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Person Details: Robert H. Hurt

Superfund Research Program

Robert H. Hurt

Brown University
School of Engineering
Barus & Holley Building
182 Hope St., Box D
Providence, Rhode Island 02912
Phone: 401-863-2685


Research Briefs


Hazardous Waste Sites

Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island

  • Brown University: Nanomaterial Design for Environmental Health and Safety



  • Shukla V, Stone A, McGrath M, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2022. Chemical degradation kinetics for two-dimensional materials in natural and biological environments - a data-driven review. Environ Sci Nano 23:doi:10.1039/d1en01171e





  • Chen P, Zhang M, Liu M, Wong IY, Hurt RH. 2018. Ultrastretchable graphene-based molecular barriers for chemical protection, detection, and actuation. ACS Nano 12:234-244. doi:10.1021/acsnano.7b05961 PMID:29165991 PMCID:PMC5780244 (in press)
  • Gray EP, Browning CL, Wang M, Gion K, Chao EY, Koski K, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2018. Biodissolution and cellular response to MoO3 nanoribbons and a new framework for early hazard screening for 2D materials. Environ Sci Nano 5(11):2545-2559. doi:10.1039/C8EN00362A
  • Kane AB, Hurt RH, Gao H. 2018. The asbestos-carbon nanotube analogy: An update. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 361:68-80. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2018.06.027 PMID:29960000 PMCID:PMC6298811
  • Rodd AL, Castilho CJ, Chaparro CE, Rangel-Mendez JR, Hurt RH, Kane AB. 2018. Impact of emerging, high-production-volume graphene-based materials on the bioavailability of benzo(a)pyrene to brine shrimp and fish liver cells. Environ Sci Nano 5(9):2144-2161. doi:10.1039/C8EN00352A
  • Toral-Sanchez E, Rangel-Mendez JR, Hurt RH, Ascacio Valdes JA, Aguilar CN, Cervantes FJ. 2018. Novel application of magnetic nano-carbon composite as redox mediator in the reductive biodegradation of iopromide in anaerobic continuous systems. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 1-11. doi:10.1007/s00253-018-9250-8 PMID:30058007










  • Hoover E, Brown P, Averick M, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2009. Teaching small and thinking large: effects of including social and ethical implications in an interdisciplinary nanotechnology course. J Nano Educ 1(1):86-95. doi:10.1166/jne.2009.013 PMID:23585917 PMCID:PMC3624993
  • Jakubek L, Marangoudakis S, Raingo J, Liu X, Lipscombe D, Hurt RH. 2009. The inhibition of neuronal calcium ion channels by trace levels of yttrium released from carbon nanotubes. Biomaterials 30(31):6351-6357. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2009.08.009 PMID:19698989 PMCID:PMC2753181
  • Lee B, Sarin L, Johnson NC, Hurt RH. 2009. A nano-selenium reactive barrier approach for managing mercury over the life-cycle of compact fluorescent lamps. Environ Sci Technol 43(15):5915-20. doi:10.1021/es9013097 PMID:19731697 PMCID:PMC3595539
  • Liu X, Vinson D, Abt D, Hurt RH, Rand DM. 2009. Differential toxicity of carbon nanomaterials in Drosophila: larval dietary uptake is benign, but adult exposure causes locomotor impairment and mortality. Environ Sci Technol 43(16):6357-63. doi:10.1021/es901079z PMID:19746737 PMCID:PMC3147226
  • Sanchez V, Pietruska JR, Miselis NR, Hurt RH, Kane AB. 2009. Biopersistence and potential adverse health impacts of fibrous nanomaterials: what have we learned from asbestos?. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol 1(5):511-529. doi:10.1002/wnan.41 PMID:20049814 PMCID:PMC2864601



  • Guo L, Liu XY, Sanchez V, Vaslet CA, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2007. A window of opportunity: designing carbon nanomaterials for environmental safety and health. Material Science Forum 544-545:511-516.
  • Guo L, Morris DG, Liu X, Vaslet CA, Hurt RH, Kane AB. 2007. Iron bioavailability and redox activity in diverse carbon nanotube samples. Chemistry of Materials 19(14):3472-3478. doi:10.1021/cm062691p
  • Jian K, Truong TC, Hoffman WP, Hurt RH. 2007. Mesoporous carbons with self-assembled surfaces of defined crystal orientation. Microporous Mesoporous Mater 108:143-151. PMID:19190761
  • Liu X, Gurel V, Morris D, Murray DW, Zhitkovich A, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2007. Bioavailability of nickel in single-wall carbon nanotubes. Advanced Materials 19:2790-96.
  • Oberdorster G, Kane AB, Klaper RD, Hurt RH. 2007. Nanotoxicology. Chapter 28 in: Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons. AK.
  • Yan A, von dem Bussche A, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2007. Tocopheryl polyethylene glycol succinate as a safe, antioxidant surfactant for processing carbon nanotubes and fullerenes. Carbon N Y 45:2463-70. PMID:19081834


  • Hurt RH, Monthioux M, Kane AB. 2006. Toxicology of carbon nanomaterials: Status, trends, and perspectives on the special issue. Carbon N Y 44(6):1028-1033. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2005.12.023
  • Jian K, Yan A, Kulaots I, Crawford GP, Hurt RH. 2006. Reconstruction and hydrophobicity of nanocarbon surfaces composed solely of graphene edges. Carbon N Y 44(10):2102-2106. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2006.03.035
  • Yan A, Lau BW, Weissman BS, Kulaots I, Yang NY, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2006. Biocompatible, hydrophilic, supramolecular carbon nanoparticles for cell delivery. Advanced Materials 18:2373-78. doi:10.1002/adma.200600838
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