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Project Publications: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: A Holistochastic Approach to Human Exposure Assessment

Superfund Research Program

A Holistochastic Approach to Human Exposure Assessment

Project Leader: George Christakos
Grant Number: P42ES005948
Funding Period: 1995 - 2006

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  • De Nazelle A, Arunachalam S, Serre ML. 2010. Bayesian maximum entropy integration of ozone observations and model predictions: an application for attainment demonstration in North Carolina. Environ Sci Technol 44:5707-5713. doi:10.1021/es100228w PMID:20590110 PMCID:PMC2912419


  • Carter G, Serre ML, Akita Y. 2007. Spatiotemporal nonattainment assessment of surface water tetrachloroethylene in New Jersey. J Environ Qual 36(2):508-520. PMID:17332255


  • Olea RA, Christakos G. 2005. Duration of urban mortality for the 14th-century black death epidemic. Human Biology 77(3):291-303. PMID:16392633


  • Christakos G. 2004. A sociological approach to the state of stochastic hydrogeologys. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 18(4):274-277.
  • Christakos G, Kolovos A, Serre ML, Vukovich F. 2004. Total ozone mapping by integrating databases from remote sensing instruments and empirical models. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 42(5):991-1008.
  • Douaik A, Van Meirvenne M, Toth T, Serre ML. 2004. Space-time mapping of soil salinity using probabilistic bayesian maximum entropy. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 18(4):219-227.
  • Kolovos A, Christakos G, Hristopulos D, Serre ML. 2004. Methods for generating non-separable spatiotemporal covariance models with potential environmental applications. Adv Water Resour 27(8):815-830.
  • Kovitz JL, Christakos G. 2004. Assimilation of fuzzy data by the BME method. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 18(2):79-90.
  • Kovitz JL, Christakos G. 2004. Spatial statistics of clustered data. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 18(3):147-166.
  • Law DG, Serre ML, Christakos G, Leone PA, Miller WC. 2004. Spatial analysis and mapping of sexually transmitted diseases to optimise intervention and prevention strategies. Sex Transm Infect 80(4):294-299. PMID:15295129
  • Savelieva EA, Demyanov VV, Kanevski MF, Serre ML, Christakos G. 2004. BME application for uncertainty assessment of the Chernobyl fallouts. Geoderma 128(3-4):312-324.


  • Choi K, Serre ML, Christakos G. 2003. Efficient mapping of California mortality fields at different spatial scales. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 13(2):120-133. PMID:12679792
  • Christakos G. 2003. Another look at the conceptual fundamentals of porous media upscaling. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 17(5):276-290.
  • Christakos G. 2003. Critical conceptualism in environmental modeling and prediction. Environ Sci Technol 37(20):4685-4693. PMID:14594379
  • Christakos G. 2003. Soil behaviour under dynamic loading conditions: experimental procedures and statistical trends. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 17(3):175-190.
  • Christakos G. 2003. The role of conceptual framworks in hydrologic research and development. In: Calibration & Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: A Few Steps Closer to Reality. IAHS Publishing, 277 Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. pp.277-285.
  • Christakos G, Kolovos A, Serre ML, Vukovich F. 2003. Generating high spatial resolution analyses of SBUV stratospheric ozone for calculating the tropospheric ozone residual (TOR). In: Proceedings of the IEEE/IGARRA, 21-25 July. Toulouse, France.
  • Kolovos A, Christakos G, Serre ML, Hristopulos D. 2003. Representations of Non-Separable Spatiotemporal Covariance Models. In: Proceedings of the AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, December 8-12. San Francisco, CA.
  • Law DG, Serre ML, Christakos G, Leone PA, Miller WC. 2003. Analyzing and Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Sexually Transmitted Diseases for Public Health Intervention. In: Proceedings of the Congress of the international Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research, July 27-30. Ottawa, Canada.
  • Law DG, Serre ML, Leone PA, Miller WC. 2003. Spatiotemporal changes in chlamydial infection patterns and persistence of "the core". In: Proceedings of the Congress of the international Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research, July 27-30. Ottawa, Canada.
  • Lee SJ, Serre ML, Christakos G. 2003. Integrating soil pH as a risk factor in the spatial mapping of arsenic distributions in New England groundwater. In: Proceedings of the Superfund Basic Research Program Annual Meeting: Integration Perspectives, November 9-12, 2003. Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.
  • Mountcastle SB, Serre ML, Ryder RW, Weir SS. 2003. A geographic analysis of high STI Transmission aresa in Cumberland County, North Carolina. In: Proceedings of the Congress of the international Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research, July 27-30. Ottawa, Canada.
  • Savelieva EA, Demyanov VV, Kanevski VM, Serre ML, Christakos G. 2003. BME application for uncertainty assessment of the Chernobyl Fallouts. In: Proceedings Pedometrics 2003, the 5th Conference of the Provisional Commission on Pedometrics of the International Union of Soil Sciences, "Applications of Pedometrics", September 10-12. Reading, United Kingdom.
  • Serre ML, Christakos G. 2003. Efficient BME estimation of subsurface hydraulic properties using measurements of water table elevation in unidirectional flow. In: Calibration & Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: A Few Steps Closer to Reality. IAHS Publishing, 277 Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. pp.321-327.
  • Serre ML, Christakos G, Kolovos A, Vukovich F. 2003. Imaging ozone distributions across space-time using satellite data and physical information. In: Proceedings of the AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, December 8-12. San Francisco, CA.
  • Serre ML, Kolovos A, Christakos G, Modis K. 2003. An application of the holistochastic human exposure methodology to naturally occurring arsenic in Bangladesh drinking water. Risk Anal 23(3):515-528. PMID:12836844


