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Program Publications: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: Elucidating Risks: From Exposure and Mechanism to Outcome

Superfund Research Program

Elucidating Risks: From Exposure and Mechanism to Outcome

Center Director: Rebecca C. Fry
Grant Number: P42ES005948
Funding Period: 1992-2018
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  • Yelton S, George A, Tomlinson MS, Bommarito P, Fry RC, Gray K. 2023. Communicating results of drinking water tests from private wells: Designing report-back materials to facilitate understanding. J Environ Health 85(8):8-14. PMID:37621302 PMCID:PMC10448603


  • Freedman AN, Eaves LA, Rager JE, Gavino-Lopez N, Smeester L, Bangma J, Santos HP, Joseph RM, Kuban KC, O'Shea TM, Fry RC. 2022. The placenta epigenome-brain axis: placental epigenomic and transcriptomic responses that preprogram cognitive impairment. Epigenomics 14(15):897-911. doi:10.2217/epi-2022-0061 PMID:36073148
  • Griggs JL, Chi L, Hanley NM, Kohan M, Herbin-Davis K, Thomas DJ, Lu K, Fry RC, Bradham KD. 2022. Bioaccessibility of arsenic from contaminated soils and alteration of the gut microbiome in an in vitro gastrointestinal model. Environ Pollut 309:doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119753 PMID:35835276


  • Pietari JM, O'Reilly K, Shea D, Kamath R. 2021. Incorporating oil/water partitioning in risk calculations for PAHs in petroleum impacted soils and sediments. Soil Sediment Contam doi:10.1080/15320383.2021.1913573


  • Dingler FA, Wang M, Mu A, Millington CL, Oberbeck N, Watcham S, Pontel LB, Kamimae-Lanning AN, Langevin F, Nadler C, Cordell RL, Monks PS, Yu R, Wilson NK, Hira A, Yoshida K, Mori M, Okamoto Y, Okuno Y, Muramatsu H, Shiraishi Y, Kobayashi M, Moriguchi T, Osumi T, Kato M, Miyano S, Ito E, Kojima S, Yabe H, Matsuo K, Yabe M, Ogawa S, Gottgens B, Hodskinson MR, Takata M, Patel KJ. 2020. Two aldehyde clearance systems are essential to prevent lethal formaldehyde accumulation in mice and humans. Mol Cell 80(6):doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2020.10.012 PMID:33147438 PMCID:PMC7758861
  • Gray K, LePrevost CE, Cope W. 2020. Anglers' views on using signs to communicate fish consumption advisories. Fisheries 10:doi:10.1002/fsh.10463
  • Parada H, Wu T, Fry RC, Farnan L, Smith GJ, Mohler JL, Bensen JT. 2020. Understanding the relationship between environmental arsenic and prostate cancer aggressiveness among African-American and European-American men in North Carolina. Int J Environ Res Public Health 17:doi:10.3390/ijerph17228364 PMID:33198142 PMCID:PMC7697081
  • Vila J, Tian Z, Wang H, Bodnar WM, Aitken MD. 2020. Isomer-selective biodegradation of high-molecular-weight azaarenes in PAH-contaminated environmental samples. Sci Total Environ 707:doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135503 PMID:31780161 PMCID:PMC6981052


  • Beck R, Chandi M, Kanke M, Styblo M, Sethupathy P. 2019. Arsenic is more potent than cadmium or manganese in disrupting the INS-1 beta cell microRNA landscape. Arch Toxicol doi:10.1007/s00204-019-02574-8 PMID:31555879
  • Bommarito P, Xu X, Gonzalez-Horta C, Sanchez-Ramirez B, Ballinas-Casarrubias L, Luna RS, Perez SR, Hernandez-Avila JE, Garcia-Vargas G, Del Razo LM, Styblo M, Mendez MA, Fry RC. 2019. One-carbon metabolism nutrient intake and the association between body mass index and urinary arsenic metabolites in adults in the Chihuahua cohort. Environ Int 123:292-300. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2018.12.004 PMID:30553202 PMCID:PMC6369528
  • Fry RC, Bangma J, Szilagyi JT, Rager JE. 2019. Developing novel in vitro methods for the risk assessment of developmental and placental toxicants in the environment. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 378:12. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2019.114635 PMID:31233757 PMCID:PMC6684208
  • Johnson J, Robinson S, Smeester L, Fry RC, Boggess K, Vora NL. 2019. Ubiquitous identification of inorganic arsenic in a cohort of second trimester amniotic fluid in women with preterm and term births. Reprod Toxicol 87:97-99. doi:10.1016/j.reprotox.2019.05.061 PMID:31128209
