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Project Publications: University of Arizona: Determination of Toxic Metal Species in Environmental and Biological Matrices with High Energy Ion Beams

Superfund Research Program

Determination of Toxic Metal Species in Environmental and Biological Matrices with High Energy Ion Beams

Project Leader: Quintus Fernando
Grant Number: P42ES004940
Funding Period: 1995 - 2000
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  • Keith RL, Gandolfi A, McIntyre LC, Ashbaugh MD, Fernando Q. 1999. Analysis of heavy metal deposition in biological tissue by sectional mapping using m-PIXE. Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res A 149:167-176.
  • Pigman EA, Lott JR, Fernando Q, Blanchard J. 1999. Use of the Caco-2 cell model to assess the relative lead-chelating ability of diastereoisomers of 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid. Environ Health Perspect 107(2):111-115. PMID:9924005
  • Wei H, Qiu L, Divine KK, Ashbaugh MD, McIntyre LC, Fernando Q, Gandolfi A. 1999. Toxicity and transport of three synthesized mercury-thiol-complexes in isolated rabbit renal proximal tubule suspensions. Drug Chem Toxicol 22(2):323-341. PMID:10234470


  • Keith RL, McIntyre LC, Ashbaugh MD, Fernando Q, Gandolfi A. 1998. Characterization of heavy metal deposition in rabbit renal tissue using micro-proton induced x-ray emission. In: Proceedings of the Superfund Basic Research Program: A Decade of Improving Health through Multi-Disciplinary Research. Chapel Hill, NC.
  • Qiu L, Lott JR, Fernando Q, Ashbaugh MD, McIntyre LC, Keith RL, Wei H, Gandolfi A. 1998. The PIXE and micro-PIXE facility at the University of Arizona. In: Proceedings of the Superfund Basic Research Program: A Decade of Improving Health through Multi-Disciplinary Research. Chapel Hill, NC.


  • Cheng F, Fernando Q, Korte NE. 1997. Electrochemical dechlorination of 4-chlorophenol to phenol. Environ Sci Technol 31(4):1074-1078.
  • Cheng JF, Muftikian R, Fernando Q, Korte NE. 1997. Reduction of nitrate to ammonia by zero-valent iron. Chemosphere 35(11):2689-2695.
  • Keith RL, Gandolfi A, McIntyre LC, Ashbaugh MD, Fernando Q. 1997. Use of the nuclear microprobe at the University of Arizona for the study of heavy metal deposition in rabbit renal tissue. Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res A 130:358-361.
  • Keith RL, McIntyre LC, Ashbaugh MD, Fernando Q, Gandolfi A. 1997. Characterization of heavy metal deposition in rabbit renal tissue using micro-proton induced x-ray emission. Environ Health Perspect 36:185.
  • Keith RL, Setiarahardjo I, Fernando Q, Aposhian HV, Gandolfi A. 1997. Utilization of renal slices to evaluate the efficacy of chelators to remove mercury from the kidney. Toxicology 116:67-75. PMID:9020508
  • Liang L, Korte NE, Goodlaxson J, Clausen J, Fernando Q, Muftikian R. 1997. Byproduct formation during the reduction of TCE by zero-valence iron and palladized iron. Ground Water Monitoring Review 1:122-127.
  • McIntyre LC, Leavitt JA, Ashbaugh MD, Borgardt J, Keith RL, Gandolfi A, Qiu L, Lott JR, Fernando Q. 1997. The nuclear microprobe at the University of Arizona. Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res A 130(1-4):45-50. doi:10.1016/S0168-583X(97)00177-8


  • Muftikian R, Nebesny K, Fernando Q, Korte NE. 1996. X-ray photoelectron spectra of the palladium-iron bimetallic surface used for the rapid dechlorination of chlorinated organic environmental contaminants. Environ Sci Technol 30(12):3593-3596.


  • Fang X, Fernando Q. 1995. Stereoisomeric selectivity of 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acids in chelation therapy for lead poisoning. Chem Res Toxicol 8(4):525-536. PMID:7548732
  • Fang X, Fernando Q, Ugwu S, Blanchard J. 1995. An improved method for determination of acid dissociation constants of peptides. Pharm Res 12(10):1423-1429. PMID:8584474
  • Fernando Q. 1995. Metal speciation in environmental and biological systems. Environ Health Perspect 103(Suppl.1):13-16. PMID:7621790
  • Grittini C, Malcomson ME, Fernando Q, Korte NE. 1995. Rapid dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls on the surface of a Pd/Fe bimetallic system. Environ Sci Technol 29(11):2898-2900. PMID:22206541
  • Keith RL, Leavitt JA, McIntyre LC, Fernando Q, Gandolfi A. 1995. Use of micro-proton induced x-ray emission (mu-PIXE) for heavy metal analysis. Environ Health Perspect 15:106.
  • Muftikian R, Fernando Q, Korte NE. 1995. A method for the rapid dechlorination of low molecular weight chlorinated hydrocarbons in water. Water Res 29(10):2434-2439.
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025