Superfund Research Program
Environmental, Microbial and Mammalian Biomolecular Responses to AhR Ligands
Center Director: Norbert E. Kaminski
Grant Number: P42ES004911
Funding Period: 1989-2027
Program Links
Research Briefs
- 337 - Dioxin Disrupts Liver Cells in Mice, Potential Link with Liver Disease -- Zacharewski, Nault
Release Date: 01/11/2023An NIEHS Superfund Research Program (SRP)-funded study in mice reported that exposure to a type of dioxin can alter cells in the liver, their metabolic characteristics, and how they are organized within the liver. According to the researchers, these changes in cell behavior and organization play a role in the development of dioxin-induced liver diseases, such as fibrosis and fatty liver disease.
- 312 - Improved Sequencing Method Leads to Advancements in Toxicology Research -- Zacharewski
Release Date: 12/02/2020NIEHS-funded Superfund Research Program (SRP) scientists are employing a new RNA sequencing method to assess mechanisms of toxicity on a finer and more accessible scale. Researchers in SRP grantee Tim Zacharewski's Lab at the Michigan State University (MSU) SRP Center conducted the study.