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Project Publications: Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Analysis of Causes of Mortality in the Aberjona and Mystic Valley Populations: Comparison to Massachusetts and United States Experience

Superfund Research Program

Analysis of Causes of Mortality in the Aberjona and Mystic Valley Populations: Comparison to Massachusetts and United States Experience

Project Leader: William G. Thilly
Grant Number: P42ES004675
Funding Period: 1995 - 2000
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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  • Bjorheim J, Lystad S, Lindblom A, Kressner U, Westring S, Wahlberg S, Lindmark G, Gaudernack G, Ekstrom P, Roe J, Thilly WG, Borresen-Dale AL. 1998. Mutation analyses of KRAS exon 1 comparing three different techniques: temporal temperature gradient electrophoresis, constant denaturant capillary electrophoresis and allele specific polymerase chain reaction. Mutat Res 403:103-112. PMID:9726011
  • Coller HA, Khrapko K, Torres A, Frampton MW, Utell MJ, Thilly WG. 1998. Mutational spectra of a 100-base pair mitochondrial DNA target sequence in bronchial epithelial cells: a comparison of smoking and nonsmoking twins. Cancer Res 58(6):1268-1277. PMID:9515815
  • Coller HA, Thilly WG. 1998. Mutational Spectra Technology. In: Encyclopedia of environmental analysis and remediation. Wiley-Interscience, pp.2967-3005.
  • Herrero-Jimenez P, Thilly G, Southam PJ, Tomita AV, Morgenthaler S, Furth EE, Thilly WG. 1998. Mutation, cell kinetics, and subpopulations at risk for colon cancer in the United States. Mutat Res 400:553-578. PMID:9685710
  • Khrapko K, Coller HA, Hanekamp JS, Thilly WG. 1998. Identification of point mutations in mixtures by capillary electrophoresis hybridization. Nucleic Acids Res 26(24):5738-5740. PMID:9838007
  • Li X, Thilly WG. 1998. Scanning technology for point mutants within 100-bp sequences in human blood and tissues. Journal of Disease Gene Identification: Methods and Protocols, a series of Methods in Molecular Medicine
  • Marcelino LA, Andre PC, Khrapko K, Coller HA, Griffith J, Thilly WG. 1998. Chemically induced mutations in mitochondrial DNA of human cells: Mutational spectrum of N-Methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Cancer Res 58:2857-2862. PMID:9661902
  • Tomita AV, Muniappan BP, Herrero-Jimenez P, Zarbl HF, Thilly WG. 1998. Single nucleotide polymorphism spectra in newborns and centenarians: identification of genes coding for risk of mortal disease. Gene 26:381-391. PMID:9858772


  • Khrapko K, Coller HA, Andre PC, Li X, Hanekamp JS, Thilly WG. 1997. Mitochondrial mutational spectra in human cells and tissues. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 94(25):13798-13803. PMID:9391107


  • Cha RS, Guerra L, Thilly WG, Zarbl HF. 1996. Ha-ras-1 oncogene mutations in mammary epithelial cells do not contribute to initiation of spontaneous mammary tumorigenesis in rats. Carcinogenesis 17(11):2519-2524. PMID:8968072
  • Hanekamp JS, Thilly WG, Chaudry A. 1996. Screening for human mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Hum Genet 98:243-245. PMID:8698353
  • Khrapko K, Coller HA, Thilly WG. 1996. Efficiency of separation of DNA mutations by constant denaturant capillary electrophoresis (CDCE) is controlled by the kinetics of DNA melting equilibrium. Electrophoresis 17(12):1867-1874. PMID:9034768
  • Thilly WG. 1996. On the trail of mutations at MIT. Environ Health Perspect 104(2):142-145.


  • Cha RS, Thilly WG. 1995. Specificity, Efficiency, and Fidelity of PCR. In: PCR Primer A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor, NY. pp.37-51.
  • Durant JL, Chen J, Hemond HF, Thilly WG. 1995. Elevated incidence of childhood leukemia in Woburn, Massachusetts: NIEHS Superfund Basic Research Program Search for Causes. Environ Health Perspect 103(Suppl.6):93-98. PMID:8549500
  • Hanekamp JS, Andre PC, Coller HA, Li X, Thilly WG, Khrapko K. 1995. A protocol for constant denaturant capillary electrophoresis (CDCE): Mutant DNA sequence detection. In: Mutation Detection Visby Sweden, Laboratory Protocols. Oxford University Press, pp.38-41.
  • Hanekamp JS, Thilly WG. 1995. Chromatographic separations of genetically altered DNA sequences in humans: Mutational Spectrometry. In: Chromatographic Analysis of Environment, 3rd Edition. Marcel Dekker, Inc, NY.
  • Hu G. 1995. Multi-copy nuclear pseudogenes of mitochondrial DNA reveal recent acute genetic changes in the human genome. Curr Genet 28:410-414. PMID:8575012
  • Kumar R, Hanekamp JS, Louhelainen J, Burvall J, Onfelt A, Hemminki K, Thilly WG. 1995. Separation of transforming amino acid-substituting mutations in codons 12, 13 and 61 the N-ras gene by constant denaturant capillary electrophoresis (CDCE). Carcinogenesis 16(11):2667-2673. PMID:7586184
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