  • Christakos G. 2002. On a deductive logic-based spatiotemporal random field theory. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics 66:54-65.
  • Christakos G. 2002. On the assimilation of uncertain physical knowledge bases: Bayesian and non-Bayesian techniques. Adv Water Resour 25(8-12):1257-1274.
  • Christakos G. 2002. The study of uncertainty in life support systems. In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. UNESCO, London, United Kingdom.


  • Christakos G. 2001. Stochastic modelling in human exposure. In: Encyclopedia of Environmetrics. J. Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, United Kingdom. pp.1290-1296.
  • Christakos G, Serre ML, Demyanov VV, Kanevski VM, Savelieva EA, Chernov S, Timonin V. 2001. BME analysis of Neural network residual data from the Chernobyl fallout: Bayesian and Non-Bayesian approaches. In: Geostatistics for Environmental Applications. Kluwer Academy Publications, Dordrecht, Netherlands. pp.509-510.
  • Christakos G, Serre ML, Kovitz JL. 2001. BME representations of particulate matter in the state of California. J Geophys Res Atmos 106(D9):9717-9732.
  • D'Or D, Bogaert P, Christakos G. 2001. Applications of BME to soil texture mapping. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 15(1):87-100.
  • Hristopulos D, Christakos G. 2001. Practical calculation of non-Gaussian multivariate moments in BME analysis. Math Geol 33(5):543-568.
  • Serre ML, Christakos G, Howes J, Gamal A. 2001. Powering an Egyptian air quality information system with the BME space/time analysis toolbox: Results from the Cairo baseline year study. In: Geostatistics for Environmental Applications. Kluwer Academy Publications, Dordrecht, Netherlands. pp.91-100.


  • Christakos G, Hristopulos D, Bogaert P. 2000. On the physical geometry concept at the basis of space/time geostatistical hydrology. Adv Water Resour 23(8):799-810.
  • Christakos G, Hristopulos D, Kolovos A. 2000. Stochastic flowpath analysis of multiphase flow in random porous media. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 60:1520-1542.
  • Christakos G, Papanicolaou V. 2000. Norm-dependent covariance permissibility of weakly homogeneous spatial random fields. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 14(6):471-478.
  • Christakos G, Serre ML. 2000. BME analysis of spatiotemporal particulate matter distributions in North Carolina. Atmos Environ (1994) 34(20):3393-3406.
  • Christakos G, Serre ML. 2000. Spatiotemporal analysis of environmental exposure-health effect associations. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 10(2):168-187. PMID:10791598
  • Christakos G, Serre ML, Demyanov VV, Timonin V, Kanevski VM, Savelieva EA, Chernov S. 2000. BME analysis of neural network residual data from Chernobyl fallout: Bayesian and non-Bayesian approaches. In: Proceedings of GeoEnv2000 (3rd European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications).
  • D'Or D, Bogaert P, Christakos G. 2000. Application of BME to soil texture mapping. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 15(1):87-100.
  • Demyanov VV, Kanevski VM, Savelieva EA, Chernov S, Timonin V, Christakos G, Serre ML. 2000. Neural network residual BME analysis of Chernobyl fallout-Part I: Analysis and modelling of non-linear trends in soft data using neural networks. In: Proceedings of GeoEnv2000 (3rd European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications).
  • Kovitz JL, Christakos G, Serre ML. 2000. BME analysis of space/time distributions of PM10 over California. In: Proceedings of ISEA (International Society of Exposure Analysis).
  • Serre ML, Christakos G, Demyanov VV, Kanevski VM, Savelieva EA, Chernov S, Timonin V. 2000. Neural network residual BME analysis of Chernobyl fallout-Part II: Analysis of the soft data residual using the BME method. In: Proceedings of GeoEnv2000 (3rd European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications).
  • Serre ML, Christakos G, Howes J. 2000. Powering an Egyptian air quality information system with the BME space/time analysis toolbox. In: Proceedings of GeoEnv2000 (3rd European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications).


