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Project Publications: Texas A&M University: Community Engagement Core

Superfund Research Program

Community Engagement Core

Project Leader: Galen Newman
Co-Investigators: Garett Sansom, Jennifer A. Horney (University of Delaware)
Grant Number: P42ES027704
Funding Period: 2022-2027
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  • Atoba K, Newman G, Sansom G. 2023. Multi-hazard property buyouts: Making a case for the acquisition of flood and contaminant-prone residential properties in Galena Park, TX. Clim Risk Manag 41:100529. doi:10.1016/j.crm.2023.100529
  • Cai Z, Newman G, Lee J, Ye X, Retchless D, Zou L, Ham Y. 2023. Simulating the spatial impacts of a coastal barrier in Galveston Island, Texas: a three-dimensional urban modeling approach. Geomat Nat Hazards Risk 14(1):doi:10.1080/19475705.2023.2192332
  • Chang S, Wilkho R, Gharaibeh N, Sansom G, Meyer M, Olivera F, Zou L. 2023. Environmental, climatic, and situational factors influencing the probability of fatality or injury occurrence in flash flooding: a rare event logistic regression predictive model. Nat Hazards (Dordr) 116(3):3957-3978. doi:10.1007/s11069-023-05845-x PMID:37974652 PMCID:10653003
  • Gharaibeh N, Lee CB, Alhalbouni T, Wang F, Lee J, Newman G, Guneralp B, Van Zandt S. 2023. Quality of stormwater infrastructure systems in vulnerable communities: three case studies from Texas. Public Works Manag Policy 28(4):518-536. doi:10.1177/1087724x231164415 PMID:37719107 PMCID:PMC10503941
  • Hui RH, Abimbola O, Walter S, Galen N. 2023. Geodesign for multi-scalar consensus: lessons from flood adaptation pathways planning. Landsc Res Rec 11:72-84. PMID:37324360 PMCID:PMC10270704
  • Lee J, Park Y, Newman G. 2023. Twenty years of research on shrinking cities: a focus on keywords and authors. Landscape Research 48(7):884-899. doi:10.1080/01426397.2023.2201492 PMID:37974909 PMCID:10653005
  • Lee R, Newman G, Van Zandt S. 2023. Using neighborhood characteristics to predict vacancy types: comparing multi-scale conditions surrounding existing vacant lots. Environ Plan B Urban Anal City Sci 50(9):2594-2609. doi:10.1177/23998083231160542 PMID:37974590 PMCID:10653006
  • Lee R, Tao Z, Prybutok S, Jang S, Dalaijamts C, Chiu WA, Newman G. 2023. Unseen risk: Mapping contamination hazards to enhance risk perception in Galena Park, Texas. Clim Risk Manag 41:100532. doi:10.1016/j.crm.2023.100532
  • Newman G, Lee C, Van Zandt S, Ye X, Jourdan D. 2023. Toward a unifying definition and approach for quantifying urban policy performance. J Plan Educ Res 42(4):510-511. doi:10.1177/0739456x221120414 PMID:37153854 PMCID:PMC1016270
  • Sansom G, Hernandez R, Johnson J, Newman G, Atoba K, Masterson J, Davis D, Fawkes L. 2023. Evaluating the impact of proximity to reported toxic release facilities and flood events on chronic health outcomes in the city of Galena Park, Texas. Clim Risk Manag 40:doi:10.1016/j.crm.2023.100507 PMID:37975020 PMCID:10652947
  • Ye X, Du J, Newman G, Retchless D, Zou L, Ham Y, Cai Z. 2023. Developing human-centered urban digital twins for community infrastructure resilience: a research agenda. J Plan Lit 38(2):187-199. doi:10.1177/08854122221137861 PMID:37153810 PMCID:PMC10162701
  • Zhu R, Newman G, Han S, Kaihatu JM, Wang T. 2023. An adaptive toolkit for projecting the impact of green infrastructure provisions on stormwater runoff and pollutant load-a case study on the city of Galena Park, Texas, USA. Landsc Archit Front 11(2):72-87. doi:10.15302/j-laf-1-040031 PMID:38283652 PMCID:10812089


  • Du J, Ye X, Newman G, Retchless D. 2022. Network science-based urban forecast dashboard. ARIC
  • Fawkes L, McDonald TJ, Roh T, Chiu WA, Taylor RJ, Sansom G. 2022. A participatory-based research approach for assessing exposure to lead-contaminated drinking water in the Houston neighborhood of the Greater Fifth Ward. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19(13):doi:10.3390/ijerph19138135
  • Kirsch KR, Newman G, Zhu R, McDonald TJ, Xu X, Horney JA. 2022. Applying and integrating urban contamination factors into community garden sitting. J Geovis Spat Anal 6(33):doi:10.1007/s41651-022-00129-7
  • Newman G, Zhenhang C, Horney JA, Wuqi L. 2022. Reducing threats from contamination and flood damage: Restoring the Brandywine Creek Edge in Wilmington, Delaware, USA. Landsc Archit Front 10(1):PMID:37152358 PMCID:PMC10162708
  • Stone KW, Felkner M, Garza E, Perez-Patron M, Schmit C, McDonald TJ, Horney JA. 2022. Changes to timeliness and completeness of infectious disease reporting in Texas after implementation of an epidemiologic capacity program. Public Health Rep 137:679-686. doi:10.1177/00333549211009490 PMID:33930278 PMCID:PMC9257493
  • Van Zandt S, Newman G, Lee C, Jourdan D, Ye X. 2022. Engaged research: inviting residents into the scientific process. J Plan Educ Res 42(3):258-259. doi:10.1177/0739456x221105048 PMID:37151851
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025