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Oregon State University: Dataset Details, ID=GSE106131

Superfund Research Program

Predicting the Toxicity of Complex PAH Mixtures

Project Leader: Robyn L. Tanguay
Co-Investigator: Lisa Truong
Grant Number: P42ES016465
Funding Period: 2009-2025
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Title: TCDD exposure in control and slincR zebrafish morphants at 48 hpf

Accession Number: GSE106131

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Repository: Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)

Data Type(s): Gene Expression

Experiment Type(s): Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing

Organism(s): Danio rerio

Summary: Background: A structurally diverse group of chemicals, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), can inappropriately activate the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and lead to adverse health effects. In the zebrafish model, repression of sox9b has a causal role in several AHR-mediated toxic responses, including craniofacial cartilage malformations; however, the mechanism of sox9b repression remains unknown. We previously identified a long non-coding RNA, slincR, which is increased (in an AHR-dependent manner) by multiple AHR ligands and is required for the AHR-activated repression of sox9b. Objective: Enhance our understanding of the signaling events downstream of AHR activation that contribute to toxic responses. To understand slincR’s role in the TCDD-induced toxicity pathway, we performed RNA-sequencing and gene ontology enrichment analysis on 48 hpf control and slincR morphants exposed to 0.1% DMSO or 1 ng/mL TCDD.

Publication(s) associated with this dataset:
  • Garcia GR, Shankar P, Dunham CL, Garcia A, La Du JK, Truong L, Tilton SC, Tanguay RL. 2018. Signaling events downstream of AHR activation that contribute to toxic responses: The functional role of an AHR-dependent long noncoding RNA (slincR) using the zebrafish model. Environ Health Perspect 126(11):117002. doi:10.1289/EHP3281 PMID:30398377 PMCID:PMC6371766
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025