Superfund Research Program
Mathematical and Statistical Analysis and Modeling Core
Project Leader: Cass T. Miller
Grant Number: P42ES005948
Funding Period: 2000 - 2011
Project-Specific Links
- Li H, Farthing MW, Dawson CN, Miller CT. 2007. Local discontinuous galerkin approximations of Richards' Equation. Adv Water Resour 30(3):555-575.
- McClure JE, Adalsteinsson D, Pan C, Gray WG, Miller CT. 2007. Approximation of interfacial properties in multiphase porous medium systems. Adv Water Resour 30(3):354-365.
- Pan C, Dalla E, Franzosi D, Miller CT. 2007. Pore-scale simulation of entrapped non-aqueous phase liquid dissolution. Adv Water Resour 30(3):623-640.
- Farthing MW, Kees CE, Jenkins EW, Miller CT. 2006. An evaluation of linearly implicit time discretization methods for approximating Richards' Equation. Chapter 218in: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XVI), June 19-22. Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Farthing MW, Kees CE, Russell TF, Miller CT. 2006. An ELLAM approximation for advective dispersive transport with nonlinear sorption. Adv Water Resour 29(5):657-75.
- Farthing MW, Kees CE, Russell TF, Miller CT. 2006. An ELLAM approximation for advective- dispersive transport with nonlinear equilibrium and nonequilibrium sorption. Chapter 226in: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XVI), June 19-22. Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Gray WG, Miller CT. 2006. Thermodynamically constrained averaging theory approach for modeling flow and transport phenomena in porous medium systems: 3. Single-fluid-phase flow. Adv Water Resour 29(11):1745-1765.
- McClure JE, Adalsteinsson D, Wildenschild D, Gray WG, Miller CT. 2006. Computation of interfacial areas, common curve lengths, and interfacial curvatures from experimentally derived data. Chapter 224in: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XVI), June 19-22. Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Pan C, Luo L, Miller CT. 2006. An evaluation of lattice Boltzmann schemes for porous medium flow simulation. Computers & Fluids 35(8-9):898-909.
- Pan C, McClure JE, Gray WG, Miller CT. 2006. Lattice boltzmann simulation of non-darcy flow. Chapter 248in: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XVI), June 19-22. Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Reese JP, Long KR, Kelley CT, Gray WG, Miller CT. 2006. Simulating non-darcy flow through porous media using sundance. Chapter 148in: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XVI), June 19-22. Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Serdar B, Tornero-Velez R, Echeverria D, Nylander-French LA, Kupper LL, Rappaport SM. 2006. Predictors of occupational exposure to styrene and styrene-7,8-oxide in the reinforced plastics industry. Occup Environ Med 63(10):707-12. PMID:16757507
- Gray WG, Miller CT. 2005. Thermodynamically constrained averaging theory approach for modeling flow and transport phenomena in porous medium systems: 1. Motivation and overview. Adv Water Resour 28(2):161-180.
- Miller CT, Gray WG. 2005. Thermodynamically constrained averaging theory approach for modeling flow and transport phenomena in porous medium systems: 2. Foundation. Adv Water Resour 28(2):181-202.
- Fowler KR, Kelley CT, Miller CT, Kees CE, Darwin RW, Reese JP, Farthing MW, Reed MS. 2004. Solution of a well-field design problem with implicit filtering. Optimization and Engineering 5(2):207-234.
- Gray WG, Miller CT. 2004. Examination of Darcy's law for flow in porous media with variable porosity. Environ Sci Technol 38(22):5895-5901. PMID:15573587
- Kolovos A, Christakos G, Hristopulos D, Serre ML. 2004. Methods for generating non-separable spatiotemporal covariance models with potential environmental applications. Adv Water Resour 27(8):815-830.
- Kovitz JL, Christakos G. 2004. Assimilation of fuzzy data by the BME method. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 18(2):79-90.
- Kovitz JL, Christakos G. 2004. Spatial statistics of clustered data. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 18(3):147-166.
- Mattorano DA, Kupper LL, Nylander-French LA. 2004. Estimating dermal exposure to jet fuel (naphthalene) using adhesive tape strip samples. Ann Occup Hyg 48(2):139-146. PMID:14990435
- Pan C, Hilpert M, Miller CT. 2004. Lattice-Boltzmann simulation of two-phase flow in porous media. Water Resour Res 40(1)artno.:W01501.
- Pan C, Prins JF, Miller CT. 2004. A high-performance lattice Boltzmann implementation to model flow in porous media. Computer Physics Communications 158(2):89-105.
- Rappaport SM, Kupper LL. 2004. Variability of environmental exposures to volatile organic compounds. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 14(1):92-107. PMID:14726948
- Savelieva EA, Demyanov VV, Kanevski MF, Serre ML, Christakos G. 2004. BME application for uncertainty assessment of the Chernobyl fallouts. Geoderma 128(3-4):312-324.
