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Project Publications: University of Louisville: Characterizing Urban- and Finer-Scale Spatial Variability for Select VOC Superfund Compounds

Superfund Research Program

Characterizing Urban- and Finer-Scale Spatial Variability for Select VOC Superfund Compounds

Project Leader: Jay Robert Turner (Washington University in St. Louis)
Co-Investigators: Steven Conrad Hankey (Virginia Tech), Russell A. Barnett, Brent James Williams (Washington University in St. Louis)
Grant Number: P42ES023716
Funding Period: 2017-2022
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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  • Yeager R, Riggs DW, DeJarnett N, Srivastava S, Lorkiewicz P, Xie Z, Krivokhizhina T, Keith RJ, Srivastava S, Browning MH, Zafar N, Krishnasamy SS, DeFilippis A, Turner JR, Rai SN, Bhatnagar A. 2020. Association between residential greenness and exposure to volatile organic compounds. Sci Total Environ 707:doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135435 PMID:31865083
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