Superfund Research Program
Detection and Models of Toxicant Exposure
Center Director: Robert H. Tukey
Grant Number: P42ES010337
Funding Period: 2000-2023
Program Links
Title: Gene expression from cadmium treated Arabidopsis seedlings
Accession Number: GSE35869
Link to Dataset:
Repository: Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)
Data Type(s): Gene Expression
Experiment Type(s): Expression profiling by array
Organism(s): Arabidopsis thaliana
Summary: To identify genes that are up-regulated by Cd for creation of a Cd-inducible reporter line. See PMID 22283708.
Publication(s) associated with this dataset:- Jobe TO, Sung D, Akmakjian GZ, Pham AL, Komives EA, Mendoza-Cozatl DG, Schroeder JI. 2012. Feedback inhibition by thiols outranks glutathione depletion: a luciferase-based screen reveals glutathione-deficient y-ECS and glutathione synthetase mutants impaired in cadmium-induced sulfate assimilation. Plant J 70:783-795. doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.04924.x PMID:22283708 PMCID:PMC4688143