- Anderson DM, McLaughlin RM, Miller CT. 2003. The averaging of gravity currents in porous media. Physics of Fluids 15(10):2810-2829.
- Dalla E, Hilpert M, Miller CT, Pitea D. 2003. Modelling the dissolution of non-aqueous phase liquid blobs in sphere packings. Ann Chim 93(7-8):631-638. PMID:12940596
- Farthing MW, Kees CE, Coffey TS, Kelley CT, Miller CT. 2003. Efficient steady-state solution techniques for variably saturated groundwater flow. Adv Water Resour 26(8):833-849.
- Farthing MW, Kees CE, Miller CT. 2003. Mixed finite element methods and higher order temporal approximations for variably saturated groundwater flow. Adv Water Resour 26(4):373-394.
- Hilpert M, Glantz R, Miller CT. 2003. Calibration of a pore-network model by a pore-morphological analysis. Transp Porous Media 51(3):267-285.
- Imhoff PT, Farthing MW, Miller CT. 2003. Modeling NAPL dissolution fingering with upscaled mass transfer rate coefficients. Adv Water Resour 26(10):1097-1111.
- Kanney JF, Miller CT, Barry DA. 2003. Comparison of fully coupled approaches for approximating nonlinear transport and reaction problems. Adv Water Resour 26(4):353-372.
- Kanney JF, Miller CT, Kelley CT. 2003. Convergence of iterative split-operator approaches for approximating nonlinear reactive transport problems. Adv Water Resour 26(3):247-261.
- Kees CE, Miller CT, Jenkins EW, Kelley CT. 2003. Versatile two-level Schwarz preconditioners for multiphase flow. Computational Geosciences 7(2):91-114.
- Serre ML, Christakos G, Li H, Miller CT. 2003. A BME solution of the inverse problem for saturated groundwater flow. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 17(6):354-369.
- Barry DA, Prommer H, Miller CT, Engesgaard PK, Brun A, Zheng C. 2002. Modelling the fate of oxidisable organic contaminants in groundwater. Adv Water Resour 25(8):945-983.
- Dalla E, Hilpert M, Miller CT. 2002. Computation of the interfacial area for two-fluid porous medium systems. J Contam Hydrol 56(1-2):25-48. PMID:12076022
- Farthing MW, Kees CE, Miller CT. 2002. Mixed finite element methods and higher order temporal approximations. Adv Water Resour 25(1):85-101.
- Hill EH, Kupper LL, Miller CT. 2002. Evaluation of path-length estimators for characterizing multiphase systems using polyenergetic X-ray absorptiometery. Soil Science 167(11):703-719.
- Kees CE, Miller CT. 2002. Higher order time integration methods for two-phase flow. Adv Water Resour 25(2):159-177.
- Kolovos A, Christakos G, Serre ML, Miller CT. 2002. Computational Bayesian maximum entropy solution of a stochastic advection-reaction equation in the light of site-specific information. Water Resour Res 38(12):1318.
- Mayer AS, Kelley CT, Miller CT. 2002. Optimal design for problems involving flow and transport in saturated subsurface systems. Adv Water Resour 25(8-12):1233-1256.
- Pan C, Hilpert M, Miller CT. 2002. Pore-scale modeling of saturated permeabilities in random sphere packings. Physical Review A 64:066702. PMID:11736308
- Pedit JA, Marx RB, Miller CT, Aitken MD. 2002. Quantitative analysis of experiments on bacterial chemotaxis to naphthalene. Biotechnol Bioeng 78(6):626-634. PMID:11992528
- Prommer H, Davis GB, Barry DA, Miller CT. 2002. Modelling the Fate of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater. In: Proceedings of the Australian National Environmental Protection Council (NEPC), Site Contamination Technical Workshop, May 13-15. Adelaide, Australia.
- Troester MA, Lindstrom AB, Waidyanatha S, Kupper LL, Rappaport SM. 2002. Stability of hemoglobin and albumin adducts of naphthalene oxide, 1,2-naphthoquinone, and 1,4-naphthoquinone. Toxicol Sci 68(2):314-321. PMID:12151627
- Hilpert M, McBride JF, Miller CT. 2001. Investigation of the residual-funicular nonwetting-phase-saturation relation. Adv Water Resour 24(2):157-177.
- Taylor DJ, Kupper LL, Rappaport SM, Lyles RH. 2001. A mixture model for occupational exposure mean testing with a limit of detection. Biometrics 57(3):681-699. PMID:11550915
- Weaver MA, Kupper LL, Taylor DJ, Kromhout H, Susi P, Rappaport SM. 2001. Simultaneous assessment of occupational exposures from multiple worker groups. Occupational Hygiene 45(7):525-542. PMID:11583655