Superfund Research Program
Gene Enhanced Remediation of Co-Contaminated Soils
Project Leaders: Christopher G. Rensing, Ian L. Pepper
Grant Number: P42ES004940
Funding Period: 1995-2005
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Hazardous Waste Sites with On-Going Research
No projects at this time.
Hazardous Waste Sites with Completed Research
Camp Navajo (Army depot) DOD site - Flagstaff, Arizona
- Project: University of Arizona: Gene Enhanced Remediation of Co-Contaminated Soils
Project Investigator: Ian L. Pepper
Research Types: Bench scale application of a new remediation technology, Collection of samples for off-site analysis
Research/Outreach: Completed
Olive Grove Dross Site - Tucson, Arizona
- Project: University of Arizona: Gene Enhanced Remediation of Co-Contaminated Soils
Project Investigator: Ian L. Pepper
Research Types: Bench scale application of a new remediation technology, Collection of samples for off-site analysis
Research/Outreach: Completed