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University of California-San Diego: Dataset Details, ID=GSE31793

Superfund Research Program

Detection and Models of Toxicant Exposure

Center Director: Robert H. Tukey
Grant Number: P42ES010337
Funding Period: 2000-2023
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Title: Creation of an anti-inflammatory GR cistrome by TLR4 signaling

Accession Number: GSE31793

Link to Dataset:

Repository: Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)

Data Type(s): Gene Expression

Experiment Type(s): Expression profiling by array

Organism(s): Mus musculus

Summary: An unresolved molecular paradox is how the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) activates some genes while potently repressing others. We carried out genome-wide localization and expression profiling experiments in primary bone marrow-derived mouse macrophages treated with Dexamethasone in the presence or absence of LPS. Unexpectedly, we find that the anti-inflammatory GR cistrome, which is principally composed of canonical GREs colocalizing with NF- B and AP-1 co-enriched with the myeloid lineage factors C/EBP and Pu.1, is shaped by TLR4-directed chromatin dynamics, suggesting that context rather than sequence may be a critical determinant of function.

Publication(s) associated with this dataset:
  • Uhlenhaut N, Barish GD, Yu RT, Downes M, Karunasiri M, Liddle C, Schwalie P, Hubner N, Evans RM. 2013. Insights into negative regulation by the glucocorticoid receptor from genome-wide profiling of inflammatory cistromes. Mol Cell 49(1):158-171. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2012.10.013 PMID:23159735 PMCID:PMC3640846
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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024