Superfund Research Program
Bioinformatics and Molecular Modeling Core
Project Leader: Stefano Monti
Co-Investigator: Sandor Vajda
Grant Number: P42ES007381
Funding Period: 2000-2021
Project-Specific Links
Final Progress Reports
Year: 2016 2004
The work of the Research Support Core was instrumental to the advancement of the program projects’ goal of elucidating the mechanisms of action and effects of multiple xenobiotic exposures. In particular, the core supported projects such as: Environmental PPARg: Agonist-Mediated Toxicity in the Developing Immune System, Mechanisms and Impacts of Dioxin Resistance in Fish, and Developmental Toxicity of non-Dioxin-like PCBs and Chemical Mixtures in the experimental design, generation, analysis, and interpretation of transcriptional profiles from animal models (mouse, killifish, zebra fish, human cell lines). Multiple manuscripts are in preparation based on the results of these analyses.
Additionally, researchers carried out a PCB-153/126 meta-analysis across multiple organisms (human, mouse, zebra and killifish) and organs (liver, brain, embryo). This study has highlighted significant similarities and differences among organisms, organs, and conditions, and a manuscript is in preparation. The study is of particular significance because it represents the integration of experiments, data, and analysis covering the projects mentioned above, and thus considerably advances the core mission of supporting project integration.
Finally, considerable progress was made in the generation of data for the Xenobiotic Perturbation Knowledge Base (XPKB), profiling more than 300 chemicals in liver cell cultures, at multiple (6) doses and time points (2), including several compounds of high relevance to the projects discussed above, as well as to the Program director, David Sherr, Ph.D. This effort, in collaboration with the Broad, generated more than 7000 expression profiles, which will be made publicly available through the CMAP/LINCS portal.