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News Items: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Superfund Research Program

NDMA and DNA Alkylation Repair in the Liver: Impact of Gene-Environment Interactions on Cellular Responses, Mutations and Cancer

Project Leader: Bevin P. Engelward
Co-Investigator: Leona D. Samson
Grant Number: P42ES027707
Funding Period: 2017-2022
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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News Items List

  • Three-Dimensional Cell Model Enhances DNA Damage Testing
    Research Brief - June 2020
    Superfund Research Program (SRP) Center scientists developed a new platform, known as the SpheroidChip analysis method, to rapidly test for DNA damage in three-dimensional (3D) cell models. Development was led by Bevin Engelward, Sc.D., at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • New quick screen for different types of DNA damage
    Paper of the Month - February 2020
    NIEHS grantees developed a new screening method that can detect a broad range of DNA damage in cells. According to the authors, this new method fills a gap in DNA damage testing and could make chemical safety testing faster, easier, and more accurate.
  • New tool rapidly evaluates chemical effects on cells
    Paper of the Month - April 2019
    NIEHS grantees have developed a new toxicity test that can measure the effects of chemicals on cell survival. The tool is much faster than the gold standard cell survival tool and more sensitive than other rapid cell toxicity tests.
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