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Final Progress Reports: University of Iowa: Research Support Core: Synthesis Core

Superfund Research Program

Research Support Core: Synthesis Core

Project Leader: Hans-Joachim Lehmler
Co-Investigator: Xueshu Li
Grant Number: P42ES013661
Funding Period: 2006-2025
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Final Progress Reports

Year:   2019  2014  2009 

The Synthesis Core is responsible for providing Iowa SRP Center researchers with well-authenticated test compounds and analytical standards. Many of these need to be custom synthesized because they are not available from commercial sources. Test compounds with well-documented purity were supplied for studies of the metabolism of lower chlorinated PCBs in cells in culture, to develop methods for the analysis of PCB sulfates in human urine and serum samples, and for experiments investigating the interconversion of PCB metabolites in plants. Moreover, the Synthesis Core provided 52 methoxylated PCB (MeO-PCB) standards to the Analytical Core. These compounds were used to develop a GC-MS/MS method for the quantification of 124 hydroxylated PCBs (as MeO-PCBs after derivatization). A PCB mixture composed of Aroclor 1242 and PCB11 was prepared for an inhalation toxicity study. The Synthesis Core provided diazomethane, a derivatization reagent for the analysis of hydroxylated PCBs, to support the analysis of PCB metabolites in cell culture, animal, and human samples. The Core also shared compounds with researchers at other institutions in the United States. These compounds enable cutting edge investigations of the myriad effects of PCBs. In addition, the Synthesis Core synthesized a series of methoxylated, hydroxylated, and sulfated PCB 28 metabolites. These metabolites were requested by Iowa SRP Center researchers to study the effects of this congener on the adolescent brain and adipogenesis.

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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024