  • Meakin C, Martin EM, Szilagyi JT, Nylander-French LA, Fry RC. 2019. Inorganic Arsenic as an Endocrine Disruptor: Modulation of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Pathway in Placental Cells via CpG Methylation. Chem Res Toxicol 32(3):493-499. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.8b00352 PMID:30746931
  • Tomlinson MS, Bommarito P, George A, Yelton S, Cable P, Coyte R, Karr J, Vengosh A, Gray K, Fry RC. 2019. Assessment of inorganic contamination of private wells and demonstration of effective filter-based reduction: A pilot-study in Stokes County, North Carolina. Environ Res 177:doi:10.1016/j.envres.2019.108618 PMID:31419714 PMCID:PMC6717535


  • Adebambo OA, Shea D, Fry RC. 2018. Cadmium disrupts signaling of the hypoxia-inducible (HIF) and transforming growth factor (TGF-beta) pathways in placental JEG-3 trophoblast cells via reactive oxygen species. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 342:108-115. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2018.01.010 PMID:29408318
  • Archambault JM, Prochazka ST, Cope W, Shea D, Lazaro P. 2018. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface waters, sediments, and unionid mussels: relation to road crossings and implications for chronic mussel exposure. Hydrobiologia 810:465-476. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3101-y
  • Balik-Meisner M, Truong L, Scholl EH, La Du JK, Tanguay RL, Reif DM. 2018. Elucidating gene-by-environment interactions associated with differential susceptibility to chemical exposure. Environ Health Perspect 126:8. doi:10.1289/ehp2662 PMID:29968567
  • Brewster CS, Sharma VK, Cizmas LH, McDonald TJ. 2018. Occurrence, distribution and composition of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediment cores from the Lower Fox River, Wisconsin, US. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 25(5):4974-4988. doi:10.1007/s11356-017-0819-z PMID:29204943 PMCID:PMC5823782
  • Buttermore EN, Cope W, Kwak TJ, Cooney P, Shea D, Lazaro P. 2018. Contaminants in tropical island streams and their biota. Environ Res 161:615-623. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2017.11.053 PMID:29257981
  • Cichocki JA, Luo Y, Furuya S, Venkatratnam A, Konganti K, Chiu WA, Threadgill DW, Pogribny IP, Rusyn I. 2018. Modulation of Tetrachloroethylene-Associated Kidney Effects by Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver or Steatohepatitis in Male C57BL/6J Mice. Toxicol Sci 167(1):126-137. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfy223 PMID:30202895 PMCID:PMC6317418
  • Dalaijamts C, Cichocki JA, Luo Y, Rusyn I, Chiu WA. 2018. Incorporation of the glutathione conjugation pathway in an updated physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model for perchloroethylene in mice. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 352:142-152. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2018.05.033 PMID:29857080 PMCID:PMC6051410
  • Fry RC, Martin EM. 2018. Environmental influences on the epigenome: exposure- associated DNA methylation in human populations. Annu Rev Public Health 39:303-333. doi:10.1146/annurev-publhealth-040617-014629 PMID:29328878
  • Gray K. 2018. From content knowledge to community change: A review of representations of environmental health literacy. Int J Environ Res Public Health 15(3):466. doi:10.3390/ijerph15030466 PMID:29518955 PMCID:PMC5877011
  • Haine D. 2018. The exposome: making chemical exposures relevant to biology instruction. Am Biol Teach 80(8):600-607. doi:10.1525/abt.2018.80.8.600
  • Li G, Jima DD, Wright FA, Nobel AB. 2018. HT-eQTL: integrative expression quantitative trait loci analysis in a large number of human tissues. BMC Bioinformatics 19:95. doi:10.1186/s12859-018-2088-3 PMID:29523079
  • Luo Y, Furuya S, Chiu WA, Rusyn I. 2018. Characterization of inter-tissue and inter-strain variability of TCE glutathione conjugation metabolites DCVG, DCVC, and NAcDCVC in the mouse. J Toxicol Environ Health A 81:37-52. doi:10.1080/15287394.2017.1408512 PMID:29190187
