Superfund Research Program
Detection and Models of Toxicant Exposure
Center Director: Robert H. Tukey
Grant Number: P42ES010337
Funding Period: 2000-2023
Program Links
Title: Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Camp-Dependent Protein Kinase Complexed With Balanol Analog 2
Accession Number: 1RE8
Link to Dataset:[Accession]
Repository: Protein Data Bank (PDB)
Data Type(s): Protein Structure
Experiment Type(s): X-Ray diffraction
Organism(s): Mus musculus
Summary: Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Camp-Dependent Protein Kinase Complexed With Balanol Analog 2
Publication(s) associated with this dataset:- Akamine P, Madhusudan, Brunton LL, Ou HD, Canaves JM, Xuong N, Taylor SS. 2004. Balanol analogues probe specificity determinants and the conformational malleability of the cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit. Biochemistry 43(1):85-96. doi:10.1021/bi035042p PMID:14705934