Superfund Research Program
Detection and Models of Toxicant Exposure
Center Director: Robert H. Tukey
Grant Number: P42ES010337
Funding Period: 2000-2023
Program Links
Projects and Cores funded in 2017-2022
Control of Toxin and Obesity Induced Liver Fibrosis by B Cells
Project Leader: Michael Karin
Funding Period: 2017-2023
Discovery of Protein Sensors and Switches for Detection of Environmental Toxicants
Project Leader: Geoffrey A. Chang
Funding Period: 2017-2023
Molecular Mechanisms of Heavy Metal Detoxification and Engineering Accumulation in Plants
Project Leader: Julian I. Schroeder
Funding Period: 2017-2023
Molecular and Microbial Mechanisms Leading to Triclosan Induced Liver Fibrosis
Project Leader: Robert H. Tukey
Funding Period: 2017-2023
Nuclear Receptor Mediated Epigenetic and Immune Cell Changes in Liver Fibrosis Resulting From Toxicant Exposure
Project Leader: Ronald M. Evans (Salk Institute for Biological Studies)
Funding Period: 2017-2023
The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species and the Microbiome in Toxicant Induced Liver Fibrosis
Project Leader: David A. Brenner
Funding Period: 2017-2023
Administrative Core
Project Leader: Robert H. Tukey
Funding Period: 2000-2023
Community Engagement and Urban Agriculture: Addressing Concerns About Toxicants in Soil, Water and Plants
Project Leader: Keith Pezzoli
Funding Period: 2005-2023
Genetics and Metabolomics Core
Project Leader: Pamela L. Mellon
Funding Period: 2017-2023
Research Translation: Extending the Reach of Exposure Science and Technology That Improves the Detection and Remediation of Hazardous Substances
Research Translation Coordinator: Keith Pezzoli
Funding Period: 2005-2023
Training Core: Environmental Science Training and Career Development Core
Project Leader: Pamela L. Mellon
Funding Period: 2000-2023