  • Luo Y, Furuya S, Soldatov VY, Kosyk O, Yoo HS, Fukushima H, Lewis L, Iwata Y, Rusyn I. 2018. Metabolism and toxicity of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene in cytochrome P450 2E1 knockout and humanized transgenic mice. Toxicol Sci doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfy099 PMID:29897530
  • Luo Y, Hsieh N, Soldatow VY, Chiu WA, Rusyn I. 2018. Comparative analysis of metabolism of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene among mouse tissues and strains. Toxicology 409:33-43. doi:10.1016/j.tox.2018.07.012 PMID:30053492 PMCID:PMC6186498
  • McEachran AD, Hedgespeth ML, Newton SR, McMahen R, Strynar M, Shea D, Nichols EG. 2018. Comparison of emerging contaminants in receiving waters downstream of a conventional wastewater treatment plant and a forest-water reuse system. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int doi:10.1007/s11356-018-1505-5 PMID:29460251
  • Smeester L, Fry RC. 2018. Long-Term Health Effects and Underlying Biological Mechanisms of Developmental Exposure to Arsenic. Curr Environ Health Rep 5(1):134-144. doi:10.1007/s40572-018-0184-1 PMID:29411302
  • Tian Z, Vila J, Yu M, Bodnar WM, Aitken MD. 2018. Tracing the biotransformation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in contaminated soil using stable isotope-assisted metabolomics. Environ Sci Technol Lett 5(2):103-109. doi:10.1021/acs.estlett.7b00554
  • Tilley SK, Martin EM, Smeester L, Joseph RM, Kuban KC, Heeren T, Dammann OU, O'Shea TM, Fry RC. 2018. Placental CpG methylation of infants born extremely preterm predicts cognitive impairment later in life. PLoS One 13:16. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0193271 PMID:29513726 PMCID:PMC5841757
  • To K, Fry RC, Reif DM. 2018. Characterizing the effects of missing data and evaluating imputation methods for chemical prioritization applications using ToxPi. BioData Min 11:12. doi:10.1186/s13040-018-0169-5 PMID:29942350 PMCID:PMC5998548


  • Archambault JM, Bergeron CM, Cope W, Lazaro P, Leonard JA, Shea D. 2017. Assessing toxicity of contaminants in riverine suspended sediments to freshwater mussels. Environ Toxicol Chem 36(2):395-407. doi:10.1002/etc.3540 PMID:27349213 PMCID:PMC5858922
  • Bommarito P, Martin EM, Fry RC. 2017. Effects of prenatal exposure to endocrine disruptors and toxic metals on the fetal epigenome. Epigenomics 9:333-350. doi:10.2217/epi-2016-0112 PMID:28234024
  • Bommarito P, Martin EM, Smeester L, Palys T, Baker E, Karagas MR, Fry RC. 2017. Fetal-sex dependent genomic responses in the circulating lymphocytes of arsenic-exposed pregnant women in New Hampshire. Reprod Toxicol 73:184-195. doi:10.1016/j.reprotox.2017.07.023 PMID:28793237
  • Brooks SA, Fry RC. 2017. Cadmium inhibits placental trophoblast cell migration via miRNA regulation of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) pathway. Food Chem Toxicol 109:721-726. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2017.07.059 PMID:28774740 PMCID:PMC5656529
  • Chibwe L, Davie-Martin C, Aitken MD, Hoh E, Simonich SL. 2017. Identification of polar transformation products and high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in contaminated soil following bioremediation. Sci Total Environ 599-600:1099-1107. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.04.190 PMID:28511355
  • Cichocki JA, Furuya S, Konganti K, Luo Y, McDonald TJ, Iwata Y, Chiu WA, Threadgill DW, Pogribny IP, Rusyn I. 2017. Impact of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease on toxicokinetics of tetrachloroethylene in mice. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 361(1):17-28. doi:10.1124/jpet.116.238790 PMID:28148637 PMCID:PMC5363767
  • Cichocki JA, Furuya S, Venkatratnam A, McDonald TJ, Knap A, Wade TL, Sweet S, Chiu WA, Threadgill DW, Rusyn I. 2017. Characterization of variability in toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics of tetrachloroethylene using the collaborative cross mouse population. Environ Health Perspect 125(5):057006. doi:10.1289/ehp788 PMID:28572074 PMCID:PMC5726344
