Superfund Research Program
Lead Exposure and Accumulation in Bone in Adolescents
Project Leader: P. Barry Ryan (Emory University School of Public Health)
Grant Number: P42ES005947
Funding Period: 1995 - 2000
Project-Specific Links
- Project Summary
- Cheng YW, Schwartz J, Sparrow D, Aro A, Weiss ST, Hu H. 2001. Bone lead and blood lead levels in relation to baseline blood pressure and the prospective development of hypertension: The Normative Aging Study. Am J Epidemiol 153(2):164-171. PMID:11159162
- Aro A, Amarasiriwardena CJ, Lee ML, Kim R, Hu H. 2000. Validation of K x-ray fluorescence bone lead measurements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in cadaver legs. Medical Physics 27:119-123. PMID:10659745
- Hoppin JA, Aro A, Hu H, Ryan PB. 2000. Measurement variability associated with KXRF bone lead measurement in young adults. Environ Health Perspect 108(3):239-242. PMID:10706530 PMCID:PMC1637955
- Elreedy S, Kreiger N, Ryan PB, Sparrow D, Weiss ST, Hu H. 1999. Relations between individual and neighborhood-based measures of socioeconomic position and bone lead concentrations among community-exposed men: The Normative Aging Study. Am J Epidemiol 150(2):129-141. PMID:10412957
- Potula V, Serrano J, Sparrow D, Hu H. 1999. The relationship of lead in drinking water to bone lead levels twenty year later in Boston men: the Normative Aging Study. J Occup Environ Med 41:349-355. PMID:10337604
- Tsaih S, Lee ML, Amarasiriwardena CJ, Aro A, Sparrow D, Hu H. 1999. The independent contribution of bone and erythrocyte lead to urinary lead among middle-aged and Elderly men: The Normative Aging Study. Environ Health Perspect 107(5):391-396. PMID:10210695
- Wright RO, Shannon MW, Hu H. 1999. Association between iron deficiency and low-level lead poisoning in an urban primary care clinic. Am J Public Health 89(7):1049-1053. PMID:10394314
- Hoppin JA, Aro A, Hu H, Ryan PB. 1997. In vivo bone lead measurements in suburban teenagers. Pediatrics 100:365-370.
- Hoppin JA, Elreedy S, Ryan PB. 1997. Validation of a self-administered lead exposure questionnaire among suburban teenagers. Environ Res 74:1-10. PMID:9339208
- Hoppin JA. 1996. Biological markers as exposure assessment tools. In: Environmental Health Criteria on Human Exposure Assessment. WHO, Office of Global and Integrated Environmental Health, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Hoppin JA, Aro A, Williams PL, Hu H, Ryan PB. 1995. Validation of K-XRF bone lead measurements in young adults. Environ Health Perspect 103:78-83. PMID:7628429
- Hoppin JA, Elreedy S, Ryan PB. 1995. Validation of a self-administered questionnaire to predict lead exposure to teenagers in a suburban community. Epidemiology 6:S22.
- Hoppin JA, Ryan PB. 1995. Biological markers issues for environmental exposure assessment. Epidemiology 6:S29.
- Ryan PB, Elreedy S, Burke TA. 1995. Investigations in environmental equity: young adults and lead exposure in a community setting. Epidemiology 6:S78.