Superfund Research Program
Hazardous Waste Risk and Remediation in the Southwest
Center Director: Raina M. Maier
Grant Number: P42ES004940
Funding Period: 1990-2025
Program Links
Projects and Cores funded in 2010-2015
Arsenic Effects on Cardiovascular Development and Disease
Project Leader: Todd D. Camenisch
Funding Period: 2010-2015
Characterization of Wind Blown Dust from Tailings and other Mining Operations in the Southwestern United States
Project Leader: Eric A. Betterton
Funding Period: 2010-2020
Critical Events in the Transformation of Human Bladder Cells by Low-Level Arsenic Exposure
Project Leader: A. Jay Gandolfi
Funding Period: 2000-2015
Determinants of Individual Variability in Arsenic Cytotoxicity
Project Leader: Walter T. Klimecki
Funding Period: 2010-2017
Epigenomic Actions of Environmental Arsenicals
Project Leader: Bernard W. Futscher
Funding Period: 2010-2015
Mass-Transfer and Mass-Flux Dynamics of Chlorinated Solvents in Heterogeneous Systems
Project Leader: Mark L. Brusseau
Funding Period: 2000-2020
Phytostablization of Mine Tailings in the Southwestern United States: Plant-Soil-Microbe Interactions and Metal Speciation Dynamics
Project Leader: Raina M. Maier
Funding Period: 2005-2020
Pulmonary Response to Toxicants in Susceptible Populations: Alterations Following In Utero and Early Postnatal Exposure
Project Leader: Robert Clark Lantz
Funding Period: 2005-2020
Role of Mineral Genesis, Dissolution, and Sorption on Arsenic Fate in Contained Waste Sites
Project Leader: Wendell P. Ela
Funding Period: 2010-2015
Administrative Core
Project Leader: Raina M. Maier
Funding Period: 2000-2025
Outreach Core to Underrepresented Groups in the US-Mexico Border Region
Project Leader: James A. Field
Funding Period: 2005-2025
Research Support Core
Project Leader: Jon Chorover
Funding Period: 2000-2015
Research Translation Core
Project Leaders: Mark L. Brusseau, Sarah Wilkinson
Funding Period: 2005-2020
Training Core
Project Leader: Todd D. Camenisch
Funding Period: 1995-2025