  • Corteselli EM, Aitken MD, Singleton D. 2017. Description of Immundisolibacter cernigliae gen. nov., sp. nov., a high-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium within the class Gammaproteobacteria, and proposal of Immundisolibacterales ord. nov. and Immundisolibacteraceae fam. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 67:925-931. doi:10.1099/ijsem.0.001714 PMID:27926817 PMCID:PMC5817195
  • Corteselli EM, Aitken MD, Singleton D. 2017. Rugosibacter aromaticivorans gen nov, sp nov, a bacterium within the family Rhodocyclaceae, isolated from contaminated soil, capable of degrading aromatic compounds. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 67(2):311-318. doi:10.1099/ijsem.0.001622 PMID:27902243
  • Edrissi B, Taghizadeh K, Moeller BC, Yu R, Kracko D, Doyle-Eisele M, Swenberg JA, Dedon PC. 2017. N6-Formyllysine as a Biomarker of Formaldehyde Exposure: Formation and Loss of N6-Formyllysine in Nasal Epithelium in Long-Term, Low-Dose Inhalation Studies in Rats. Chem Res Toxicol 30(8):1572-1576. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.7b00075 PMID:28692800 PMCID:PMC5807069
  • Franceschini N, Fry RC, Balakrishnan P, Navas-Acien A, Oliver-Williams C, Howard AG, Cole SA, Haack KW, Lange EM, Howard BV, Best LG, Francesconi KA, Umans JG, Tellez-Plaza M. 2017. Cadmium body burden and increased blood pressure in middle-aged American Indians: the Strong Heart Study. J Hum Hypertens 31(3):225-230. doi:10.1038/jhh.2016.67 PMID:27629244 PMCID:PMC5299034
  • Gao L, Mutlu E, Collins LB, Walker N, Hartwell HJ, Olson J, Sun W, Gold A, Ball LM, Swenberg JA. 2017. DNA product formation in female Sprague-Dawley rats following polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbon (PHAH) exposure. Chem Res Toxicol 30(3):794-803. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.6b00368 PMID:28207250 PMCID:PMC5363288
  • Grimm FA, Russell WK, Luo Y, Iwata Y, Chiu WA, Roy T, Boogaard PJ, Ketelslegers HB, Rusyn I. 2017. Grouping of petroleum substances as example UVCBs by ion mobility-mass spectrometry to enable chemical composition-based read-across. Environ Sci Technol 51:7197-7207. doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b06413 PMID:28502166 PMCID:PMC5627358
  • Huang MC, Douillet C, Su M, Zhou K, Wu T, Chen W, Galanko JA, Drobna Z, Saunders RJ, Martin EM, Fry RC, Jia W, Styblo M. 2017. Metabolomic profiles of arsenic (+3 oxidation state) methyltransferase knockout mice: effect of sex and arsenic exposure. Arch Toxicol 91(1):189-202. doi:10.1007/s00204-016-1676-0 PMID:26883664 PMCID:PMC4987274
  • Klaus V, Bastek H, Damme K, Collins LB, Frotschl R, Benda N, Lutter D, Ellinger-Ziegelbauer H, Swenberg JA, Dietrich DR, Stemmer K. 2017. Time-matched analysis of DNA adduct formation and early gene expression as predictive tool for renal carcinogenesis in methylazoxymethanol acetate treated Eker rats. Arch Toxicol 91(10):3427-3438. doi:10.1007/s00204-017-1953-6 PMID:28349193 PMCID:PMC5617782
  • Laine JE, Bailey KA, Olshan A, Smeester L, Drobna Z, Styblo M, Douillet C, Garcia-Vargas G, Rubio-Andrade M, Pathmasiri W, McRitchie S, Sumner SJ, Fry RC. 2017. Neonatal metabolomic profiles related to prenatal arsenic exposure. Environ Sci Technol 51(1):625-633. doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b04374 PMID:27997141
  • Martin EM, Smeester L, Bommarito P, Grace MR, Boggess K, Kuban K, Karagas MR, Marsit CJ, O'Shea TM, Fry RC. 2017. Sexual epigenetic dimorphism in the human placenta: implications for susceptibility during the prenatal period. Epigenomics 9(3):267-278. doi:10.2217/epi-2016-0132 PMID:28234023 PMCID:PMC5331919
  • Martin EM, Styblo M, Fry RC. 2017. Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms underlying arsenic-associated diabetes mellitus: a perspective of the current evidence. Epigenomics 9(5):doi:10.2217/epi-2016-0097 PMID:28470093 PMCID:PMC5480787
  • McEachran AD, Shea D, Nichols EG. 2017. Pharmaceuticals in a temperate forest-water reuse system. Sci Total Environ 581-582:705-714. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.12.185 PMID:28073640 PMCID:PMC5303553
