine perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) determined using the Knudsen Effusion Method. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 65:2332-2342. doi:10.1021/acs.jced.9b00922 PMCID:PMC7505237
- McDonough CA, Guelfo J, Higgins CP. 2019. Measuring total PFASs in water: the tradeoff between selectivity and inclusivity. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 7:13-18. doi:10.1016/j.coesh.2018.08.005
- Guelfo J, Adamson DT. 2018. Evaluation of a national data set for insights into sources, composition, and concentrations of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in U.S. drinking water. Environ Pollut 236:505-513. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2018.01.066 PMID:29427949 PMCID:PMC5849529
- Guelfo J, Marlow T, Klein D, Savitz D, Frickel S, Crimi M, Suuberg EM. 2018. Evaluation and management strategies for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in drinking water aquifers: Perspectives from impacted US northeast communities. Environ Health Perspect 126:13. doi:10.1289/ehp2727 PMID:29916808
- Yao Y, Verginelli I, Suuberg EM, Eklund B. 2018. Examining the Use of USEPA's Generic Attenuation Factor in Determining Groundwater Screening Levels for Vapor Intrusion. Ground Water Monit Remediat 38(2):79-89. doi:10.1111/gwmr.12276 PMID:30524180 PMCID:PMC6277045
- Yao Y, Mao F, Ma S, Suuberg EM, Tang X, Yao Y. 2017. Three-dimensional simulation of land drains as a preferential pathway for vapor intrusion into buildings. J Environ Qual 46:1424-1433. doi:10.2134/jeq2017.05.0211 PMID:29293853 PMCID:PMC5794493
- Yao Y, Verginelli I, Suuberg EM. 2017. A two-dimensional analytical model of vapor intrusion involving vertical heterogeneity. Water Resour Res 53:4499-4513. doi:10.1002/2016WR020317 PMID:29081548 PMCID:PMC5654581
- Yao Y, Wang Y, Zhong Z, Tang M, Suuberg EM. 2017. Investigating the role of soil texture in vapor intrusion from groundwater sources. J Environ Qual 46:776-784. doi:10.2134/jeq2017.01.0011 PMID:28783798
- McAlary T, McHugh T, Eklund B, Lutes C, Suuberg EM, Hayes H, Pennell KG, Folkes D, Dawson H, Truesdale R, Beckley L, Holton C. 2016. Comments and corrections to: “The Emperor's Old Clothes: An Inconvenient Truth About Currently Accepted Vapor Intrusion Assessment Methods,” and “Emperor's Old Clothes Revisited,” two recent editorials by Mark Kram. Ground Water Monit Remediat 36:84-87. doi:10.1111/gwmr.12166
- Thompson MR, Burdon A, Boekelheide K. 2014. Practice-based evidence informs environmental health policy and regulation: a case study of residential lead-soil contamination in Rhode Island. Sci Total Environ 468-469:514-522. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.07.094 PMID:24055667 PMCID:PMC3858391
- Hoover E, Brown P, Averick M, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2009. Teaching small and thinking large: effects of including social and ethical implications in an interdisciplinary nanotechnology course. J Nano Educ 1(1):86-95. doi:10.1166/jne.2009.013 PMID:23585917 PMCID:PMC3624993
- Guo L, von dem Bussche A, Buechner M, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2008. Adsorption of essential micronutrients by carbon nanotubes and the implications for nanotoxicity testing. Small 4(6):721-727. doi:10.1002/smll.200700754 PMID:18504717 PMCID:PMC3209620
- Manchester S, Wang X, Kulaots I, Gao Y, Hurt RH. 2008. High capacity mercury adsorption on freshly ozone-treated carbon surfaces. Carbon N Y 46(3):518-524. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2007.12.019 PMID:19255621 PMCID:PMC2614278
- Bain EJ, Calo JM. 2007. Porous materials for the adsorption/electrosorption of arsenic and chromium species for aquesous solutions. American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry Preprints 47(2):211.
- Yan A, von dem Bussche A, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2007. Tocopheryl polyethylene glycol succinate as a safe, antioxidant surfactant for processing carbon nanotubes and fullerenes. Carbon N Y 45:2463-70. PMID:19081834
- Yao P, Calo JM, Hradil G. 2007. Removal of metal mixtures from aqueous solutions with a spouted particulate electrode. American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry Preprints 47(2):207.
- Brown P, Senier L, Hoover E. 2006. A model home equity loan program for areas with highly contaminated property. In: Proceedings of the National Environmental Public Health Conference, December 5th. Alanta, GA.