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Project Publications: Brown University: Mechanisms of Hg Adsorption and Metals Exposure from Mixed Pollutant Streams

Superfund Research Program

Mechanisms of Hg Adsorption and Metals Exposure from Mixed Pollutant Streams

Project Leader: Robert H. Hurt
Grant Number: P42ES013660
Funding Period: 2005-2009
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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  • Guo L, Liu XY, Sanchez V, Vaslet CA, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2007. A window of opportunity: designing carbon nanomaterials for environmental safety and health. Material Science Forum 544-545:511-516.
  • Guo L, Morris DG, Liu X, Vaslet CA, Hurt RH, Kane AB. 2007. Iron bioavailability and redox activity in diverse carbon nanotube samples. Chemistry of Materials 19(14):3472-3478. doi:10.1021/cm062691p
  • Jian K, Truong TC, Hoffman WP, Hurt RH. 2007. Mesoporous carbons with self-assembled surfaces of defined crystal orientation. Microporous Mesoporous Mater 108:143-151. PMID:19190761
  • Liu X, Gurel V, Morris D, Murray DW, Zhitkovich A, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2007. Bioavailability of nickel in single-wall carbon nanotubes. Advanced Materials 19:2790-96.
  • Yan A, von dem Bussche A, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2007. Tocopheryl polyethylene glycol succinate as a safe, antioxidant surfactant for processing carbon nanotubes and fullerenes. Carbon N Y 45:2463-70. PMID:19081834


  • Hurt RH, Monthioux M, Kane AB. 2006. Toxicology of carbon nanomaterials: Status, trends, and perspectives on the special issue. Carbon N Y 44(6):1028-1033. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2005.12.023
  • Jian K, Yan A, Kulaots I, Crawford GP, Hurt RH. 2006. Reconstruction and hydrophobicity of nanocarbon surfaces composed solely of graphene edges. Carbon N Y 44(10):2102-2106. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2006.03.035
  • Yan A, Lau BW, Weissman BS, Kulaots I, Yang NY, Kane AB, Hurt RH. 2006. Biocompatible, hydrophilic, supramolecular carbon nanoparticles for cell delivery. Advanced Materials 18:2373-78. doi:10.1002/adma.200600838
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025