Superfund Research Program
Community Engagement Core
Project Leader: Scott Frickel
Grant Number: P42ES013660
Funding Period: 2005-2021
Project-Specific Links
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Hazardous Waste Sites with On-Going Research
No projects at this time.
Hazardous Waste Sites with Completed Research
Centredale Manor Restoration Project - North Providence, Rhode Island
- Project: Brown University: Community Engagement Core
Project Investigator: Marcella R. Thompson, Scott Frickel
Research Types: Communication Activities, Outreach or Community Engagement, Testing or application of new GIS tools
Research/Outreach: Completed
Cranston Printworks - Fletcher, North Carolina
- Project: Brown University: Community Engagement Core
Project Investigator: Clara Sears, Scott Frickel
Research Types: Communication Activities, Outreach or Community Engagement, Testing or application of new GIS tools, Training
Research/Outreach: Completed
Fisherville Mill - Grafton, Massachusetts
- Project: Brown University: Community Engagement Core
Project Investigator: Scott Frickel
Research Types: Communication Activities, Outreach or Community Engagement, Research Translation, Training
Research/Outreach: Completed
Gorham/Textron Site, Adelaide Avenue - Providence, Rhode Island
- Project: Brown University: Community Engagement Core
Project Investigator: Scott Frickel, Clara Sears
Research Types: Communication Activities, Outreach or Community Engagement, Training
Research/Outreach: Completed
Industrial Lane Brownfields Site - Johnston, Rhode Island
- Project: Brown University: Community Engagement Core
Project Investigator: Scott Frickel
Research Types: Others, Outreach or Community Engagement
Research/Outreach: Completed
Mashapaug Pond - Providence, Rhode Island
- Project: Brown University: Community Engagement Core
Project Investigator: Scott Frickel, Clara Sears
Research Types: Others, Outreach or Community Engagement, Research Translation, Testing or application of new GIS tools, Training, Communication Activities
Research/Outreach: Completed
Narragansett Indian Tribal Greenhouse/Farm - Providence, Rhode Island
- Project: Brown University: Community Engagement Core
Project Investigator: Summer Gonsalves
Research Types: Communication Activities, Outreach or Community Engagement, Training
Research/Outreach: Completed
Narragansett Tribal Lands/Waters - Charlestown, Rhode Island
- Project: Brown University: Community Engagement Core
Project Investigator: Elizabeth Hoover, Marcella R. Thompson
Research Types: Communication Activities, Outreach or Community Engagement, Training
Research/Outreach: Completed
Peterson/Puritan Superfund Site - Lincoln/Cumberland, Rhode Island
- Project: Brown University: Community Engagement Core
Project Investigator: Marcella R. Thompson, Scott Frickel
Research Types: Communication Activities, Outreach or Community Engagement, Training
Research/Outreach: Completed