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Project Publications: University of Iowa: The AESOP Study: Airborne Exposures to Semi-volatile Organic Pollutants

Superfund Research Program

The AESOP Study: Airborne Exposures to Semi-volatile Organic Pollutants

Project Leader: Peter S. Thorne
Co-Investigators: Andres Martinez, Rachel F. Marek
Grant Number: P42ES013661
Funding Period: 2006-2025
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  • Bullert AJ, Li X, Gautam B, Wang H, Adamcakova-Dodd A, Wang K, Thorne PS, Lehmler H. 2024. Distribution of 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB52) metabolites in adolescent rats after acute nose-only inhalation exposure. Environ Sci Technol 58(14):6105-6116. doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c09527 PMID:38547313 PMCID:11008251
  • Helm-Kwasny B, Bullert AJ, Wang H, Chimenti MS, Adamcakova-Dodd A, Jing X, Li X, Meyerholz D, Thorne PS, Lehmler H, Ankrum J, Klingelhutz AJ. 2024. Upregulation of fatty acid synthesis genes in the livers of adolescent female rats caused by inhalation exposure to PCB52 (2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl). Environ Toxicol Pharmacol doi:10.1016/j.etap.2024.104520 PMID:39067718



  • Haque E, Jing X, Bostick BC, Thorne PS. 2022. In vitro and in silico bioaccessibility of urban dusts contaminated by multiple legacy sources of lead (Pb). J Hazard Mater 8:100178. doi:10.1016/j.hazadv.2022.100178
  • Haque E, Moran ME, Wang H, Adamcakova-Dodd A, Thorne PS. 2022. Validation of blood arsenic and manganese assessment from archived clotted erythrocyte fraction in an urban cohort of mother-child dyads. Sci Total Environ 810:doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152320 PMID:34915002
  • Llanos Y, Cortes S, Martinez A, Pozo K, Pribylova P, Klanova J, Jorquera H. 2022. Local and regional sources of organochlorine pesticides in a rural zone in central Chile. Atmos Pollut Res 13:doi:10.1016/j.apr.2022.101411
  • Martinez A, Awad AM, Jones MP, Hornbuckle KC. 2022. Intracity occurrence and distribution of airborne PCB congeners in Chicago. Sci Total Environ 812:doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151505 PMID:34762940 PMCID:PMC8810667
  • Martinez A, Hua J, Haque E, Hornbuckle KC, Thorne PS. 2022. Occurrence and spatial distribution of individual polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in residential soils from East Chicago, southwest Lake Michigan. Sci Total Environ 850:157705. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157705 PMID:35931157
  • Wang H, Adamcakova-Dodd A, Lehmler H, Hornbuckle KC, Thorne PS. 2022. Toxicity assessment of 91-day repeated inhalation exposure to an indoor school air mixture of PCBs. Environ Sci Technol doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c05084 PMID:34994547
  • Zhang D, Saktrakulkla P, Marek RF, Lehmler H, Wang K, Thorne PS, Hornbuckle KC, Duffel MW. 2022. PCB sulfates in serum from mothers and children in urban and rural US communities. Environ Sci Technol doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c00223 PMID:35500099 PMCID:PMC9118556


  • Haque E, Moran ME, Thorne PS. 2021. Retrospective blood lead assessment from archived clotted erythrocyte fraction in a cohort of lead-exposed mother-child dyads. Sci Total Environ 754:142166. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142166 PMID:32920407 PMCID:PMC7686297
  • Haque E, Thorne PS, Nghiem AA, Yip CS, Bostick BC. 2021. Lead (Pb) concentrations and speciation in residential soils from an urban community impacted by multiple legacy sources. J Hazard Mater 416:
  • Haque E, Thorne PS, Nghiem AA, Yip CS, Bostick BC. 2021. Lead (Pb) concentrations and speciation in residential soils from an urban community impacted by multiple legacy sources. J Hazard Mater 416:125886. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125886 PMID:34492824 PMCID:PMC8666965
  • Lan T, Liu B, Bao W, Thorne PS. 2021. BMI modifies the association between dietary intake and serum levels of PCBs. Environ Int 156:106626. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2021.106626 PMID:34034117






  • Ampleman MD, Martinez A, DeWall J, Rawn DF, Hornbuckle KC, Thorne PS. 2015. Inhalation and dietary exposure to PCBs in urban and rural cohorts via congener-specific measurements. Environ Sci Technol 49(2):1156-1164. doi:10.1021/es5048039 PMID:25510359 PMCID:PMC4303332
  • Jones MP, Perry SS, Thorne PS. 2015. Maximum pairwise psuedo-likelihood estimation of the covariance matrix from left-censored data. J Agric Biol Environ Stat 20(1):83-99. doi:10.1007/s13253-014-0185-y
  • Koh WX, Hornbuckle KC, Thorne PS. 2015. Human serum from urban and rural adolescents and their mothers shows exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls not found in commercial mixtures. Environ Sci Technol 49(13):8105-8112. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b01854 PMID:26053216 PMCID:PMC4774248




  • Hu X, Adamcakova-Dodd A, Lehmler H, Hu D, Hornbuckle KC, Thorne PS. 2012. Subchronic inhalation exposure study of an airborne polychlorinated biphenyl mixture resembling the Chicago ambient air congener profile. Environ Sci Technol 46(17):9653-9662. doi:10.1021/es301129h PMID:22846166 PMCID:PMC3573703


  • Hu X, Adamcakova-Dodd A, Lehmler H, Hu D, Kania-Korwel I, Hornbuckle KC, Thorne PS. 2010. Time course of congener uptake and elimination in rats after short-term inhalation exposure to an airborne polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) mixture. Environ Sci Technol 44(17):6893-6900. doi:10.1021/es101274b PMID:20698547 PMCID:PMC3408216
  • Norstrom K, Czub G, McLachlan MS, Hu D, Thorne PS, Hornbuckle KC. 2010. External exposure and bioaccumulation of PCBs in humans living in a contaminated urban environment. Environ Int 36(8):855-861. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2009.03.005 PMID:19394084 PMCID:PMC2891214
  • Zhao H, Adamcakova-Dodd A, Hu D, Hornbuckle KC, Just CL, Robertson LW, Thorne PS, Lehmler H. 2010. Development of a synthetic PCB mixture resembling the average polychlorinated biphenyl profile in Chicago air. Environ Int 36(8):819-827. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2009.03.003 PMID:19375801 PMCID:PMC2888912



  • Hu D, Hornbuckle KC, Martinez A. 2008. Discovery of non-aroclor PCB (3,3'-dichlorobiphenyl) in Chicago air. Environ Sci Technol 42(21):7873-7877. PMID:19031874 PMCID:PMC2646757


  • Norstrom K, Czub B, McLachlan M, Thorne PS, Hornbuckle KC. 2007. Serum PCBs in five men from Chicago: consideration of current exposures. Discernment of dietary and inhalation exposure to PCBs from congener profiles in blood. Chapter 47(2)in: American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry Annual Meefing. Boston, MA. pp.433-436.
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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024