  • Nakamura J, Shimomoto T, Collins LB, Holley DW, Zhang Z, Barbee JM, Sharma V, Tian X, Kondo T, Uchida K, Yi X, Perkins DO, Willis MS, Gold A, Bultman SJ. 2017. Evidence that endogenous formaldehyde produces immunogenic and atherogenic adduct epitopes. Sci Rep 7:12. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-11289-8 PMID:28883613 PMCID:PMC5589919
  • Rager JE, Auerbach SS, Chappell G, Martin EM, Thompson CM, Fry RC. 2017. Benchmark Dose Modeling Estimates of the Concentrations of Inorganic Arsenic That Induce Changes to the Neonatal Transcriptome, Proteome, and Epigenome in a Pregnancy Cohort. Chem Res Toxicol 30(10):1911-1920. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.7b00221
  • Shimomoto T, Collins LB, Yi X, Holley DW, Zhang Z, Tian X, Uchida K, Wang C, Horkko S, Bultman SJ, Willis MS, Gold A, Nakamura J. 2017. A purified MAA-based ELISA is a useful tool for determining anti-MAA antibody titer with high sensitivity. PLoS One 12(2):e0172172. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0172172 PMID:28222187 PMCID:PMC5319763
  • Smeester L, Bommarito P, Martin EM, Recio-Vega R, Gonzalez-Cortes, Olivas-Calderon E, Lantz RC, Fry RC. 2017. Chronic early childhood exposure to arsenic is associated with a TNF-mediated proteomic signaling response. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol 52:183-187. doi:10.1016/j.etap.2017.04.007 PMID:28433805
  • Smeester L, Martin EM, Cable P, Bodnar WM, Boggess K, Vora NL, Fry RC. 2017. Toxic metals in amniotic fluid and altered gene expression in cell‐free fetal RNA. Prenat Diagn 37(13):1364-1366. doi:10.1002/pd.5183 PMID:29111618 PMCID:PMC5766286
  • Tian Z, Gold A, Nakamura J, Zhang Z, Vila J, Singleton D, Collins LB, Aitken MD. 2017. Nontarget Analysis Reveals a Bacterial Metabolite of Pyrene Implicated in the Genotoxicity of Contaminated Soil after Bioremediation. Environ Sci Technol 51(12):7091-7100. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b01172 PMID:28510420 PMCID:PMC6309544
  • Tian Z, Vila J, Wang H, Bodnar WM, Aitken MD. 2017. Diversity and Abundance of High-Molecular-Weight Azaarenes in PAH-Contaminated Environmental Samples. Environ Sci Technol 51:14047-14054. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b03319 PMID:29160699
  • Tilley SK, Joseph RM, Kuban KC, Dammann OU, O'Shea TM, Fry RC. 2017. Genomic biomarkers of prenatal intrauterine inflammation in umbilical cord tissue predict later life neurological outcomes. PLoS One 12(5):e0176953. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0176953 PMID:28493900 PMCID:PMC5426658
  • Tilley SK, Reif DM, Fry RC. 2017. Incorporating ToxCast and Tox21 datasets to rank biological activity of chemicals at Superfund sites in North Carolina. Environ Int 101:19-26. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2016.10.006 PMID:28153528 PMCID:PMC5351294
  • Tomlinson MS, Bommarito P, Martin EM, Smeester L, Fichorova RN, Onderdonk AB, Kuban KC, O'Shea TM, Fry RC. 2017. Microorganisms in the human placenta are associated with altered CpG methylation of immune and inflammation-related genes. PLoS One 12:13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0188664 PMID:29240761 PMCID:PMC5730116
  • Venkatratnam A, Furuya S, Kosyk O, Gold A, Bodnar WM, Konganti K, Threadgill DW, Gillespie DA, Aylor DL, Wright FA, Chiu WA, Rusyn I. 2017. Editor's Highlight: Collaborative Cross mouse population enables refinements to characterization of the variability in toxicokinetics of trichloroethylene and provides genetic evidence for the role of PPAR pathway in its oxidative metabolism. Toxicol Sci 158(1):48-62. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfx065 PMID:28369613
  • Vora NL, Smeester L, Boggess K, Fry RC. 2017. Investigating the role of fetal gene expression in preterm birth. Reprod Sci 24:824-828. doi:10.1177/1933719116670038 PMID:27678095
  • Zhang G, Roell K, Truong L, Tanguay RL, Reif DM. 2017. A data-driven weighting scheme for multivariate phenotypic endpoints recapitulates zebrafish developmental cascades. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 314:109-117. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2016.11.010 PMID:27884602 PMCID:PMC5224523