  • Bogaert P, Serre ML, Christakos G. 1999. Efficient computational BME analysis of non-gaussian data in terms of transformation functions. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology. pp.57-62.
  • Christakos G. 1999. Review of "GeoEnvi-Geostatistics for Environmental Applications," by A. Soares, J. Gomez-Hernandez and R. Froidevaux (eds.). Environmental Geosciences 6:1-4.
  • Christakos G, Hristopulos D, Serre ML. 1999. BME studies of stochastic differential equations representing physical laws-Part I. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology. pp.63-68.
  • Christakos G, Kolovos A. 1999. A study of the spatiotemporal health impacts of ozone exposure. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 9:322-335. PMID:10489157
  • Hristopulos D, Christakos G. 1999. Renormalization group analysis of permeability scaling. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 13:131-160.
  • Hristopulos D, Christakos G, Serre ML. 1999. Implementation of a space transform approach for solving the three-dimensional flow equation. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 20:619-647.
  • Serre ML, Christakos G. 1999. BME studies of stochastic differential equations representing physical laws -part II. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology. pp.93-98.
  • Serre ML, Christakos G. 1999. Modern geostatistics: computational BME in the light of uncertain physical knowledge--the Equus Beds study. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 13:1-26.


  • Cassiani G, Christakos G. 1998. Analysis and estimation of spatial non-homogeneous natural processes using secondary information. Math Geol 30(1):57-76.
  • Christakos G. 1998. Multi-point BME space/time mapping of environmental variables. In: Computational Methods in Water Resources, XII(2): Computational Methods in Surface and Groundwater Transport. Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, United Kingdom. pp.289-296.
  • Christakos G. 1998. Spatiotemporal information systems in soil and environmental sciences. Geoderma 85:141-179.
  • Christakos G, Hristopulos D. 1998. Stochastic indicator analysis of contaminated sites. Journal of Applied Probability 34(4):988-1008.
  • Christakos G, Hristopulos D, Li X. 1998. Multiphase flow in heterogeneous porous media: a stochastic differential geometry viewpoint. Water Resour Res 34(1):93-102.
  • Christakos G, Li X. 1998. Bayesian maximum entropy analysis and mapping: A farewell to Kriging estimators?. Math Geol 30(4):435-462.
  • Christakos G, Vyas VM. 1998. A composite spatiotemporal study of ozone distribution over the eastern United States. Atmos Environ (1994) 32(16):2845-2857.
  • Christakos G, Vyas VM. 1998. A novel method for studying population health impacts of spatiotemporal ozone distribution. Soc Sci Med 47(8):1051-1066. PMID:9723851


  • Bogaert P, Christakos G. 1997. Spatiotemporal analysis and processing of thermometric data over Belgium. J Geophys Res Atmos 102(D22):831-846.
  • Bogaert P, Christakos G. 1997. Stochastic analysis of spatiotemporal solute content measurements using a regressive model. Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics 11(4):267-295.
  • Christakos G. 1997. Stochastic Radon operators in porous media hydrodynamics. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics LV:89-112.
  • Christakos G, Lai J. 1997. A study of the breast cancer dynamics in North Carolina. Soc Sci Med 45(10):1503-1517. PMID:9351140
  • Hristopulos D, Christakos G. 1997. A variational calculation of the effective fluid permeability of heterogeneous media. Physical Review A 55:7288-7298.
  • Hristopulos D, Christakos G. 1997. An analysis of hydraulic conductivity upscaling. Proc. Sec. World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 30(8):4979-4984.
  • Hristopulos D, Christakos G. 1997. Diagrammatic theory of nonlocal effective hydraulic conductivity. Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics 11:369-395.
  • Vyas VM, Christakos G. 1997. Spatiotemporal analysis and mapping of sulfate deposition data over the conterminous U.S.A. Atmos Environ (1994) 31:3623-3633.


  • Christakos G, Bogaert P. 1996. Spatiotemporal analysis of springwater ion processes derived from measurements at the Dyle Basin in Belgium. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 34(3):626-642.
  • Christakos G, Hristopulos D. 1996. Characterization of atmospheric pollution by means of stochastic indicator parameters. Atmos Environ (1994) 30(22):3811-3823.
  • Christakos G, Hristopulos D. 1996. Stochastic indicators for waste site characterization. Water Resour Res 32(8):2563-2578.
  • Christakos G, Raghu VR. 1996. Dynamic stochastic estimation of physical variables. Math Geol 28(3):341-365.
  • Oliver LD, Christakos G. 1996. Boundary condition sensitivity analysis of the stochastic flow equation. Adv Water Resour 19(2):109-120.


  • Christakos G, Hristopulos D, Miller CT. 1995. Stochastic diagrammatic analysis of groundwater flow in heterogeneous soils. Water Resour Res 31(7):1687-1703.
  • Oliver LD, Christakos G. 1995. Diagrammatic solutions for hydraulic head moments in 1-D and 2-D Bounded domains. Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics 9:269-296.


  • Christakos G. 1991. A theory of spatiotemporal random fields and its application to space-time data processing. IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern 21(4):861-875.
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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024