Superfund Research Program
Detection and Models of Toxicant Exposure
Center Director: Robert H. Tukey
Grant Number: P42ES010337
Funding Period: 2000-2023
Program Links
Title: Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Dimeric Abscisic Acid (Aba) Receptor Pyrabactin Resistance 1 (Pyr1) With Aba-Bound Closed-Lid And Aba-Free Open-Lid Subunits
Accession Number: 3K3K
Link to Dataset:[Accession]
Repository: Protein Data Bank (PDB)
Data Type(s): Protein Structure
Experiment Type(s): X-Ray diffraction
Organism(s): Arabidopsis thaliana
Summary: Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Dimeric Abscisic Acid (Aba) Receptor Pyrabactin Resistance 1 (Pyr1) With Aba-Bound Closed-Lid And Aba-Free Open-Lid Subunits
Publication(s) associated with this dataset:- Nishimura N, Schroeder JI, Getzoff ED, Cutler SR, Hitomi C, Rambo RP, Arvai AS, Hitomi K. 2009. Structural mechanism of abscisic acid binding and signaling by dimeric PYR1. Science 326(5958):1373-1379. doi:10.1126/science.1181829 PMID:19933100 PMCID:PMC2835493