  • Zhou Y, Cichocki JA, Soldatow VY, Scholl EH, Gallins P, Jima DD, Yoo HS, Chiu WA, Wright FA, Rusyn I. 2017. Editor's highlight: comparative dose-response analysis of liver and kidney transcriptomic effects of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene in B6C3F1 mouse. Toxicol Sci 160(1):95-110. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfx165 PMID:28973375 PMCID:PMC5837274


  • Adrion AC, Nakamura J, Shea D, Aitken MD. 2016. Screening nonionic surfactants for enhanced biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons remaining in soil after conventional biological treatment. Environ Sci Technol 50(7):3838-3845. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b05243 PMID:26919662 PMCID:PMC4973855
  • Adrion AC, Singleton D, Nakamura J, Shea D, Aitken MD. 2016. Improving polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon biodegradation in contaminated soil through low-level surfactant addition after conventional bioremediation. Environ Eng Sci 33(9):659-670. doi:10.1089/ees.2016.0128 PMID:27678476 PMCID:PMC5031096
  • Bailey KA, Smith AH, Tokar EJ, Graziano JH, Kim KW, Navasumrit P, Ruchirawat K, Thiantanawat A, Suk WA, Fry RC. 2016. Mechanisms underlying latent disease risk associated with early-life arsenic exposure: current research trends and scientific gaps. Environ Health Perspect 124(2):170-175. doi:10.1289/ehp.1409360 PMID:26115410 PMCID:PMC4749078
  • Bassig BA, Zhang L, Vermeulen R, Tang X, Li G, Hu W, Guo W, Purdue MP, Yin S, Rappaport SM, Shen M, Ji Z, Qiu C, Ge Y, Hosgood H, Reiss B, Wu B, Xie Y, Li L, Yue F, Freeman LB, Blair AE, Hayes RB, Huang H, Smith MT, Rothman N, Lan Q. 2016. Comparison of hematological alterations and markers of B-cell activation in workers exposed to benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. Carcinogenesis 37(7):692-700. doi:10.1093/carcin/bgw053 PMID:27207665 PMCID:PMC4936387
  • Bommarito P, Fry RC. 2016. Developmental windows of susceptibility to inorganic arsenic: a survey of current toxicologic and epidemiologic data. Toxicol Res (Camb) 5:1503-1511. doi:10.1039/c6tx00234j
  • Brooks SA, Martin EM, Smeester L, Grace MR, Boggess K, Fry RC. 2016. miRNAs as common regulators of the transforming growth factor (TGF)-β pathway in the preeclamptic placenta and cadmium-treated trophoblasts: Links between the environment, the epigenome and preeclampsia. Food Chem Toxicol 98(PtA):50-57. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2016.06.023 PMID:27375191 PMCID:PMC5156314
  • Chappell G, Silva GO, Uehara T, Pogribny IP, Rusyn I. 2016. Characterization of copy number alterations in a mouse model of fibrosis-associated hepatocellular carcinoma reveals concordance with human disease. Cancer Med 5(3):574-585. doi:10.1002/cam4.606 PMID:26778414 PMCID:PMC4799957
  • Chitforoushzadeh Z, Ye Z, Sheng Z, LaRue S, Fry RC, Lauffenburger DA, Janes KA. 2016. TNF-insulin crosstalk at the transcription factor GATA6 is revealed by a model that links signaling and transcriptomic data tensors. Sci Signal 9(431):ra59. doi:10.1126/scisignal.aad3373 PMID:27273097 PMCID:PMC4914393
  • Cichocki JA, Guyton KZ, Guha N, Chiu WA, Rusyn I, Lash LH. 2016. Target organ metabolism, toxicity, and mechanisms of trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene: key similarities, differences, and data gaps. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 359(1):110-123. doi:10.1124/jpet.116.232629 PMID:27511820 PMCID:PMC5034707
  • Cote I, Andersen ME, Ankley GT, Barone S, Birnbaum LS, Boekelheide K, Bois FY, Burgoon LD, Chiu WA, Crawford-Brown D, Crofton K, DeVito MJ, Devlin RB, Edwards SW, Guyton KZ, Hattis D, Judson RS, Knight D, Krewski D, Lambert J, Maull EA, Mendrick D, Paoli GM, Patel CJ, Perkins EJ, Poje G, Portier CJ, Rusyn I, Schulte PA, Simeonov A, Smith MT, Thayer KA, Thomas RS, Thomas R, Tice RR, Vandenberg JJ, Villeneuve DL, Wesselkamper SC, Whelan M, Whittaker C, White R, Xia M, Yauk C, Zeise L, Zhao J, DeWoskin RS. 2016. The next generation of risk assessment multi-year study-highlights of findings, applications to risk assessment, and future directions. Environ Health Perspect 124(11):1671-1682. doi:10.1289/ehp233 PMID:27091369 PMCID:PMC5089888
