Superfund Research Program
Field Services Core
Project Leader: Kirby C. Donnelly
Grant Number: P42ES004917
Funding Period: 2000-2008
Project-Specific Links
Final Progress Reports
Year: 2007 2004
The Field Services Core continues to facilitate access to environmental samples from Superfund sites in the United States. In addition, this Core supports population studies in China and Azerbaijan. In collaborations with the EPA Region 6, the Core has collected environmental media and wildlife (fish and amphibians) to supplement an ecological risk assessment at two wood preserving sites. Data from this study indicate that genotoxicity and tissue levels of contaminants in aquatic species correlate with contaminant concentrations in environmental media. In addition, protocols developed for the SBRP are being used in exposure studies funded by the ATSDR and Texas Commission for Environmental Quality in Houston and San Antonio. A third round of sampling has been conducted in EPA Region 10 on the Lower Duwamish site. Four contaminated and one reference station were used for placement of cages with coho salmon. Water and sediment quality data are being compared with tissue concentrations and DNA adducts in the salmon.