  • Drobna Z, Martin EM, Kim K, Smeester L, Bommarito P, Rubio-Andrade M, Garcia-Vargas GG, Styblo M, Zou F, Fry RC. 2016. Analysis of maternal polymorphisms in arsenic (+3 oxidation state)-methyltransferase AS3MT and fetal sex in relation to arsenic metabolism and infant birth outcomes: Implications for risk analysis. Reprod Toxicol 61:28-38. doi:10.1016/j.reprotox.2016.02.017 PMID:26928318 PMCID:PMC4970429
  • Gmeiner WH, Gearhart PJ, Pommier Y, Nakamura J. 2016. F10 cytotoxicity via topoisomerase I cleavage complex repair consistent with a unique mechanism for thymineless death. Future Oncol 12(19):2183-2188. doi:10.2217/fon-2016-0127 PMID:27333295
  • Grimm FA, Iwata Y, Sirenko O, Chappell G, Wright FA, Reif DM, Braisted JA, Gerhold D, Yeakley JM, Shepard P, Seligmann B, Roy T, Boogaard PJ, Ketelslegers HB, Rohde A, Rusyn I. 2016. A chemical-biological similarity-based grouping of complex substances as a prototype approach for evaluating chemical alternatives. Green Chem 18(16):4407-4419. doi:10.1039/c6gc01147k PMID:28035192 PMCID:PMC5179981
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  • Serre ML, Christakos G, Li H, Miller CT. 2003. A BME solution of the inverse problem for saturated groundwater flow. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 17(6):354-369.
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  • Christakos G, Serre ML. 2000. BME analysis of spatiotemporal particulate matter distributions in North Carolina. Atmos Environ (1994) 34(20):3393-3406.
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  • Christakos G, Serre ML, Demyanov VV, Timonin V, Kanevski VM, Savelieva EA, Chernov S. 2000. BME analysis of neural network residual data from Chernobyl fallout: Bayesian and non-Bayesian approaches. In: Proceedings of GeoEnv2000 (3rd European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications).
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  • Demyanov VV, Kanevski VM, Savelieva EA, Chernov S, Timonin V, Christakos G, Serre ML. 2000. Neural network residual BME analysis of Chernobyl fallout-Part I: Analysis and modelling of non-linear trends in soft data using neural networks. In: Proceedings of GeoEnv2000 (3rd European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications).
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  • Kovitz JL, Christakos G, Serre ML. 2000. BME analysis of space/time distributions of PM10 over California. In: Proceedings of ISEA (International Society of Exposure Analysis).
  • Lin P, Sangaiah R, Ranasinghe A, Upton PB, La DK, Gold A, Swenberg JA. 2000. Formation of quinonoid-derived protein adducts in the liver and brain of Sprague-Dawley rats treated with 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl. Chem Res Toxicol 13(8):710-718. PMID:10956058
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  • Serre ML, Christakos G, Demyanov VV, Kanevski VM, Savelieva EA, Chernov S, Timonin V. 2000. Neural network residual BME analysis of Chernobyl fallout-Part II: Analysis of the soft data residual using the BME method. In: Proceedings of GeoEnv2000 (3rd European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications).
  • Serre ML, Christakos G, Howes J. 2000. Powering an Egyptian air quality information system with the BME space/time analysis toolbox. In: Proceedings of GeoEnv2000 (3rd European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications).
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  • Christakos G, Hristopulos D, Serre ML. 1999. BME studies of stochastic differential equations representing physical laws-Part I. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology. pp.63-68.
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  • Hristopulos D, Christakos G. 1999. Renormalization group analysis of permeability scaling. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 13:131-160.
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